WebNovelDe Luna9.68%

A Liar and the Little Sheep

It was a good night as they were sailing in the silence under the starry sky. A little while ago, Luffy fell asleep and his head was somehow on Luna's thighs. Nami was also said that she would sleep and went into her little cabin. Zoro and Luna were the only ones who left and even though Zoro's eyes were closed, she knew he was still awake. ''Naraka'' Luna said, not so loud but Zoro heard it clearly in the silent night. He opened his one eye to look at her to see that she was looking at him back, making clear that she was talking to him ''My katana's name, it's Naraka'' she said with an add before she looked up to the stars

''What it's mean?'' Zoro asked with a calm voice but there was also curiosity.

''Hell, I named just after I made it'' she said to him, not taking her eyes from the stars as she was thinking,t was such a fitting name that time. At the corner of her eye, she could see that he was surprised

''You made it on your own?'' he asked with surprise, causing Luna to nod

Slowly and a bit quietly ''The feeling you got..'' Luna said before she stopped for a moment as her hand involuntarily gone towards Luffy's hair that it was surprisingly soft and silky. ''I was lost someone very important to me when I start to make this katana''

Her mind went back with this, it was only blurry and there were just flashes from that month, she was worked on her katana nonstop for a whole month with anger, sadness, grief, hunger, and madness... she could remember that she was asking seastone from her father while she was holding the bars, smiling like an insane person while saying that she wants to make herself a weapon which he was so happy to give her whatever she needed as he said that, she finally starts to find herself. Her father was overjoyed to see the madness in her eyes... For Luna, It was the end of the fairytale. First was her mother and then her other half, her brother, Leo. It was the beginning of her hell and she has created her katana in that hell.

It should be impossible or close to impossible, to make that kind of sharp katana from seastone. She was thought that maybe the masters in Wano could after all but she was used her knowledge from her previous life to make it somehow. It wasn't easy to make it, she remembered that much but no matter what, she couldn't remember everything. ''I don't know what happened or how happened but when I finished it, I could feel something evil and crazy in it,'' she said with narrowed eyes a little. That's one of the reasons she was calming herself when she was using her katana. It was mad, evil and hungry for blood

''After a while later I figured It was so much like me. I'm still not sure but I had a feeling that somehow a part of me or my soul is inside in it. It's like, it copied me in that time. A sword, have the same character with its creator'' she turned to Zoro which he was listening curiously and intensely ''That's probably the feeling you got. It's still not that strong. It's been only three years and I didn't use my katana much. But the heat and the reason your scar's burning is different.'' She smiled a little before she add ''Did you ever heard of Sixteen Hell Circle?''

She knew he didn't though. This is from her old life and she actually stole it. Her sword style was coming from someone she knew from her previous life. She would watch him and she knew how his moves worked. It was strong and was coming from nature and his very own soul, so she thought it could work in this world too which it worked. She was hoping that he would forgive her little thievery.

''No, what is it?'' Zoro asked as she was mentally clasping her hands like praying right that moment for forgiveness from that old man, which she was sure that he was dead long ago

''Eight hot hell and eighth cold hell. There were some people who believe in this old religion, says that you will go one of them considering your sins. My sword style is brought those hells to the earth. '' His eyes widened, causing Luna to smiled a little as she shook her head slowly ''No...not exactly brings the hell...But more like.. a little bit of its power?'' She asked with an unsure tone since she wasn't completely sure either. she never saw that old man using it with full power and in 'this world', everything could happen.

''The rising hot air around you...'' Zoro said slowly as his hand gone to his bandaged cut

''Yeah, It's still weak though and I cant still use any of cold moves too'' she said, causing him to made a thoughtful face for a minute before he ask

''Where did you learn something like this?''

Luna smiled softly at this for a moment ''From an old man...'' as she look up at the sky again, thinking her past life ''He was living in isolation, away from everyone...'' He was living in some forest, in China actually. 'That old man...' she thought with a little smile while her eyes were looking far away to the past.

''I met him by chance... He saved my life and I stayed there with him for a while until I healed and could leave.'' she turned to him again ''I would watch him all the time and he would tell me a lot of things.'' More like she would ask him endlessly and he would answer to her because he wanted her to shut up... 'well not that important now.' she thought again while she was also believing that the old man wouldn't tell her or let her learn his sword if he really didn't want

''I learn how to calm down myself and do meditation from him too...'' She had a soft and thankful smile while she was talking about him in the end, which made Zoro to made a slight soft smile too

''I see..'' he said slowly and lowly and after a minute pause later ''If you improve it, it would be really strong. Even now, that cut from your katana still burns a little'' causing Luna to made a little painful face ''Sorry?'' she said but he raised an eyebrow like saying 'I know you don't mean it'

''Well, I'm happy you're here. With a good spar partner I'm sure I will improve'' Luna said which he answered with a smirk but before he could say anything, Luna changed the subject to him ''With you using three katana, you had a lot of choices too...How about something like....'' They talk about the possible future moves he could work on a little and Zoro also asked Luna her other moves and what they do, asking if every one of them burns like that too which Luna's answer was ''Of course not!'' as she start to explain her other hells. After a little longer later, Zoro fell asleep really this time as she could sense with her observation like she also sensed that, someone else was not sleeping.

