"But Angel, where's Sunnie now?" I smirked as I heard a man asked Angel. I'm currently listening to her press conference and she spilled everything she knew. But she don't know what provoked me to do things..

It's her fault...



"Yah, did you heard the new student in SOPA? I heard it's a girl" I heard one of my classmate said.

"Really? She must be talented then! Before students can enter to SOPA thet should audition right?" I heard another boy asked

SOPA? I auditioned there 3 months ago before school starts and that's my dream school but they said that they're full and declined me. And beside, how did they knew that news? SOPA is really far from our school. Where did they heard that?

"No. my cousin told me she didn't auditioned and SOPA just let her in" I heard the boy 1 answered. She didn't auditioned?!

"Maybe she's rich?" "Ey maybe she entered because of the help of someone big in this country" they guessed

"Ey, no way. You know how SOPA is strict" a boy defended

"Nope. She came from another country so I don't think she got a high background here" They boy 1 answered again

"She's lucky then!" they all said and nodded

Who's that girl? She didn't auditioned?! Isn't that unfair? I auditioned and didn't passed but she just got the chance to study there without auditioning?! That's really unfair!

"Boys! I know whats the lucky girl's name! I asked my cousin about it and I heard she's famous" they boy 1 immediately said as he went inside our classroom, running towards his friends from before

"Really? what's her name?" boy 2 asked

"It's Angel!" The boy 1 answered

"Ey there's a lot of Angel. What's her full name?" boy 3 asked

"Sung Angel. And not just that, I asked my cousin to take a picture of her and she really looks like an Angel" they boy 1 said and took his phone out and showed something to his friends

"Woah! She's really pretty!" they all said

The boy 1 looked at me and raised his eyebrow "Hey Sunnie nobody! What are you looking at?! Do you want to get hurt?!" They boy 1 aggressively asked so I looked away

Yes, I'm a nobody. With my big glasses, long skirt and unfair skin, they all noticed me but for being 'Sunnie nobody'

"Girl, you know Angel right? From SOPA?" I heard a girl said as I walk towards our gate's school

"Yes! I saw her yesterday at the cafe near their school and she's really, really pretty! I even stole a picture of her" I heard a girl said

"Woah! she's really pretty! She looks innocent and her name suits her" I heard them commented. I looked down as I listen to their convo.

Who's that Angel? I want to be like her too. She gets everyone's attention even from far places, I want to be like that too. I want to be noticed but not being 'Sunnie nobody' but being a perfect girl where everyone's jealous of me



"Did you guys heard that Angel will debut as a solo artist next month?!" I heard boy 1 again, exited

"Of course! Pledis announced it yesterday and I'm really exited! I'm gonna support her all the way!" boy #2 said

I took out my phone and searched for the article they're saying


BREAKING: Pledis Entertainment will release a new girl solo artist

Last month, Pledis announced in their official website that they'll release a new girl 'SOLO' artist. It's been a while since Pledis had a girl artist and people became interested because currently, Pledis have 2 boy groups and that is Nu'est and Seventeen so people are exited with this 'new pledis girl'. And yesterday, they already revealed the new solo artist and her name is Sung Angel.


Said the article and below was the picture of Angel and she's really pretty... I'm not surprised if every boys likes her and every girls are jealous to her... I want to be like her too.. She's really lucky that everything I liked, comes to her... First, I want to study in SOPA and auditioned for it but she just got there without hardship. Second, she's famous because of her looks and everyone admires her even from far schools. Third, she's going to debut at such a young age while me, all I can do was to dreamed about being an idol..

"Okay students, Pledis announced that there will be another audition and gave you chance to become a trainee and pursue your dream to become an idol. If you want to audition, this is their address" Our teacher said and handed as a small card with Pledis' logo and contact and address info

I knew that I won't be accepted if my looks are like this so the next day, I went to a salon and spend hours there to arrange my looks and be presentable

"Wow Sunnie! I knew you're pretty!" the owner said as she turned me in front of the mirror so I can see myself. I looked shocked as I almost didn't noticed my self

"Thank you" I said and bowed. It's my first time, someone told me that I'm pretty and it feels.. amazing. After that, I went to shop new clothes. I want to looks good so other will praise me again and won't bully me again...

I'm not the Sunnie nobody anymore...

The next day, I went to audition on Pledis. I was sitting outside the audition room and I'm really nervous. I took a glance when someone passed by me. She's tall and her fashion sense is so attracting. She really has a great fashion sense. But I can't see her face since she's wearing a sun glass that looks good on her

She went inside the audition room so I guess she's one of the judges.

"Lee Sunnie" a man called me. I guess his the secretary of the CEO based on his outfit. I stood up and he gestured me to come in

"Angel, did you practiced already?" I heard the CEO said as I went inside

"Yes" the girl in the glasses said. "Just take off that shades okay? You're not outside" SVT Jeonghan said and took out the girl's shades.. and there, I knew who it is

It's Angel....

