"When will be your monthly evaluation?" I asked Kino and Jooha. They are standing, both of my sides like before. We're going out of school since classes are done. Like before, we agreed to eat something, somewhere to kill our time. We do this everyday and it's our bonding together

"The week after next week" Kino answered. "Have you already prepared your talents?" I asked again

"No. We're still thinking. What about you?" Jooha asked

"Next week. And I don't know what to do. This is my 1st time evaluation" I sadly said

"You know, evaluation is like our audition. Their difference is, in audition, you can showcase your talents but in evaluation, you need to think of a level up performance for them to see other sides of you and your talent" Kino explained.

"Is it solo performance or you're allowed to form a group?" Jooha asked.

"If i'm not mistaken, it is a solo performace. And even though we are allowed to form a group, no ones gonna get me as part of their groups" I said. Jooha gave me a sad smile.

Kino stopped walking as we reach the outside of our school gate "Why?" I asked him but he's looking somewhere. I traced his eyes and look where he was looking.

I gasped in shock when I saw them. Even though they were wearing a mask and a cap, I can still know them

"Angel!" Seungkwan shouted happily  while waving his both hands and jumping. I immediately went there because other students are looking at them

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I notice Kino and Jooha slightly bowed at them

"Fetching you" I heard Jeonghan oppa said

"Sorry but we have a promised schedule" Jooha said seriously. Right, we need to bond together before we went on our own schedules

"Besides, her practice starts at 4 and it's currently 3, so we still have an hour until her practice" I looked at Jooha, he sounds serious and he is really seriously, looking at Jeonghan oppa. 

Why is he so serious? The Jooha I know is a sweet and thoughtful Jooha, not serious Jooha

"Can't we move that 'promised schedule'? This is really important. More important than you and your 'promised schedule'" Jeonghan oppa said while seriously looking at Jooha. He even emphasized the word 'promised schedule' twice.

"This schedule came first. So, just wait until 4  because first come, first serve" Jooha seriously said again

Before Jeonghan oppa could open his mouth to talk, I stopped them "Stop. Jooha, go with Kino for now, i'll make it up to you tomorrow. I guess this is important since they drove their way around here" I looked at Kino and nodded

"Yah, let's just go. Angel will treat us tomorrow!" Kino said happily, trying to ease the heavy atmosphere. He held Jooha's arm and Kino guided the way.

"Lets go?" Joshua asked and I nodded. I saw Jeonghan shook his head before he entered the driver's seat. Joshua opened the door for me and he let me in first.

When we got inside the van, they took of their mask and cap so I fully recognized them all

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" Seungkwan joked, pertaining to Jooha

"Maybe her attorney?" Dk added and they both laugh while slapping each other

"Who's that?" Joshua asked beside Jeonghan who's driving

"That's Jooha, my bestfriend. He's my first friend here in Korea" I said.

"Who's the second?" Woozi asked

"Siwoon" I asnwered. Seungkwan gasped

"What about me?" Seungkwan said, acting hurt

"And me?" Dk added, acting hurt too

"Uhmmm Seventeen's my 4th friend" I said

"4th?! Who's the third?!" Seungkwan exage

"Kino" I asnwered and Seungkwan acted like he passed away and Dk catch him and started pumping his chest

"So what's that 'promised schedule' you have to attend?" Joshua oppa asked, emphasizing the word 'promised schedule'

"We agreed that before we go to our own schedules, we can spend time with each other. Bonding with friends at least an hour after school" I shrugged. Honestly,it is  Kino's idea and we just agreed

"Wait, where we going?" I asked them

"To our dorm" Woozi answered

"Why?" I asked again.

"We're going to help you for your performance on the evaluation day" Seungkwan answered. Oh? He survives? Hahahahah

I just nodded and texted Kino and Jooha to play with me since it traffic. I think there's and accident and there's a lot of vehicles since its time for the students to go home.

I called them and after 3 rings, they answered immediately then I invited them on minecraft so we can all play

"Ya! You're so stupid! It's level one so its easy!" I said irritated to Kino

"Oh my gosh! How long will you fall? Jooha can you please help him?" I said again

I heard Jeonghan peeped the car and i can see him irritated. I just shrugged it off. Maybe its the traffic

"Yah yah yah teleport teleport" I said to Jooha when I saw Kino keep on falling. We're just on the 5th level

"Oh my gosh Jooha don't push him!" I said irritated again. He's teasing Kino while pushing him out of the block

"What?!" I shouted in irritation when someone  held my shoulder. Seungkwan looked shock that I shouted at him. Gosh he's still older than me

I pulled out my earphones and face him  "Im sorry oppa, I didn't mean to shout at you" I said

"Eyyy its okay. It's just unexpected. Lets go down?" There, i notice that were in front of their dorm's building. I nodded and he leaded the way. He pressed the 8th floor and he got his phone when it ranged. He went to the corner of the elevator and answered his phone while facing the walls.