''It's not a good thing to listen to others conversation like this, Captain'' She said before she looked down at him as her fingers were still running through his hair slowly.

Luffy was looking up at the sky like Luna and he turned his eyes to her after she moved her head down and look at him. ''I didn't listen on purpose, I woke up but didn't want to interrupt'' he said slowly and sleepy, making her smile a little.

She already knew he woke up while they started talking and he acted like still sleeping. ''Sorry to wake you up'' she said with a sorry voice as she was taking her hand back and thinking to go to sleep until Luffy suddenly caught her hand. He put it back to his head as he keep looking at her with those black holes of his. It was like before, they were looking at each other just for seconds but it felt longer, making Luna wonder why as she started to move her fingers again before Luffy closed his eyes with a little visible smile.

She raised her head up to the sky again and without knowing, fall asleep while watching the stars.


Its been 4 days now that they were sailing. Luna was take off her chest hostler long ago now and put it in her backpack carefully. She was making more bullets for her fun gun while eating some fruit that Gaimon gave to them. Zoro was laying quietly and Luffy was eating an apple while Nami was reading a map, which they all turn to her when she hit her hand to the map she was reading on some barrel

''We can't go to the Grand Line in those conditions. No way we can survive there like this!'' as she started to yell again

''Yeah, we need more meat'' Luffy said taking one last bite from his apple

''Yeah, I want to eat real food, not some fruit anymore'' Luna add after him with a calm voice unlike Nami

''And some booze'' Zoro also add after them, causing Luna to made a remembering face as she nodded

''Shut up, you three!!!'' She throw an apple at Luffy's head with another yell, which Luffy caught the apple and start to eat

''Grand Line is a dangerous place. There are pirates with real ships! We can't hope to survive there with these boats'' this time Luna nodded at her as she thought that she was right and decided to help her

''She is right'' Luna said as she raised her head from her work on the bullets ''Let alone survive there, we can't even get in the Grand Line with these boats of ours anyway.'' she calmly said before she let a sigh ''We need a ship and a cook'' she add

Nami was nodding happily at this ''Finally, someone says something makes sense''

''Yeah! we will need a cook and a musician!'' Luffy add happily, causing Zoro to laugh

''A musician again?'' causing Nami's short happiness to fly away instantly as she was starting to yell again while saying shut up and be serious and Luna was laughing at her unsuccessful efforts. Luna asked Nami after a while laughing, that if they were close to an island and after Nami looked at the map for a while ''There is an island a little North from here with a village.. Maybe we can get a boat and supplies we need from there'' Nami said thoughtfully and hopefully

''Yeah! meat!'' Luffy said happily

''And booze!'' Zoro add with a smirk

''I vote for both!'' Luna add after them with a smile too

''Is that all you think about!!'' Nami yelled while looking she was about to go crazy again, only making Luna laugh more


When they were finally arrived at Gecko Island, instead of her rifle, Luna took her baseball bat with her since she knew that there will be some kind of fight there and she was still making bullets, though she didn't remember much at that moment since she wasn't minding

'Bullets... I wonder if I should ask help from Usopp in the future for make stronger bullets, he was good at those things...hmm...' was her thoughts while she was stepping out from the boat and she was placed her bat back of her neck while her arms hanging from both sides, she start to stretch her body. Zoro was also stretching his body while he was saying ''hgh...Its good to be on land again'' Luffy turn to Nami as he also stepped out from the boat

''So there is a village here right?'' causing Nami to look at the map again before she put it back to her pocket

''A small village named Syrup'' she answered

''Oh, meat! There must be meat! Let's go to eat meat!'' Luffy yelled out excitedly and was about to jump out and go but Luna hold him from the back of his shirt

''Wait, Luffy! We're not alone..'' Luna said as Zoro also notice this, his hand went to his katana and after a second later, a lot of lead balls suddenly landed at Luffy's feet, and after that, a dozen pirates flags raised from bushes from the hill. Then a slim tan-skinned teenager with medium length black woolly hair, prominent lips, and a long nose, which it was remembered so much of Pinocchio to Luna appeared from the top of the hill with a slingshot in his hand.

''I'm Usopp'' He said loudly ''Great pirate fleet leader of 8 million men, who is in charge of the security of this village!'' with a big smile full of proud ''I'm also known as 'Captain Usopp'!!''

