I went home around 10 pm with Joshua oppa. I'm about to go inside our building but I saw Jeonghan, standing at the entrance. He sighed as he saw me but I chose not to talk to him and just passed by but he grabbed my wrist

"Hon. Hon, lets talk" he said that made me sighed. Okay Angel, you can do this. Communication is what you needed right now

"I'll go first" Joshua oppa said. I smiled at him and he walked away. I remove his hand and looked at him

"Oh? you're here early? you're not busy? good" I said, sarcastic. I'm about to walk away again but he held my hand again

"Why don't you just go to your Sunnie and spend time with her? That's what you want right?" I said, getting pissed

"What?" He asked, clueless

"Ha! can't you see? She likes you!" I almost shouted but I stopped my self and breath deeply

"No, she's not! I'm just teaching her" He defended

"You understand right? You understand that I want the CEO to be impressed, I want to impressed him, you understand right?" he said as if he's pleading

"You understand if i'm reacting this way right? Jeonghan! Time! I only need time! You can't even text or call me, You can't even check me if i'm okay, how i've been lately. Your members said you go home 12 am and leave around 5 am. What's taking you busy? CEO said you're just going to guide them! You're not even the teacher so why do you keep on giving them ALL of your attentions when we have our trainers? You can't even go to my dorm to see me. You can't even text 'hi hon, how are you'. You always missed our bonding together just to be with that witch!" I said as my tears fall

" I sometimes forget that I have a boyfriend. I sometimes forget that there's an 'us'.... It hurts you know?" I said and covered my face then wiped my tears

"You know what? I'm tired. Let's just talk tomorrow" I said. I was about to walk away again but he dragged my hand and hugged me

"I'm sorry Angel... Hon, please.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry if I have shortcomings as your boyfriend. I'm sorry if I don't have time. I'm sorry... Sorry hon, please.. Please don't leave.. We promised not to sleep while we're at war right? please don't leave... I promise i'll be better... please hon" he said as he caress my back while hugging me. I can hear his sobs. I bite my lips...

"Just please... don't be mad... don't leave... I love you very much"

Seungkwan oppa opened the door and everyone was shocked "WAHH!" they shouted as we enter the room. We're here to film Knowing brothers and I'm with Seungkwan, DK, Jeonghan, Joshua, Vernon and Woozi oppa. The others have other schedules so they went here to represent SVT and I'm really invited because our dance cover 'flower' got on trending with 15 million views in a day. It's my first time here so I'm nervous

"Woah! Angel!" Heechul oppa said and covered his mouth in shock

"Say the name" Jeonghan oppa said. Pfft- it's nice that he didn't stuttered "Seventeen! Hi everyone, Seventeen imnida" they all said in unison

"Hi everyone, Angel imnida" I said and bowed. It's been a week after our fight and we're in good terms now.

Maybe that's what love do. Even if you're tired, you can't give up

"It's your first time right?" Kyunghoon oppa asked "Yes, it is"

"Wahhh I really wanted you to come here. What took you so long? I won't catch you even though that's what Angels do~" Heechul oppa said and sang my song that made ma laugh

"She's a great artist! She won her 1st trophy when she debuted" Heechul oppa said and I nodded

"How did you know?" Hodong asked to Heechul oppa"Ofcourse! I'm a wings!" He said and acted like he's flying and we all burst out laughing. Wings is my fandom name because my fans are the reason why I'm flying up my career now

"But I heard Seventeen promoted your song?" Kyunghoon oppa asked

"Yes, but I actually didn't know anything. I was busy preparing and practicing for my debut and I always go home exhausted so I can't see my feeds in social medias. I only knew when Ms. Park from radio idols told me" I explained

"To be honest, even in her trainee day, we're close" Seungkwan oppa said

"If we don't have schedules, we're bonding with each other" he added "I heard that you guys are close too?" Soogeun asked "Yes" we said in unison and nodded. "Yah, they just talked about it. Are you not listening?" Heechul oppa said to Soogeun that made us laugh

"When they already released her name in public, many people got interested with her so we took the chance to promote her to our fans and to other people" Joshua oppa explained

"Other members have their own instagram accounts like me, Mingyu, The8, Scoups, Joshua and we posted her photo of debut in our accounts as well in our group account so our fans went curious and they really waited until Angel's debut. Scoups hyung went on Vlive and told the fans to vote and support her and we're really thankful for our fans that supported Angel because we knew that she deserves it" Seungkwan oppa said and I nodded

"Woahhh. That's so thoughtful. You can't find other oppas with that attitude" Khyunghoon oppa said and I agreed with a nod. They're really unbelievable

