The Day is Spiced Up

Presto! Was this the best time for all this to happen? And OUT OF THE BLUE as well?

"That was ages," said Fareeha. "Looked like you would never turn up. Now can we have your permission to enter the party?"

Saying "no" to a guest is said to be 'bad manners', so I have to let them in.

"Sarah has complete permission to enter," I replied. "But why have you come when things between us are not the same anymore?"

"I have come here to entertain myself," she replied. "And you can't stop me."

She stomped into the room and went up the stairs by herself.

Sarah and I were left alone. I was already feeling irked at Fareeha coming here and then she goes with hitting back at me with her rudeness. Sarah calmed me down.

"It's alright," she said. "Her character has become like that because she is very upset about having lost someone from the inside. She doesn't show she is upset. Losing her dearest grandmother almost made her go insane. And then when Lily left the neighbourhood and not contacting or telling her about it has made her feel to seek revenge."

I felt pity for her but I was still very cross about the way she had treated me back then. I got bullied by her and Lily every single day at the end of school. Although it was verbal, it hurt me a lot from inside out, but I patiently bore it. Then, when they saw that I was never fearful of them, they started fake accounts and cyberbullied me. Well, it was mostly Lily but since Fareeha knew my personal life better, she gave Lily the ideas. After that, I deactivated all of my accounts and have never used them again.

That was until Arhaan saw what was going on and he told me that he would complain about it to the police or even the court. I calmed him down and told him he didn't have to do it. Plus, it might even make things worse. He understood my point but he was furious to see me harmed like that. So the next day, he complained about it to the school. The school took the necessary action and processed her, going through the pieces of evidence. Although she had deleted her account when I had deactivated mine, I still had proof of her doings. That got her expelled out of the school. But she still lived in the same neighbourhood, so she and Lily would hang out every day.

Then suddenly, we got the news that Lily left the community. I felt like the happiest person in the world. I reactivated all of my accounts. But Fareeha had been depressed by her sudden departure. She thought Lily would call her, but she never did. And since then, she continuously depended on drugs. They were prescribed for her only because of her depressed state. After realising that she will never be able to talk to Lily again, she could not stop herself from not using them. She had severe withdrawal syndrome when she did.

I nodded at Sarah's point and went back in with her. I just said to myself, "Whatever happens, it happens for good. Silence is golden, so I don't need to hurt her even if she hurt me." With that, I calmed myself down and put a smile on my face.

When we entered the hall, where the festivities were taking place, all of the invitees were engrossed in the games they were playing.

My brother was blindfolded and he was trying to catch all the other children who were playing the game. He bumped into my sister, but she, the smart girl, ran away, giggling before he could catch her.

"Aww, man, that was super close!" he yelled, and everyone burst into laughter. "You are not getting away that easily next time, Aysha."

I stood there and smiled. Then from the corner of my eyes, I realised that Arhaan was heading for me, guided by the elders' direction. I squealed and ran behind Sarah.

"I'm not in the game!" I exclaimed. "Why are you heading for me?"

"Why are you running then?" Arhaan replied running. "Aysha ran away, so this time her sister will pay for it."

"Stop it, Arhaan. You are very annoying. Aysha, help!"

Aysha, the chubby, cute and naughty girl, stood near the TV and smiled mischievously. Then she whispered something to her cousin-friends and disappeared into the kitchen with them.

Disappointed, I arranged obstacles in my brother's way so that he was delayed in catching me. Arhaan stumbled quite a good number of times but he still didn't give up.

My little sister gave me a panic attack when she came out with her cousin-friends from the kitchen behind me. Each of them was carrying a tray of twelve assorted cupcakes. She held a tray with vanilla cupcakes, six of which were with white icing and some brown powder, which I assumed to be cinnamon, and another six with strawberry icing and some colourful sprinkles.

The next one behind her was Maryam, the equally naughty but cunning and rebellious kid. She carried six red velvet cupcakes with white chocolate peppermint icing and six chocolate ones with mint chocolate icing and Oreos for toppings.

Aahil, the poor naive kid who was forced to follow the other two's instructions or face the consequences, was shivering in fright. His trembling hands carried the last tray of vanilla cupcakes with lemon icing, topped with crushed lemon candies and blueberry cupcakes with lilac-coloured icing, topped with three blueberries.

The food's aroma spread throughout the room, making the mouths of everyone in the room water. Even Arhaan had stopped chasing me. All of them were savouring the aroma in silence. I was afraid poor Aahil will drop the tray meant for the elders, as they were vintage souls, so I took it from him with a smile and followed the smallies to the table.

Arhaan was about to remove the blindfold when Mum said, "Not yet! You still have a task remaining before you can take that off. You are going to taste, or rather eat, each of those differently flavoured cupcakes we have laid on the table and tell which one is of which flavour. There's more in the kitchen so the ones you eat will be replaced."

"That's not fair!" Arhaan wailed like a child. "Can I at least have some people to do this with me?"

"You get to choose only two. They have to be above 15 years."

"Come on, Mamma. That was my last chance to get back at Aysha. I'll pick Hamsa, then."

"Why are you still after me?" I said irritated. "I didn't do anything! And it's not my fault that you missed Aysha. Act like a man, Arhaan."

"Just get here and get the job done. I'll let you choose the next person."

I looked towards my kid sister. She was giving me a sly smile. I understood what she was thinking. So I decided that I will choose...

"Fareeha," I said.

I looked towards her. Her mouth was agape in disbelief. She didn't say a word and took up the place beside me.

The three of us were blindfolded. Each of us had to pick a tray and choose a cupcake randomly. We had to tell the flavour of the cupcake we chose before removing our blindfolds.

I heard the trays being shuffled. Then Aysha, who was the host for the show, told us to pick a tray number, starting with Arhaan. Arhaan, most obviously, picked the first one. Fareeha picked the second and I picked the last.

"Okay, pick your cupcakes," said Aysha. "On the count of three, each of you will take a bite and tell all of us what is the flavour of the cupcake in your hand."

"3... 2... 1... GO!" she yelled.

I bit into mine and felt a tinge of spiciness and sourness. The sweetness of the icing dimmed the sourness but not the strong flavour of cinnamon. I was thankful for the vanilla cupcake, or else my stomach would certainly be upset. Cinnamon wasn't my stomach's favourite spice but it tasted great with cupcakes. So I wouldn't replace that beloved cupcake with any of the others.

"Blech," said a male voice beside me.

"Hot, ho-ho-hot," said a female beside me.

The whole room burst into laughter. I couldn't help but laugh at Arhaan's disgust.

"Mine's Cinnamon-Vanilla cupcake," I said. I heard a round of applause.

I removed my blindfold. Arhaan was feeling around for the dustbin, which was given to him by some merciful soul. Then he threw up the contents of the cake.

"Of all the ones on that stupid tray, why did I pick the lemon-flavoured one?" he cried. "Can I be excused from this? I'm not going to live a happy 18th year."

Everyone laughed while they clapped. He was allowed to remove the blindfold. He ran straight to the restroom at the speed of light.

Meanwhile, Fareeha was searching all over the place for sugar. Aysha brought her a cup of cold milk. She drank it down in one gulp. She let out a huge sigh.

"Peppermint with red velvet, I guess," she said, panting. "It had some white chocolate too, right?"

The entire room gasped. I was astounded.

'How did she taste the red velvet and the white chocolate amidst the heat of peppermint?', I thought. 'She's got some strong taste buds.'

She excused herself to go to the backdoor.

'That's still her favourite place,' I presumed. 'She still hasn't gotten over the treehouse.'

I followed her out, knowing that there was a fitful pique awaiting for me.