They all look at him with unimpressed faces. ''It's awesome!'' Well, not all of them as Luffy declared

''Do you really think we're going to believe that there are 8 million men in this small island?'' Nami said while Luna was shaking her head slowly, embarrassed for him.

Usopp's all demeanor changed instantly ''Ah! I found out'' as he start to panicked Luna was though that, if it was other pirates who are not like them, he would belong death right now.

''Well... now you said that we know you lied'' Luna said while smiling happily. Even though Usopp was a liar, after years in the sea he was made most of his lies to come true someway or another.

Usopp was holding his head ''How could I be so stupid!'' with his still panicked state while Luffy was sad that it was all a lie and Nami was laughing too ''Shut up, pirates!'' He suddenly yelled out ''Maybe I don't have 8 million men but I still have a lot of strong men under me!'' causing them to look at bushes before Nami said with a rather smug face

''You mean three children?'' which she only makes the poor children yelled out with horrifying faces ''She knew!'' and run in a flash.

''Hey wait! Where are you going?!'' Usopp was yelling after them while Luna was bent down and take one of the lead balls

''A pirate with a slight shot and a lead ball..?'' she said with a thoughtful face while Nami was also looking at it ''I never heard of that before...'' she add after Luna

''It's cool!'' Luffy said with bright eyes as he was also looking at it

''That's enough!'' Usopp suddenly yelled again with an irritated and anger mix face, though his legs were trembling ''Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you! I'm a proud man and I won't let anyone insult me! This is your last warning!'' He said as he hold up his slingshot and aim it to Luffy's head. 'That pride of his...Well, let's not think the future right now.' Luna thought as she shook her head mentally and look at Usopp ''You've already seen how good I'm with this. I can easily compete with a gun!'' he declared

''Now that you've drawn your weapon.. are you willing to use it?'' Luffy said in a low and serious voice, his hand was on his hat and his one eye was shadowed, causing Usopp to become more nervous and start to sweat ''Guns are not for threats, they're for action.'' Luffy's voice was cold and calm, taken aback others for a moment since it wasn't like Luffy at all and they never heard him like that before ''Are you willing to risk your life for it?''

Zoro look at Luffy for a moment, trying to understand what was he doing, then he made a ferocious smile and tug one of his swords ''We are real pirates, not some children'' with a chilly voice

Luna also made an evil smile, still holding her bat on behind her neck ''If I were you I would think twice, before you don't even had a chance to regret'' Usopp seemed even more scared with every word he heard, he was shaking a lot and after a moment later, he dropped his slingshot and fell on his knees.

''Man.. Real pirates really have a more impact in what they say because they are able to put threats into action.'' he whispered in awe somehow ''It's so cool!''

Three of them look at each other and burst into laughter. When Luffy calmed down a little ''I was bluffing!'' causing Usopp to blink stupidly for a moment ''I stole these words from Red-Hair Shanks, a pirate I know'' Luffy said with a smile on his face

''What?'' Usopp's eyes widen at this, though It's normal for anyone who heard about Shanks ''You know Red-Hair Shanks?'' His face was changing to 'are you still bluffing?' to shock and awe but mostly, it was a shock

''Yeap'' Luffy said before he made a big smile ''Yasopp, right? Your father's name'' Poor Usopp was so shocked that he fell from the cliff after hearing that.

When he got up his feet back a little ''That's right... my dad's name is Yasopp'' he said while he was trying to calm down ''But.. how do you know that?''

''I met him long ago'' Luffy said with a huge smile. 'Well considering the fact that Yasopp never shut up about his son..' Even though Luna never met with Yasopp she was heard about his son since he was talking about him whenever they throw a party ''But before that... Do you know if there is somewhere we can eat meat?'' Luffy asked


They were sitting around a table in a small restaurant called Meshi. ''So, how do you know about my father?'' Usopp asked

Luffy, not stopping eating even for a second ''I met him when I was a kid'' with his mouth full with food

''Wait a minute is it true my dad knows Shanks?'' Usopp asked while looking very excited and happy

''Know him? He was in his crew'' Luffy gulping his food ''I'm sure he's still with him'' he add, causing Luna to nod as she also add after him while she too keep eating ''He is''

''I can't believe it'' he had a found look ''My father travels the sea aboard that famous ship''

''He's the best sniper I've ever seen.'' Luffy take an apple as he had a smile on his face while looking like he was remembering the past. Then he start to tell about how they met and how a good sniper he is. He said that Yasopp could shoot in an apple core and he could even aim the antenna of an ant to at least a hundred km. After Luffy finished his story, Usopp, who's listening everything with intense attention, suddenly stood up ''I'm so proud of him, he's gone to live the life of a pirate, he chose a life of a real adventure!'' he said with puffed out chest, causing Luna to smile while looking at him. He was looking so proud and she wondered how it would be when they finally meet 'Maybe a good snipe match?' Nami decided to cut in though

