
"Papa! It's my graduation tomorrow. Can you come?" I asked my father through the phone with a smile. I'm keeping my hopes that he can come

[ No, I'm sorry Angel but I can't. I need to go out of the town because of our business. You understand right? Don't forget to send me pictures. Oh, bye now. I have to take a call ]

He last said before ending the call. I sighed. I expected it already but it's still hurt. He's my only family since Mom left us already. He's always busy with our business. Even when I'm still there, I always live at our house alone so I have to take care of my self.

It's my first time calling him since he barely called. It's so hard to reach him.. He even can't attend my graduation

"Hon, are you okay?" Jeonghan asked while he enters my room. I don't have any schedules today so I just stayed here at my dorm.

"Yeah" I said. He laid beside me and hugged me "It's your graduation tomorrow. Are you excited?" He asked while hugging me "Eyy ofcourse" I said, exited, to hide my sadness

"Will your papa come?" He asked "No. He's busy" I said "It's okay. we're here" he said that made me smiled. I know that but you know, it's still different when your parents will come

"Where's Joshua oppa?" I asked. He looked at me and unwrapped the hug "He's in the america right?" He said, seriously

"Ah right! I kept on forgetting!" I said and shook my head "Don't you have any schedules?" I asked him "Already done" he said seriously so I just nodded and keep the silence

I don't know why but I feel.... uncomfortable

"Oppa~" I whined as I felt my lower abdomen, hurts. I have my period now huhu. He looked at me with concern

"Can you get me hot compress? I have my period now" I said as I touch tightly my lower abdomen. It really hurts

Suck to be a girl...

He stood immediately and I saw him panicking. "H-Huh?! O-Ok-Okay, w-wait!" He said and ran out of my room.


"Angel!" Kino shouted and hugged me, Jooha too. It's our graduation now and we're heading to our classroom to see our other classmates. I saw them holding a bouquet of flowers. I smiled bitterly. That's obviously from their parents..

I wish Papa is here too....

"Yah let's go inside" Jooha said as we reach our classroom. The ceremony ended and we got our diplomas and gift but we still need to go to our classroom for our last greet for our teacher "Go ahead, I'll just check something" I said. I noticed a lot of cameras, clicking. I understand why. There's a lot of artist here in our classroom so it's normal that we have a lot of that

I tried to smile so that if ever the camera shot me, I'm smiling. But I can feel my tears, wanting to fall. I just stopped it. All of my classmates have their flowers from their parents. But I don't have mine

I felt someone, covered both of my eyes. I immediately took it and see who did it. I smiled as I identified them. Even though they wore face mask and cap, I can tell who it is

I hugged Jeonghan oppa and he kissed my forehead. I went to Joshua oppa too and hugged him "Congratulations" he whispered. I unwrapped the hug and the tears, I'm stopping earlier, started to fall.

"Congratulations Angel!" my manager said. He gave me a bouquet of flower so I hugged him. My manager really did a lot for me. He's my another bestfriend

"Why are you crying?" I heard Hoshi oppa asked. I looked at him and saw the other members. I went to them and hugged them one by one

"I thought I'll celebrate alone" I said as I wiped my tears "That won't happen. You're our little sister" Woozi oppa said and ruffled my hair

"Don't! I woke up early just to fix this" I said and fixed my hair "Seems like your make up needed to be fixed too" The8 oppa said that made us all laugh

"Angel, let's go" I heard Kino said from our room's door. "I'll be back" I said and went to our classroom

We watched a video, filled with our memories. I saw Seventeen oppas, watching me from the window, together with my manager. We talked a bit and did take some photos before we did our last greeting to our adviser

"Attention! Greet the teacher!" said our president "Thank you very much" We all said and bowed. "YOHOOO!" they all shouted as they stood up

Yes, we're now graduate

We all went outside the room and walked towards the gate "Yah yah yah! where you going? we need to take some pictures first!" Kino said and pulled me towards a tree

We, three, stood there and took some pictures. I'm standing in the center since I'm the only girl and my manager took the photos. We did some shots with our diplomas and pose song funny pose.