I got my phone too so I can distract myself and wont listen to their convo.

the elevator opened and we went outside.  Seungkwan punched the passcode and we went in. I saw Jeonghan, Joshua, Dk, Mingyu and Wonwoo , sitting in the sofa. I greeted them and sat beside Wonwoo oppa. 

"Where are the others?" I asked. "They bought some foods" Woozi oppa answered, He just came back from the CR

I looked at Wonwoo oppa, he seems so busy with his phone that he didn't notice me, so I sneaked and check what he's doing. I saw him playing minecraft's parkour too

"Wow you're good huh!" I commented at Wonwoo oppa. He looked at me and smiled

"Wanna play with me?" He asked and I nodded. I immediately got my phone and waited for his invitation

"Yah, who wants to play with us? Minecraft's parkour?" He announced

"Me" Joshua said and got his phone "Me too" Seungkwan added "Too me" Dk jokingly said "Of course me" Mingyu said and they all got their phones "me me me too" Woozi quickly sat. Wonwoo invited us so that we can play. 

"I saw Angel playing this earlier, she's good" Joshua said 

"Yes, she's scary when playing. She literally shout at me" Seungkwan pouted and I just laughed "Mianhae" I said again

''Eyy no one can beat the player's master" Mingyu said, pertaining to Wonwoo

"Yah, I'm hungry" Jeonghan said. No one gave him an attention because all of us are busy, trying to jump at every block

"Go get some foods then" Joshua oppa said after seconds. 

"Aish! I fell! I shouldn't have answered you" Joshua said to Jeonghan when he fell. He's actually already near to the next level but he fell. So bad. 

"Yah yah don't mind him. He doesn't know how to play this" Mingyu teased so Jeonghan oppa pouted 

"Angel! teleport us! please!" Seungkwan shouted when he saw that I got to the next level first

"Yah don't push!" Woozi shouted when Mingyu pushed him  "Hahahaha mianhae" 

"Angel where are you?" Wonwoo asked 

"Level 10" I answered. "Yah! How dare you! Teleport us!" Dk shouted. I just laugh "We're literally still here, level 7" Seungkwan said that made me laugh 

"You need to work hard. Ey control your hands!" I said to Mingyu when he kept on falling because he walks much out of the block. 

"I'm scared at her. She's shouting at me" Mingyu said and we all laughed. I looked at Jeonghan oppa and he's just playing with his hands. He looks pitiful so I exited the game "Where did you go?" Wonwoo asked 

"I'll make food. What do you want?" I asked them  "Hyung's buying them" Dk said "Ey they would probably take forever" I teased and went to the kitchen. I saw Jeonghan oppa, coming to the fridge and get himself some water

"What do you like?" I asked him without looking at him "Huh?" he asked, unsure so I looked at him "You said you're hungry, what would you like to eat?'' I asked again

"Crepe?" he asked. I nodded and prepared the ingredients. I can hear them shouting as they kept on playing. I was done preparing when they all got silence, probably they're tired from shouting

"Food's ready" I said and gave them plates with crepes and fruits 

"Woah! it looks delicious!" Woozi said. "They're gone for hours? where are they?" Seungkwan said, pertaining to the other members who went out to buy foods. I just shrugged and ate my food

"Why am I here again?"   I asked

"We're going to help you for your performance" Woozi answered "So what are we going to do?'' I asked again

"You can write a song even though like, just the 1st verse to 1st chorus part and we can do the choreography. Another is, you can sing and dance to a groups song. Example Gfriend, you like Gfriend right? You can cover their songs and you'll present that" Woozi explained

"But I already did that on my audition" I said, pertaining to my audition performance where I covered Gfriend's Rough, song and dance

"How about both? Give them the 'expect the unexpected' impact. Show them the covered song first and then they will probably think that it's plain then when they talked to you, cut them off and present your own made song and dance? We can help you write the lyrics and we can help you choreographed. Not all trainees are doing this so I think it's unique" Joshua oppa said. Everyone nodded so I agreed as well. I looked at them while they're eating their foods, I'm very lucky to have them.

"Yes! Expect the unexpected!" Seungkwan and Dk shouted and we all laughed.