After a week staying at the Philippines, we're now back in Korea and we became busy because of our fully-packed schedule. I don't have the time to see them because I have a lot of schedules. SVT oppas are on break so they don't have schedules but I have so, we can't see each other, specially Jeonghan oppa. He's busy these days, training the girls who's about the debut weeks from now on. 

I think we became really professionals on our work. We don't mix personal feelings and work so we can work better. I sometimes missed him but I know we're busy so I'm used that I didn't see him every day. We only see each other when eating at the cafeteria but since I'm busy, my manager was just picking up the food and bringing it to me. In other words, I didn't saw him this week which is fine with me since we we're together last week

Today, it's already 8 pm and CEO called us. I have an hour free time so I was able to come here at the Pledis' building although after an hour, I had to shoot for a clothing line brand

I was shook to see everyone. As in everyone. Bighit lables artist. I looked around and noticed that I'm the one who came late. I bowed at them and sat next to Sowon unnie

"We called all of you because we want you to meet our trainees who will debut weeks from now on" Our CEO said. When I say 'Our CEO' means Pledis' CEO. 

He looked outside the door and let the girls in.  My phone suddenly ranged and I was shocked. I looked around and saw that they're looking at me. I immediately got my phone out my bag and silent it  "I'm sorry" I said and bowed. I looked at my phone and it was the clothing line brand I'm about to attend later

What's his problem? I have 1 hour free time! how dare he called me. I looked in front and saw a 4 girls standing. the 3 girls was the one who bullies me before so they're familiar, except the one in white blouse and black shorts.

My phone keeps on vibrating so I turned it off "What's the matter?" Sowon unnie leaned on me and whispered  "The clothing line I'm going to attend later keeps on calling me. It's my free time so I don't know why they're calling" I said

"Maybe that's important" She answered. I just shrugged and we focused in front

"Introduce yourselves" Our CEO said

"Hi. I'm Jeon Jangmi. Nice to meet you" she said and bowed

"Hello everyone! I'm Lee Chungja! Please take a good care on us" she said and bowed too. My manager went to me and whispered to me so I couldn't hear Dahyee but I know her name so, never mind

"We need to go. The shoot will literally starts at 9 because Taeyong had another schedule. We can't adjust for you. We need to adjust for him" He whispered. I nodded and fixed my things

"Hi-" my manager cutted the 4th girl off.  "Excuse me, CEO. Angel need to go because we have a shoot for this clothing line and they're calling us so we'll go now" My manager said. I stood up after preparing my things and bowed at them. I waved at Sowon unnie before rushing off the room.

We're literally running just to get inside my Van. My PA (Personal Assitant) fixed my make-up as my manager drove to our shooting area. I sighed. I didn't even saw my honey.

"I'm really sorry Angel you adjusted for me. I know it's your only free time today and you attended a meeting so I'm sorry if I made you adjust for this schedule" Taeyong oppa said as we're walking towards our vans. We're done shooting and I'm going home now

"Don't mention it oppa. The meeting wasn't important. We're just the same, busy schedule so I understand. Take care" I lastly waved my hand before entering our van. I sighed as I sat on my chair. This is s tiring day.

The next day, my schedule starts in the afternoon so I decided to meet our dance teacher so I can learn another dance from her and to exercise myself.  I wore a black jagger pants and a white over-sized blouse that ended on my elbows and a white rubber shoes. 

I entered our dance room here in the Pledis' building where I can meet my teacher. She said she'll be here so I went here. I opened the door and I saw that she's teaching the 4 girls from yesterday

"Good morning" I greeted and bowed. the teacher went to me and kissed my cheeks 

"Angel! good to see you! how are you? you're looking fit huh?" She said that made me laughed. "I'm getting fatter that's why I decided to learn a dance from you just to burn the fats" I said and laughed  "What are you talking about? Even though you eat a bunch of carbs, you're still fit" She said. I just laughed and looked at the 4 girls. Again, I know the 3 of them but I really don't know the 4th one

"Oh by the way, this is Sunnie. She trained here when you debuted and CEO picked her to debut. You know the 3 of them right? You guys trained together" she said and pointed out Jangmi, Chungja and Dahyee "Ofcourse I know" I said and smiled at them. They smiled too. I know we had a dark past but I'm giving them second chance since they're not doing anything wrong so maybe CEO was right that they already changed 

People change right?