She pouted and rolled her eyes. I looked at Jeonghan and he's reading my profile. He's so handsome.... He's everyone's dream man

"Angel, go practice now" SVT Joshua said that made Angel rolled her eyes. So I'm going to audition in front of SVT. I'm a fan! and Jeonghan is my bias!

"Arraseo" she said as she pouts. she kissed SVT members on their cheeks as a goodbye and bowed to the CEO and Bumzu

"Go to my office later okay?" Bumzu said to Angel as she walks towards to door

"Okay" she said, cool, and leaved the room

"Okay.. Lee Sunnie.. Sorry for that.. You can start now" Jeonghan said as he looks at my profile. I smiled and bowed, told my name and my school before starting my audition

"Okay.. We'll just contact you whenever you got passed or not. Thank you" Bumzu said so I bowed again "Thank you" I said before going out

2 months had passed and I'm still waiting for their contact...

"Bro! Today, Angel will appear on Music bank again! let's watch!" I heard the boys again

"Okay okay. It's her 3rd week of promotion right?" one of them said and got his phone and they watched

"What? it's done? you're so slow its your fault!" boy #1 said

"It's okay! They'll gonna upload later. It's the awarding and I know Angel was nominated to be the top 1" they said

I got my phone out of my pocket and watched Music Bank's live stream

"Are you ready? In 3 counts, we're gonna know who won today's Music bank! In 3, 2 , 1" they all looked at the screen and saw the results and Angel's debut song,'Only Girl' started to play

"Angel! Congratulations!" They gave her the trophy and a mic. The confetti exploded that made her shook

"Ohh Thank you so much everyone for supporting me. It's my last debut stage and I will come back within months. I wanna thank carats, my fans, my manager, our staff and Seventeen sunbaenims for helping me. Thank you very very much! I love you!" She said and did her encore

"OMG SHE WON! WE WON!" Almost all of my classmates shouted and there, I noticed that they're also watching Angel

I opened my messages when someone texted me

FROM: Unknown Number

Hi! Good day! We're Pledis Entertainment and we want to congratulate you for passing our audition. Just go to our building 4 pm in the afternoon for the guide lines. Thank and congratulations!



"Sunnie! It's been a year that you're training here. You need to focus! You know Angel? she only trained for a year but she did well. You should be inspired by her!" our dance trainer said. I bowed and said "sorry"

"From the top!" she shouted and all of us practiced the basics again

That's why I want to be like Angel too...

"You should be used to teacher now. She's been shouting you for a year. Before, she's worse. Well, she calmed a little bit now" Dahyee said

"How did you know?" I asked and they rolled their eyes. It's our break time and we're here at Pledis' cafe to rest. I'm not really close with this girls but they always asked me to come with them. It's fine with me since they don't do anything wrong to me

"Duh, didn't you know? We're training here for already 4 years. We trained first than Angel but Angel debuted first" Chungja said

"Really?" I asked again and they all nodded

"She's really talented. like, being an idol is really in her blood" Jangmi said

"Are you close?" I asked again and they shook their heads

"No. everyone here was insecure to her before... We're supposed to debut with her but CEO found out that we're bullying her so they decided to debut her first and as our punishment, they won't debut us until we changed" Chungja said and shrugged

"You bullied here?!" I asked, surprised. I know how it feels so I kinda pity her

"Duh don't judge us. We can't help it but to feel insecure to her. She's close with the Seventeen members and everyone knows here that her boyfriend is Jeonghan. CEO treats her as his daughter too" Dahyee said

"She's Jeonghan's girlfriend?!" I asked again, shocked

"Yeah. but don't you dare tell others that or you're dead! Once you told others and Pledis investigate and knew its was you, you're bye bye career" Jangmi said



They're right. Everyone couldn't help it but to feel jealous and insecure to Angel.. I fell jealous and insecure too.. She's my bias' girlfriend and everyone spoiled and adore her... Who couldn't feel insecure?

"Who's your role model? Do you have any?" Nu'est Aron said. It's our monthly evaluation and they're the one who's evaluation us with the CEO and our trainers

"Ohh... My role model is Angel" I said and they smiled

"Nice choice. Angel is really talented" Nu'est Ren said

"Tell me more about Angel" I told the 3 girls. We're here at the practice room and resting after we practiced for hours

"Angel? She's really famous now.. I can't believe we bullied her before" Chungja said

"CEO really like her and treats her as his daughter. CEO spoils her because Angel barely asked for a favor so whenever Angel asks, CEO wants to give it to her immediately" Dahyee said

"Yes that's why when Angel asked if she could style herself, CEO let her. He even wanted to gave her money to buy clothes but Angel declined. I think she spends most of her money on her clothes. She don't need to worry about her food or anything because Seventeen always give her anything even though she didn't asked. With Angel's one call, Seventeen will hurry to her immediately. That's how spoiled she is" Jangmi said