"How old are you?" Hodong asked "I'm 23 now" I answered "Wow so young" they commented

"How old are you when you debuted?" Soogeun asked "19" I answered "Woww I envy you" they commented again and I just laughed

"You're a full-blood filipino right?" Heechul oppa asked and I nodded

"But your face looks korean, specially your eyes" Heechul oppa said and went to me. "Woah! she have long lashes!" he said in shocked "Woahhh!" he said in amazement

"Did you auditioned? How did you end up on Pledis?" Youngchul asked

"I really wanted to be an idol so I always learn their dances and kept on practicing them until I perfected it. I posted a video of me, singing, in instagram and I actually tagged Pledis entertainment and Seventeen's account" Heechul oppa cutted me off

"Wow she's really brave! you tagged them?" he said with amusement "Yes" I said and suddenly felt embarrassed

"Because I sung SVT oppa's song so It was for credits because I'm a carat. And who's fans doesn't want to notice right? So I tagged them for credits because they owned the song and for them to notice me" I explained

"And then, Pledis did notice me and invited me to auditioned. Since I don't have passport that time, we needed to make one and applied for Visa and they need to arrange my papers. 2019 when they invited me and Feb 2020 when I went here. It just took me 6 months by the help of Pledis to arrange my papers and after that, I auditioned and passed" I explained

"Woww you're so lucky" they commented again and I nodded "That's not easy huh. Going to unfamiliar country just by yourself to pursue your dream. Wahh you're so brave" Heechul oppa praised and clapped, everyone clapped too and so am I. I nodded to him while smiling

"How did you guys become close?" Youngchul asked

"We just came back from our ode to you tour when our CEO called us at our agency. When we're going inside, we saw her with the CEO's Secretary so we thought that she's very special that CEO's secretary guided her and stuff" Woozi oppa explained

"To be honest, she's CEO's favorite trainee" Vernon oppa added "How long did you trained?" Sangmin asked

"1 year" I answered. Heechul oppa stood up with a shock "What?! 1 year?! you must be really talented" he said and i just nodded

"And she's really polite and stuff that's why we noticed her and CEO invited her to our dinner so we personally met her there and that time. Pfft- we got drunk and she took cared of us" Seungkwan oppa said too

"She's really famous you know? When she debuted, she won her 1st trophy the 3rd week she promoted. She won the solo artist rookie award and won music of the year last 2022. Many brands got her as their endorsement and stuff. She's really talented" Heechul oppa said and I nodded again

"What's your debut song again?" Hodong asked

"It's titled 'Only girl" I answered "She actually wrote the song" Joshua oppa added

"Wahh! Really?" their shock again. Argh.. I'm getting embarrass. I'm not used that they kept on praising me

"Yes. I wrote the lyrics and Woozi oppa helped me to composed it and Hoshi oppa did the choreography" I said. I didn't mention that i did performed that on our evaluation with the help of them because it sounds... bad. Like we cheated.

"What's Angel's attitude?" Heechul oppa asked that made me laugh

"She's more a composed person. She's more like a serious person. I can see that she's embarrass right now" Jeonghan oppa said "She's not used to get a lot of praises and she's a very picky eater" Joshua oppa added "She's spoiled" Seungkwan oppa added "She don't like aegyo" Hoshi oppa said "She's a bad girl" Woozi oppa said that made me looked at them

"Isn't it too much?" I asked and everyone laughed at my comment. They're so mean! "You guys are spoiling me!" I defended my self

"She's a good liar too!" Vernon oppa added "Right right! She always says that she's okay even though she's not" Joshua oppa said that made me glared at him

"She's scary" Heechul oppa commented "No, I'm not" I defended my self again

"Tell us a lie. Let's see if you're really a good liar" Soogeun said

"Is that necessary?" I asked "Okay okay let's do it!" Heechul oppa said. I sighed and everyone become quiet

"My boyfriend is Jeonghan oppa" I said. Nobody reacts until Heechul oppa said "Liar" that made us all laugh "She's a totally liar!" He added and pointed at me

I shook both of my hands "It's just a lie every one!" I said to the camera

"Woahh she really is a liar" Heechul oppa said and I just laughed

If you just know the truth....