"Jooha! let's go!" We looked at Jooha's brother, slash our manager in the cafe as he called Jooha

"I'm going" Jooha said and kissed both of our cheeks. His older brother waved his hand to me so I smiled and waved back too

"Angel, I'll go too. Let's eat dinner outside later for our celebration! For now, it's family time!" Kino said, hyper, and hugged me before he went to his parents

I looked at SVT oppas who's waiting for me "Picture time!" Dk shouted and they all went to me and we took some pictures. I pointed my diploma and they posed as if they are shock and we heard the button clicked. I was standing at the center, beside Joshua and Jeonghan oppa.

Jeonghan wrapped his hand around my shoulder and Joshua oppa wrapped his hand around my arm and we heard the clicked button again.

After some shots, we ate outside even though we knew that we have our lunch at our dorm

"How about our lunch there?" Dino oppa asked after we ordered "Ey just eat it later. We need to celebrate" Scoups oppa said and we really did celebrate


"Congratulations Seventeen for your 7th anniversary! Fans are really exited that you guys celebrated it with your fans" The MC said. It's Seventeen oppa's 7th anniversary since debut and I'm here at the backstage. They don't know that I'm here and it's a surprise. They celebrated it with carats and I can see a lot of people

"Yes, we're really thankful to our fans who supported us through the years. Thank you very much, We love you" I heard Scoups oppa said and they crowd loudly cheered for them

"But wait, since it's your anniversary, we have a surprise for you" The MC said. everyone became quiet and the lights went dim. Their manager gave me the cake and I walked to the stage, carrying their cake with 'Happy 6th SVT!' on it and a 13 candles

"Happy birthday to you~" I sang and the fans joined me. They looked at me shock while walking towards them

We sang 'Happy birthday' since it's their 6th years after their birthday as a group

"We love you, Seventeen~ Happy birthday to you" The lights went bright again and they all clapped

"Why are you here?" Scoups oppa asked, shock

"Stop talking and make a wish before blowing the candles" I said. They all circled me and closed their eyes. everybody was silent as they make their wish and blew the candle. "Yeheyy" everyone shouted and clapped their hands

"Our gift is the cake and Angel. We all knew that you guys are close so we thought that we should invite her to surprise all of you" the MC explained and I nodded

"We're really surprised" Jeonghan, beside me said. Fans don't know that we're couple so we're limiting our actions towards each other. I guess no one noticed until the party was over. We had games and stuff with the carats and I really wish all of the best for them

"Before we end. Would you like to say something Angel?" The MC asked and handed me the mic

"Oppas, congratulations! Thank you for being here for me since I was a trainee. You're a really great help and my savior in times of need. I wish all of the best things in this world for you guys and thank you very much for everything. I love you" I said and made a heart. They made a heart too and we all grouped hugged. We lastly took a picture with the fans before the party ended


"Happy 2nd Anniversary hon" Jeonghan said and hugged me "I love you" I whispered "I love you more" I smiled and he hugged me tightly

It's been 2 years. 2 years of our relationship. I don't have any regrets. I sometimes feel empty but he's there to full-fill it

"I promise to be a good boyfriend to protect you, to love you and to care for you... You're my Angel, hon... I'll always be here for you" he said and kissed my forehead

I'll hold into your promises....

I wish this relationship last longer....

"OH! STAFF CALLED ME! SOMEONE GATE CRASHED OUR CONCERT!" Dino oppa acted and used his hand as his phone

"WHO IT IS?!" They all asked and the fans started shouting. I'm here at their concert and I came here to support them but their manager saw me and told me to show myself to them so I'm here at the backstage

"GOSH! WHO IT IS?!" Hoshi oppa exclaimed. He's really OA

My song 'Only Girl' played and I came out from the back stage and the crowed scream as they saw me

"ANGEL?!" They all asked in unison so I waved my hands

"ANGEL ANGEL ANGEL!" The crowed all cheered

"Annyeonghaseyo, Angel imnida" I said and bowed "You always gate crash our concerts huh" Hoshi oppa said

"No! your manager told me to go here so I'm here" I said and the crowed shouted again

"And you did gate crashed my concert too!" I ecxclaimed


I am on Vlive and doing a vlog here in practice room. Its my birthday. I'm waiting for my manager because I told him to buy us food to celebrate my birthday and I'm doing Vlive to thank the fans for greeting me. My manager is still not here though and I'm alone here. I don't have any group members to celebrate with and SVT and nu'est sunbaenims have schedules