"Yeah right. But people admired her because she got talent, kind heart and a good attitude and even though she's spoiling by the agency, she's still responsible and humble. She even asked CEO if she could have only a manager and an assistant who could help her. People admires her and titled her as a 'responsible artist' because she does everything with the help of her manager and personal assistant. She do her make-ups and style herself. When it comes to her comeback, she always work with Woozi and Bumzu on making her songs and for her choreography, she only watched the video and practice by herself. That's how lucky she is" Chungja added

"Here's other thing. When she buys her clothes at a branded clothing line like Dior, and Dior knew about that, Dior always gave Angel clothes for free as a thanks for buying their clothes. One time, she wore a Chanel clothes at a interview and it went viral, many people bought that Chanel clothes though it's very expensive. So, Chanel gave her 10 clothes for free every month. Take note, every month. Almost all of the expensive, branded clothing lines always give her clothes for free" Jangmi said again

''Why would they do that? Then those branded clothing line will lose a huge amount of money?" I asked and they all shook their heads

"No hun, If they do that, their sales will double and even triple. It's like a win-win situation you know? If they gave Angel clothes for free and Angel wore it, fans will notice and they will immediately buy what Angel wore just because they want to reach that fashion looks even though it's expensive. Specially rich people, they always bought what's Angel's clothes that's why they always send clothes to Angel. Angel will like advertise the clothes and her pay was the clothes itself. Branded clothes always send her atleast 10 clothes every month" Chungja said again that made me amazed

Atleast 10 clothes each clothing line? if she advertised 10 branded clothes then she'llget 100 clothes in a month?!

"Almost all of her advertisements are clothes, make-ups and for magazine covers" Dahyee said

"Well, we admit it.. She's really pretty and talented plus kind hearted.. No wonder Jeonghan fell for her" Dahyee added and I just nodded

"When she trained here, CEO's not strict on her. She only practiced atleast 4 hours a day that's why she can still study and go to school and work a part time job. Everything is fine and okay when it comes to Angel because they knew that she already had the talent. She don't have any strict diet and strict schedule like us that's why she was able to finish high school" Jangmi said

"CEO and Seventeen's are really spoiling her and keeping an eye on her because she's kinda sensitive. She's allergic to any seafoods even fish. All of us here in this building knew that because a little amount of seafood can kill her. That's how sensitive she is. She won't even dye her hair fully because her hair is sensitive too so she only do highlights. When they touch her, they touch her with carefulness because her skin is sensitive too. A little squeeze on her arms and her skin will become red. She's a very picky eater too and CEO strictly told everyone that when we're eating near her, don't eat seafood. That's the number 1 rule you should know about her. NO SEAFOOD" Chungja said

She's very very lucky. I already quit school because my training schedule was full. I had to start training at 10 am to 10 pm and I can't do that if I still go to school so I decided to quit even though my parents disagreed. They told me I shouldn't eat any junk foods because

The more I knew people like her, the more I wanted to be like her...



"Yah yah yah. Angel is now shooting for a clothing brand. She's really pretty in personal" I heard one of a trainee said.

"I saw her walking earlier and she's so elegant but her face is scary"

"She's even wearing a branded clothes and her style is really high high level" I heard the 2 others said

I went to the photo shoot room and saw a lot of people there. I looked around and saw Angel, currently posing and a photographer kept on taking shots and the director was praising here.

She's really pretty...

I saw enough so I just went to the cafeteria to buy some drinks and rest. It's really hard to be a trainee..

My eyes widened as I saw SVT members at a one long table. Other trainees kept on looking at them and talking how handsome they are. I sat to the table near to them and acted normal. It's a dream come true to a carat like me! I looked at Jeonghan and he's smiling widely while talking with his members..

"Oppa!" I looked who shouted and it was Angel. She's running towards them though she's wearing high heels

"Careful. You might fell down the floor" Jeonghan stood up and pulled a chair beside her so she can sit

"Oppa, where's my Strawberry latte?" She asked them and Joshua smiled

"It's here. Why can't Anna and your manager buy this for you?" Joshua said in english

"Because they're busy and has a lot things to do and I don't want them to get tired" Angel answered in english too

"What did she say?" Seungkwan whispered to Vernon and Vernon shook his head

"So it's okay if we're the one who'll be tired?" Vernon said in korean now

"Ofcourse! You don't have any schedule right now. I envy you" Angel said in korean and pouted

"It's okay hon. we'll do everything you asked" Jeonghan said as he pinch Angel's cheeks

"Hyung! Don't! Her skin will be reddish!" Mingyu said and patted Jeonghan's hand and he laughed

I can't believe she's Angel's boyfriend.....

He's the man every girl would dream off...

Angel is very lucky...