"Oppa, I'm done with the lyrics and I tried singing it with the track you gave, it came out well"

[ I see, that's great! Come to our dorm later after your school so we can record the song. I'll be here in the 8th floor. take care ]

"Arraseo. Bye" I said and ended Joshua oppa's call

"Eat first" Jooha said and handed me a sandwich. Its our break time so we can do whatever we want

"Wahh Angel, you're so lucky! SVT hyungs are helping you" Kino said with an amused look

"I know that's why I need to do good and make my debut"

"Byeee!" I waved them a bye before entering the bus. I'm going home first since I don't have any clothes with me and I need to take a bath. I'm all sweaty because our last subject was PE

I punched my codes and entered my apartment. I took a bath and wore a white pants and a black off shoulder blouse and a black shoes with my white sling bag

I got my important things and went out of my apartment then locked it.

When I arrive at their building, I entered the elevator and pressed the 8th floor

I sighed before i pressed the door bell. I know Joshua oppa lived downs stairs, 6th floor but why is he here? This where Jeonghan live... I don't know if i can see him after what happened

The door opened and I was shock to see who opened it. She looked shock too and froze for a second. Were just staring at each other until Hoshi oppa talked

"Sowon noona? Who's there?" Hoshi asked and smiled when he saw me

"Angel! Come in!" Hoshi oppa said, excited

Sowon smiled at me and gave a way so that I can come in. I smiled too and went in

"What brings you here?" Hoshi asked as we enter their living room. I was shock when i saw all of the Gfriend member, sitting on the couch while they are picking some movies.

I saw Jeonghan, staring at me, using his blank expression but I avoided my gaze and looked at Sowon unnie... They're close huh? good for him.

"A-ah. Is Joshua oppa around?" I asked. He nodded and shouted "Joshua hyung!"

"Are you going somewhere?" Scoups oppa asked. I nodded "We're gonna record the song" I answered

"Then you should bring Woozi" Vernon oppa said in english. I just smiled "No its okay. Seems like you're gonna do something" I answered with english too and looked at the gfriend members

"No its okay, i think that's important. You can borrow them" Sowon said, smiling

"Borrow? we're not things!" Seungkwan said, acting hurt

"But unnie, its our bonding together. This only happens once a month" SinB said

"Don't listen to her. It must be important. We can still bond with the others" I shake both of my hands in disagreement on what Yerin unnie said

"No, I only need Joshua oppa" I said then smiled. They nodded and continue watching

I heard a door opened and close so i looked at it and saw Joshua oppa, caming out from the room while holding a black cardigan. He's wearing a white t-shirt and a white cardigan partnered with black pants and white shoes.

I looked at my outfit, we have opposite outfit. He wore white for the top and I wore black. He wore black pants and mine was white. His shoes was white and mine was black

"I know you're gonna wear that. Here, wear this" He said and handed me a white cardigan

[ A/N: Always remember that whenever Angel, Joshua and Vernon are talking, they're speaking english. But with other people and members, she speaks korean ]

"What's the point of my outfit? This is what you called fashion" I said and rolled my eyes

"Fashion fashion. Can you call that fashion when you can get sick wearing that?" He said seriously. I'm wearing a off-shoulder blouse. It's not that revealing

"Ey c'mon just wear it" Hoshi oppa said. I rolled my eyes before getting it from Joshua oppa's hand and wore it. Joshua oppa smiled and he caress my hair. I just gave him a sarcastic smile and rolled my eyes again

"We'll go now" He said and put his arm around me and dragged me. I bowed before he completely dragged me

"It won't take a long time right?" I asked. We're in the car now. He's driving one of their vans

"If you do well, it won't"

"Let's hear it?" Joshua oppa said. I nodded and he pressed a button then the music started

"How is it? Any recommendation?" He asked "I think it's okay" I answered. he nodded "Okay, it's done" I removed my head phones and went outside the room where I record

"You did really well. We only take 2 times" he said. "Thank you oppa. Big time!" he smiled at me and messed my hair "Ey it's nothing, It's actually Jeonghan's idea to help you" my smiled faded. It's his idea

"He must be happy that he's bonding with her right now" I said and smiled though it aches my heart. Duh! he's my bias! Knowing that you're bias likes someone, ouch. But like what I said, he's not mine so he can like whoever he likes

"Ofcourse he is" He round his arm again in my shoulders "It's still early, where do you wanna go?" He asked. I smiled "Amusement park?"

"OMG! this is so pretty!" I shouted. We're here at Seoul land, it's an amusement park and it's really pretty. Ofcourse, we're wearing a mask and a cap so no one notice us. The people here are not that a lot since it's only like 4:30 pm. Maybe when it's dark, people will come here

I pointed at the roller coaster "Let's ride that!" I said, excited. he smiled and nodded. When we're already seated, my heart starts to skip a beat, I'm nervous "Are you okay? we can back out?" He asked. I shook my head. I can do this

"Are you not scared?" I asked. he smiled and shook my head. Someone speaks at the speaker, telling us to get ready cause the ride's about to start. I looked at Joshua oppa when he offered his hand. I smiled and held it, took a deep breath before the ride started

I squeezed his hand as the ride went fast. I feel like, I'm going to fall so I didn't let go of his hand so that if i fall, I can bring him hehe

After the ride ended, I still didn't let go of him and pulled him towards the flowers. "Let's take some picture!" he smiled and nodded, pulling out his phone from his pocket and started taking pictures of me. After a shots, I pulled him towards the flowers "WE should take pictures!" I said, emphasizing the word 'We'

We took selfies and I asked a lady to take a picture of us, ofcourse without removing our mask and cap but we just do so pose. "You look good together" said the lady. I just smiled and thanked her and got the phone. I started to scan the pictures. She got a lot of shots

There's a shot where we did the heart sign, peace sign. There's a shot that we looked at each other too, he even round his arms around me again and there's a shot that he's looking at me while I looked at the camera with a finger heart pose

I gave him the phone and we rode some rides and eat some korean foods. We watched the fireworks at night and around 8pm, he stopped the car in front of the cafe, I'm working. It's my shift now.