"But everyone got shocked when Pledis' announced that they're gonna release a solo artist and it's a girl. What did CEO thought and he made Angel debut?" Youngchul asked

"To be honest, Angel supposed to debut with a 4-grouped member but then he thought that if Angel debuted in a group, the other members may be covered by her talent and fans would notice only Angel and not the other members and it's unfair right? So they decided to let Angel debut first" Seungkwan oppa explained. I just nodded

It's a lie though. The real reason was because I was bullied by that 3 girls but it's nothing for me now. We're in good terms now

"Yeah that's right. You're CEO did the right thing. It may be unfair to the other members if only Angel got all of the attentions right? That's a good decision" Kyunghoon oppa said and clapped

"Who's your closest then?" Kyunghoon asked

"I'm all close to them but my closest are Jeonghan and Joshua oppa" I answered

"I knew it that's why you used Jeonghan's name to lie earlier because you are close!" Heechul oppa shouted and we all laughed. I just nodded even though that's not true

"You said you're a fan?You're a Carat? Who's your bias?" Soogeun asked

"When I first saw them doing a challenge, Hoshi oppa caught my attention and he became my bias for years but then, Jeonghan oppa always caught my attention too but I remain Hoshi stan and I always told myself 'no, you're a Hoshi stan you can't replace Jeonghan' - I said to myself. That time I have an unnie and she's a hoshi-biased so we always argue who's the wife and girlfriend" I said, pertaining to Allysa unnie. She's a Hoshi-biased

"Wow fans are really bold. They're owning you and saying they're your wives and girlfriends" Heechul oppa said and shook his head with smirked

"When fear era came, I couldn't helped it anymore so I gave up Hoshi oppa to my unnie and became Jeonghan-biased which is not a really good decision" I said and bite my lips

"Why why why?" They asked

"I have a lot more rivals" I said and they all laughed "I gave up Hoshi oppa so I can just own Jeonghan but then, he got more fans so I have a lot of rivals but we couldn't help that right? We can't push them to not like them and stuff" I explained and they all agreed

"So my biases are Jeonghan, Joshua, Hoshi, Woozi, Vernon, Seungkwan, Dk, Scoups-" Soogeun cutted me off

"Just tell us that you all like them" He said that made us all laugh

"I do like them all but I always ranked them" I defended my self and sighed

"She can't stick with just one member, she has atleast 3 members that she most like" Vernon oppa said and I nodded

"Wait. earlier, before we shoot, I heard Angel speaking in English. How many language you can speak?" Youngchul asked

"To be honest, I talk in english with Joshua and Vernon oppa since they understand english and for us to keep our english vocabulary. The8 oppa and Jun oppa thought me some Chinese languages so we sometimes talk in chinese whenever we want. As well as Hoshi oppa, you know that Japanese is really important specially that I already debuted in Japan and I'm a solo artist, I don't have any members that could communicate with them through Japanese language so I had to study, myself. I learned quickly and I sometimes talk in Japanese with Hoshi oppa and the rest was Korean" I explained

"So you know 4 languages?" Youngchul asked again and I shook my head

"Nope. 6 languages" I answered that made them shock

"Tagalog, Ilocano, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean" I answered

"What's Ilocano?" Heechul oppa asked

"It's a language used in our province in the Philippines. Our province was in Ilocos Norte and I studied there for 2 years so I know how to speak their languages. Also, my papa was raised there so although I was raised in a city, we still speak in our province's language" I explained again

"Do you have many language in the Philippines?" Heechul oppa asked again

"Yes, but mainly our language was tagalog but in provinces, there's a different languages and tones or dialects and its differs which city or province you came from" I answered again

"Wow Angel really seems like a serious person" Heechul oppa commented that made me laugh "No I'm not" I defended my self

"When she's alone or when she's around of people she doesn't know, she's more like serious and composed. She's elegant when she's around people she doesn't know. For example, airports, when travelling, she's really quiet in real life and she doesn't want very noisy surroundings" Seungkwan oppa explained

"Then she doesn't like around you?" Heechul oppa teased and we all burst out laughing

"But when she's in TV, when she's with her fans, and other friends, she's jolly and she's not quiet anymore" Seungkwan oppa added

"She's jolly around people she knew but she's elegant and more composed when she's around people she doesn't know" Hoshi oppa added too

"That's why whenever a new trainee saw her personally, they get scared because of her serious face" Joshua oppa said "Really?" I asked. I didn't know that

"Yah, why are you talking for her? Is her mic muted?" Heechul oppa teased and we all laughed

"We're her spokesperson" Seungkwan oppa said

"She's really kind but she got some attitudes too! She's really bad, and spoiled and-" I cut Woozi oppa off

"That's too much! You guys are spoiling me" I exclaimed, defending my self

"How about you? How's in your dorm?" Yoo Jaesuk asked us. After we shooted Knowing bros, we're here at happy together to shoot again and we're here as a guest. I'm here with Joshua oppa, Hoshi oppa, Sowon and SinB unnie, Jungkook and V oppa

In short, some of BigHit labels are here as a guest

"Currently, we moved into our new dorm building. Our CEO build this for us so that we won't rent anymore and so that we're together in one place, they can easily protect us when we're home" Jungkook oppa answered

