"Yah! wake up!" I heard Joshua oppa's voice while shaking me "What?" I said half-awake 

"Change your clothes! You're sweating! Why did you slept while the aircon's off?" he said. I sat down the bed and he threw me a hoodie out of his closet. He opened the aircon and pointed at me

"Change your clothes" He command before going out the room. I changed my clothes and I felt my t-shirt was wet with my sweats. I looked at the digital clock beside the bed and I saw that it's already 1 am. I stood up and went outside the room. I saw them watching on tv 

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked. they look shocked as they saw me "We're going... after this"  Mingyu said and continue watching. I shrugged and went back inside the room and lay down the bed. I hugged one of the pillows and fell back asleep

I woke up when I felt someone, moving.  "Angel, remove your arm please. I can't stand up" I heard Joshua oppa said. I removed my arm, hugging him and changed my position   "Wake up. Today's the evaluation" 

"Its still early" I whispered and went back to sleep but I felt my body being lifted up. I opened my eyes in shook and realize that he's carrying me, bridal style. We went to the living room and he placed me on the sofa

"What happened to you? You look like a... mess" Seungkwan, who's chewing some bubble gum, said and pointed at my hair

"Why are you wearing Joshua's hoddie?" Jeonghan asked. Oh? Its still early, they're here already?

"Can I sleep for more? Its still early" I said and hugged the pillow beside me and close my eyes

"No you cant. Its already 10 am. You have to get ready" I heard Joshua oppa's voice. I heard a chair, pulling, in my back

"Don't you have any school?" I heard Scoups oppa, asked. "None. We're excused since they knew, we have evaluation" I answered

"Hays you should learn how to fix your hair" I heard Seungkwan said. He's in my back, sitting on the chair and brushing my hair with a comb

I tried to sleep but I can't since I can hear Seungkwan oppa, loudly chewing his gum but I stayed my eyes close

"Yah, I want to do that too" I heard Dk beside Seungkwan

"No, you get yours. I did it first. Go away" Seungkwan said

"You're so mean!" Dk said and I heard that he slapped Seungkwan's back that made him cough

I heard both of them gasped, what happened? I opened my eyes and looked at them, they're just staring at me too, still shocked

"OMG! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?!" I heard Mingyu shouted, panicking

I looked at Dk and Seungkwan oppa "What did you do?"  I asked. I stood up and went to the CR to see what happened

"AHHHRGHHHH!" I shouted as I saw a pink bubble gum, sticking on my hair

"OPPA!" I shouted and went to the living room, furious

"What did yo do? I have evaluation later and I can't go there with this" I pointed the gum, disgusted

"I'm sorry. Dk slapped my back so I spat it on your hair" he said, pouting

"I'm sorry" Dk oppa said and pouted. I rolled my eyes in frustration

"Its okay. Come here" Jeonghan said so I went to him. He made me sit at the floor while he sat on the couch. He's in my back so he's facing my hair

I felt my hair, getting cut. I shut my eyes, scared what would it look like

Jeonghan placed down my cut hair and my eyes widened on what I saw

"That's a lot" Vernon commented, amazed so i glared at him and he just shrugged

He cut almost a handful of my hair. I tried to stood up but he stopped me

"Wait. Its not done yet. The gum was big so..." he said, cutting he wanted to say but i get what he means. The gum was big so there's a big damage too

He cut a lot of my hair that made me almost cry. All the shampoos I took became a waste just because of that bubble gum

"Take a bath and let's arrange it more later" Jeonghan said. I stood up, sulky and went inside the bathroom to take a bath

"How many gums did you ate?" I heard Joshua oppa asked

"He ate two box of gums" I heard Hoshi oppa answered

What?! 2 box?!  A box contains 10 gums so that means, 20 gums?!

"I just want to make a balloon out of the gum" I heard Seungkwan oppa said. I shook my head and started taking a bath

I borrowed Joshua oppa's clothes because my clothes are upstairs and went out

"Angel, sorry" Seungkwan said, looking at the floor

"Its okay Oppa. past is past"