"Thank you so much guys for greeting me. Also thank you for supporting me in my career. Hope to see you soon guys and stay healthy!" I waved at the camera and smiled. I read the comments that keep on popping up

"SVT oppas? No they are not here since they have schedules" I answered to the comments who kept on looking for SVT oppas because we are close. Maybe they expect me to celebrate with them. I expected that too, but probably not gonna happen. I was shock when the lights turned off

"What happened? Is it brown out?" I asked my self and found out that the vlive is still on so probably its not brown out cause i still have wifi. I looked at the door,its close. Ofcourse I always made sure to close the door.

I stand up with my phone, still doing vlive, atleast I have content now

I took a step and the door suddenly opens. "Happy birthday to you~" they sing and I saw SVT oppa wearing a birthday hat and Joshua oppa holding a cake. They kept on singing as they walk towards me. I feel awe for their efforts. I thought they have schedule? Jeonghan oppa gave me a big and pink b-day hat and i wore it

"Make a wish" Joshua oppa said. I closed my eyes and made a wish. As i open my eyes, they popped a confetti and i blew the candles

"Happy birthday angel" Jeonghan oppa is the nearest to me and greeted me. I thanked him and he hugged me and kiss my forehead. I'm still holding my camera so probably, they saw it. Other members hugged me and greeted me as well. I saw Vernon oppa holding a camera and also doing vlive in their channel

"I thought you have sched?" I asked with teary eyes

"Na. That was a lie" Hoshi oppa ruffled my hair. My manager entered the room holding the foods. Other staff came also with a lot of gifts and huge boxes

"This are from nu'est sunbaenim since they really have a schedule" another staff pointed out one of the boxes. "This 3 box are from the fans and this is from the CEO" she said and handed me a medium sized box wrapped in pink wrappers

"They are also sending their greetings and said sorry for not being able to come. They will make it up to you" she added and i just nodded

"We delivered other gifts to your dorm but this gifts are late so we're not able to bring it to your dorm" she added. I just nodded and

I got my phone and chat nu'est oppas my thankies, same as the CEO. They really spoil me since I am the only girl artist in Pledis.

"Lets eat" my manager said after he made the food ready. We had fun and talked a lot of things about me in the past. I'm really grateful that I have them. I ended up my vlive after. Then i opened my gifts. Almost all of them is wrapped in pink since they knew i love pink

Svt oppas said that their gifts are t my dorm and told me to open them later. Nuest oppas gifts are mainly clothes

I got heels and shoes too and a bag since they know i love this kind of stuff. They also wrote me letters so i collected them and placed them on my bag. My manager put all the gift in a larger box so it can easy to handle. There are 2 boxes now, earlier its 4. The larger box is from the fans and the smaller one is from nu'est oppas

CEO's gift was an iPad so i messaged him again for thankies and stuff.

This is such a wonderful day and I would like to spend my important days with them


"We're are we?" I asked my manager. I'm wearing a blindfold and my manager's guiding me to walk since I can't see "Wait a little longer. step 3 stairs" he said so I did what he said. We walked a little longer and he told me to stop

I stopped and just stood there. I can hear whispers but I can't understand what their saying. I got impatient and removed the blindfold, myself.

"Happy 4th year anniversary since debut!" they all shouted and popped a confetti

I was shock to see SEVENTEEN oppas and the fans. They really did this? I thought I can't celebrate my 4th anniversary here in kpop world because manager said I have schedule and he brought me here. Woah! what a surprise!

Jeonghan, who's holding a cake came to me and I blew the candles. Everyone clapped and cheered for my 4th year anniversary since my debut

"We promised to take care of you as your older brothers and best friend. We're always here for you no matter what and we'll never leave you and replace you because you're our favorite! Even if you're spoiled and have bad attitudes, well always understand you because you're our little sister. We accept you for who you are so we wished you to stay what you are" Seungkwan oppa said as their all message. I smiled and mouthed 'thank you'.

The party went well and we all went home, tired. I just laid down my bed and immediately fell asleep as I did a lot of schedules today.

I'm really grateful to them and I guess, I'm the luckiest Carat in the world...