"The building is really huge it's like 30-40 floors?" Hoshi oppa said, unsure

"We're really much more comfortable there than before" SinB unnie said

"How did you assigned the rooms then?" Jeon Hyunmoo asked

"CEO assigned us and the floors are assigned by each groups as much as possible so we could have a privacy. Each floors only have atleast 1 groups. The good thing is, the dorms are specially made for us. CEO customized-build each dorm so we're not gonna fight who's gonna have the big room and stuff. We have our each room, and it has it's own CR and each room was really big so even if we put our clothes, its still wide" Sowon unnie answered

"Who lives in each floors then?" Park Myungsoo asked "Wow that's really great" Hyunmoo commented

"On the 1st floor, we have our cafe where we eat our meals. We also have a 3 dance practice room for each company BigHit, Pledis and SouMu so we're not gonna fight. BigHit artist practiced at Bighit practice room or they go to the main building, same as the 2 agencies. We also have a rooms where our managers and stuff can stay if they wanted because they wake up too early and they have to travel to our building every day so CEOs gave them rooms they can stay in whenever they wanted" V oppa explained

"2nd and 3rd floor was taken by us. It got renovated and became 1 floor. So our dorm has 2 floors, up and down and we got our own rooms. 7 rooms upstairs and 6 rooms downstairs. We even have our own bathroom because we're sometimes running late, arguing about who's gonna use the bathroom so they made us our own bathrooms inside our rooms" Hoshi oppa explained

" Our rooms are not that big but not too small. Just the right for us to have our own privacy" Joshua oppa added

"Wow 2nd and 3rd floor? you're lucky huh" Hyunmoo commented

"That's huge huh. Imagine the whole 2nd and 3rd floor are all yours" Hyunmoo added

"Yes but they renovated it. 2nd floor and the 3rd floor become just 1 floor so in our elevator, we're just pressing the 2nd floor" Hoshi oppa explained, more clearly

"If you go to their floor, it's scary" Jungkook oppa said that made us laugh. It's true. SVT oppa's floor was scary

"Why" They asked

"Because within a long hallway, there's only 1 door" Jungkook oppa added and we all laugh

"That's really creepy" They said

"How about you Angel?" Jaesuk asked

"Me? I'm living at the 3rd floor, above SVT oppa. Me and Bumzu oppa shared the 3rd floor. We split the 3rd floor into 2 and there's our dorm. We're neighbors since we're both solo artist" I said

"Oh so Bumzu is still an artist?" They asked

"O fcourse! Bumzu hyung is the main producer of Pledis and he compose almost our songs and he's an artist so they get him a dorm too" Joshua oppa explained

"You're very lucky then. You owned half of the 3rd floor just by yourself" Jaesuk said and I nodded

"Of course! My dorm has 4 doors. I have my own room with a CR inside. I also have room for my clothes, bags and shoes only and I got another bathroom in my living room" I explained

"Why?" They asked

"My manager and my PA sometimes go to my dorm whenever I have schedule. They're going there early so I let them use the bathroom in the living room so that they can fix themselves while waiting for me" I explained

"Wow you got a room just for your clothes?" Hyunmoo asked and I nodded

"Because I don't usually hire stylist, I'm styling my own that's why I have a lots of clothes" I explained

"I heard you only have your PA?" Jaesuk asked and I nodded

"Yes. I told the agency, I only need a manager and a PA and I can do the rest on my own. I put make-up on my own, I styled my self on my own and they let me because they know I have a great fashion sense" I explained

"How about your retouch? your hair?" Myungsoo asked

"With my schedule, my manager manage that as well as drive me and stuff. My PA does my hair and she helps me choose my outfits and she helps me with my things and clothes whenever we have schedules. I'll just tell her what I'm going to wear and bring and she's gonna fix my stuffs. In short, she's all around PA. she does my retouch too because she knew how I do my makeups" I explained

"How about when there's an awarding?" They asked again

"I still choose my clothes but If I can't think of clothes, I always asked from stylist for their suggestions. And if I'm too lazy to do everything, there, I hire staffs to do things for me. But most of the time, I really does everything because I don't like many people, doing things for me. It suffocates me" I explained. Whenever there's a lot of people, I felt like I can't be myself. I feel like staff suffocates me

"Wow how responsible" They commented "She really have a great sense in fashion. Whenever we have our comebacks, she'll suggest what kind of clothes concept we'll use and her ideas are just too much to decline" Sowon unnie said and I just nodded

"BigHit labels surely have talented and golden artist right?" Hyunmoo said and the 2 other host agreed