"Are you guys busy? I can wait. Take your time. My schedule starts at 3pm" I said. she smiled and nodded. I sat at the corner and got out my phone

I was just scrolling on my instagram when the door opened and Joshua,  Woozi, Jeonghan, Hoshi, Seungkwan, Wonwoo and Dino went inside. Joshua and Jeonghan oppa sat both of my  sides  

"Where are the others?" I asked  "Scoups not here and the others went to the gym" Joshua oppa answered. I just nodded and continue scrolling

"What are you doing here?" Woozi oppa asked "Am I not allowed?" I raised my eyebrow that made him laughed  "Just kidding. Unnie's gonna teach me another dance moves" I said, pertaining to the teacher who's currently teaching the 4 girls 

"Oh? me too" Woozi and Hoshi oppa said  "You?" I asked and looked at Jeonghan oppa. I wasn't able to see him this week so I'm happy that he's here but he looks... tired

"We're gonna train them after teacher" he said and closed his eyes. I just let him be and I just talked with the other while watching the 4 girls

"What's their group name?"  I asked "4lyladies" Wonwoo oppa said and I nodded. I noticed Sunnie kept on missing the beats and she's doing the wrong moves 

"Is she okay?" I asked, worried. Something must bothering here that she can't focus  "She will know the steps in the end" Hoshia oppa said "She just needs to practice more" Dino oppa said "She's more into rappings so..." Wonwoo oppa said and I nodded

"Ey she'll get that in the end. Maybe she's not a fast learner like you" Joshua oppa teased. I just laughed at him and we continued chatting

"Do you like to order?" I asked and got out my phone

"Tteokbokki!" Hoshi oppa happily said   "Fried chicken!" Dino oppa said "Rice" Woozi oppa said that made me smile. He really loves rice. I ordered for all of us here and as I finished ordering, the teacher called us 

"Rest for now okay? Don't leave this room and just rest there. Tell me if you're going somewhere" she said to the trainees and pointed the other corner of the room

"Are you ready?" she asked us and I nodded. "Okay let's stretch first" she said and guided our stretching.  "Okay this song is fast and hard so just tell me if you can't understand any of the steps okay?" She said after our warm-up and she started teaching  the steps

She did the 1st 8 countings and we followed her. I immediately got the steps and as the others got too, we tried it with music. The steps was based on the music's beats and the music was fast, so is the steps but we managed to do it and after 5 hours, we completed the steps

"Should we try the whole song?" she asked and we nodded. She played the music and we danced to it while she's just watching us. As soon as it ended, she clapped at us 

"Wow! as expected you guys are really good. Angel huh, you're still a fast learner" she said and laughed. I just laughed too and my orders already came. I payed for it and we all started eating

"Sunnie! let's eat!" I said to her when she just stayed at the corner  "No thanks, I'm on a diet" she said "Eyy just this one? You're not going to be fat right away if you're gonna eat this right?" I told her "Ey c'mon! Don't be harsh to yourself. Once you debuted, you're gonna eat this dish once a month so c'mon!" I said. she looked at me, hesitantly 

"Yah. don't force her if she don't like. She's not like you who'll stay fit even though you eats a lot" The teacher said  "Don't listen to her. C'mon!" I said to Sunnie. She finally stood up and joined us to eat 

My phone suddenly ranged so I answered it. It's my manager 


[ Angel, where are you ]  

"I'm at the practice room here in the building. Why?" 

 [ Okay stay there. I'm coming ]

"Okay bye" 

I hung up the phone and continued eating. I looked at Jeonghan but he's just staring at his food while chewing. Is he okay? He seems a bit... odd

"Okay, let's start again!" The teacher said and the 4 girls went practicing again as soon as we finished eating and resting. I just quietly waited for my manager and PA to go here so I can fix my self

"Sunnie! how many time will you do it wrong?!" I was shocked when I heard the teacher said that in loudly voiced. She's irritated

Gosh. She's really nice but when you're doing it wrong over and over again, she'll be pissed. She's really scary when irritated

