Don't try to fool me

Ahn Young was busy working when Jun came there. Ahn Young who had his gaze on the computer did not realize that Jun was there and took him as his secretary. "Please give this file to Mr. Hwang," Ahn Young stated as he lifted his head and was surprised to see Jun there. 

"Sorry," the word fell out of Ahn Young's mouth… "Sorry, Hoe Jang-nim" and he lowered his hand. 

"It's okay," Jun stated and got seated on the chair there. "I will go with this legally. I know they will not listen to me so, it is better to do the fight legally," Jun proclaimed. 

"Okay," Ahn Young answered. "If court will order then, they will not say anything to you," stated Ahn Young and gave him a tiny smile. Jun shook his head in agreement. 

"By the way, the document I gave you away did you check it with the lawyer as well?" Ahn Young questioned Jun.