"From the top!" she said and started counting again. I sighed and didn't bother to look at them. We heard a knock and my manager and PA went in after they bowed at out teacher. She just smiled and continue practicing

"Angel. wash first and wear this" my manager said and my PA handed me a clothes hanged in hanger. It's a pink long-sleeved ruffled dress that ended above my knees. Me and my PA went to the shower room and I showered because I'm sweaty. I wore the dress and my slippers and went back to the practice room

"Here's your make-up madam" Anna, my PA said and handed me my make-up. I sat on a chair and faced the full length mirrored and did my make-up. Anna was just handing me whatever I needed and after my make-up she does my hair and I noticed that they're done practicing and teacher was gone. I saw Sunnie, looking at me in the mirror. I smiled and she just looked away. I just shrugged it off

"Are we done?" I asked. I put on my 3 inch rose gold stilettos and my rose gold pursed 

"Yes. Let's go" my manager said. I went to SVT oppas and kissed their cheeks before saying my byes. I waved at Sunnie when I saw her looking at me before going outside the rooms

"Here's the gift" Anna handed me a gift that is wrapped in a box. It's Hao's birthday today and I was invited by his father, Gary sunbaenim. We met before because he produced one of my songs that made me and Hao closed. He's 6 years old now though

"Happy birthday Hao!" I greeted him. I sat in front of him and hugged him  "Noona! It's nice you came! Where's my gift?" he asked. I smiled and handed him my gift "Happy birthday" I greeted again and ruffled his hair

"Angel" Sir Gary greeted me. I stood up and shook his hand  for greeting. His wife came beside him and I hugged her  "You're looking pretty huh. What's the secret?" I asked  "Well, I'm getting a lot of rest now. You? How are you?" She asked my  "Here, busy with the schedules but still fighting" I answered

"OMG where's Hana?" I asked. Hana is their another child, Hao's littles sister and she's 2 years old now

"Ohhh she's with her grandma. You know what? you should eat now" she said. We grabbed some foods and I only ate a little since I ate earlier and we just talked stuffs

"You're still doing the Return of Superman right?" I asked. It's a reality show between the relationship of fathers and child

"Yes. Specially now, Hana's here. We want them to see our lives for Gary's fans, so we could update them" She said '

"It must be hard having a boyfriend or husband that is famous right?" I asked. She sighed and laughed

"Oh my gosh. You said it right. I had a lot of rivals in the past but Gary chose me because he loves me. We even need to date secretly and wear thos face mask and shades so no one will notice us but I endured all of that just because I love him" she said and shrugged with a smile, can't believe she did all of that. I thought that's hard too. Seeing you're boyfriend, partnering with a famous girl instead of you, seeing him dancing and collabing with other girls. Noticing some of his crazy fans that keeps on owning him and fantasizing him..  That feeling  when you can't tell anybody you're his girlfriend because you might destroy his career and reputation. That feeling when you have to date secretly and play hide and seek with the reporters and fans. It's really tiring and hard

I know because... That's my situation.

It's more hard to keep it a secret specially we're both idols. When they'll knew, both of our fans will get disappointed and stuff. Not only his fans but my fans too and I don't want that to happen. That's why I admired Idols with secret girlfriend or boyfriends because they can wait for them until they announced that they love each others. I'd rather have a non-celebrity boyfriend because I think it's easier. You don't need to see each other at awardings and you don't have to avoid each other on stage. But I fell for him, what can I do?

But I think all of them are hard because you don't have the rights to see the one you loves, you can't tell to the world, you can't be proud of him or her because someone from your fans might harm them, someone might bully, criticize and bash them

I also think that I'm lucky because they know that SVT and I are close and they accept that so I don't think that they'll catch us. I think I have the easiest situation but nothing is easy okay

Everything and everyone has it's own level of challenge and it is based on how you handle the situations. Nothing is easy 

"You're very lucky" I said "I know I'am. And he's lucky to have me too ofcourse!" she said and we both laughed

"So for you, I wish that you'll find the right man for you. It's not important if he's famous or what, the more important is how he loves and treats you okay? Marry the man that can give up his career just to be with you because that is true love. remember that" she said and I just smiled

I really hope Jeonghan is the one...

But I really felt the something's not right as I thought of him....

It feels like.....

He's not the one....