''Maybe you can help us?'' she asked with a smile on her face Usopp get out of his dreamland and sit down again while looking at Nami ''Do you know anyone who can provide us a ship?'' Nami add, causing Usopp to let a sigh

''Well, this village is really small. I'm sorry, I don't think I can help'' he said while looking sad that he couldn't help and Nami was looking disappointed while Luna was sweat dropping at Nami's question. It wasn't like anyone would give them a ship out of nowhere anyway. People were not that good to the strangers, especially towards pirates and no one owned anything to them

''What about the mansion at the top of the hill?'' this time Zoro asked while drinking his sake and point at the mansion with his thumb, that they could see from the window.

''Oh! Do you know them Usopp?'' Nami asked with a new hope that suddenly came, her disappointment was fly away instantly ''With all their money, they can help us!'' She clapped her hands looking very happy.

Usopp on the other hand suddenly stood up and raised his voice ''Don't go near that mansion!'' causing them to look at him with surprised faces, blinking at his sudden change. Usopp realized his sudden behavior too as he also blinked ''I just remembered that I have things to do'' he grabbed his little bag and run towards to door ''Everyone knows me here so, stay and order as much as you want!'' and he's gone without even looking at his back.

''Oh! What a good guy! We should eat more then!'' Luna said with a big smile on her face and clapped her hands which Luffy also joined her with nodding.

Nami was still looking at the door though ''Where do you think he's gone to?''

Zoro shrug at her and keep drinking his sake while Luffy and Luna was ordering more food and after a little while later, they heard voices

''Usopp's pirates are coming!'' they turn to the voice and saw the three children from earlier. They reach their table and start to whisper to themselves while saying their captain was not there. The brave one, Pepper, speak ''What are you pirates done to our captain?!''

Luffy, who pats his belly while looking like he was finally full ''Ah! that was good meat'' said, causing them to made horrified faces as they murmured ''Meat....'' slowly and lowly. Zoro also decided to join and have some fun, resting his cheek in his hand and make a very wicked smile

''Your captain...'' he started slowly, scaring the kids more with his psychotic face ''He was, delicious''

''AAaahhh! Cannibal!'' they yelled out with terrified faces while looking at Nami, causing her to yell back

''Why are you looking at me?!'' While the children faint Luffy, Zoro, and Luna burst into laughing ''Shut up you stupids!'' Nami told them while folding her arms, ''You couldn't shut your mouth, don't you?'' she murmured to Zoro

''Aww, come on, they were so cute!'' Luna said, causing Nami to murmur something again, not that anyone heard it though. After the children recovered and they explained that they didn't eat their captain and he's gone to somewhere, they lead them to where he might be gone, which it was the mansion they talked about before

The children told them that he was coming there to lie, causing Nami and Luffy to say that it was a bad thing but they explained Kaya's situation later which ended up Nami feel bad for her and probably gave up to steal anything from the mansion and Luffy deemed that Usopp is a good guy and it was all he needed since he stretched his arms and grab the bars of the mansion. While the kids were screaming with shock Zoro and Luna let a sigh. ''Well, hold on tight'' Zoro said while he was looking like he gave up any hope, causing Luna to think that this was probably only the beginning of his misery.

They hang on to Luffy while he was rocketing himself inside the mansion. For Luna, it was like doing bungee jumping without a safety, she always loved this kind of things in both of her life. After they start to fell, she positioned herself for a better fall, which she landed perfectly in the end. Better than the one who rocketed himself at least. She was crouching down as she fell beside Luffy very closely. She turned her head and look at him, he was laying on his back. 'Being rubber must be nice, he can land however he wants' was her thoughts before they look at each other for a moment with rather blank faces, then Luna got back to her feet up and hold up her hand for him. While he takes and gets up, she noticed that they are still looking at each other so she turned to look around and saw that expect Zoro, who's landed on his feet, everyone was moaning in pain on the ground.

''Oh god! Are you alright?'' Luna let go of Luffy's hand as they all look up to voice. She was a slim and pale skinned girl with blonde hair and she has wide brown eyes, that are of a sort of lighter shade.

She was looking at them with concern and shock from her window. ''Don't worry about them, Kaya,'' Usopp said from where he was sitting, which it was a tree branch that closes to Kaya's window. To Luna, he looked like a Romeo ''These guys heard my reputation and traveled this far to see me here and wanted to join my pirate group!''

''No way'' Luna said calmly and lowly

''Nope,'' Luffy said while smiling big ''I came to see you, miss. I have a request from you!''

''A request? From me?'' She asked with a surprised face and voice while Luffy's nodding and ask about a boat but a sudden voice stopped him.

''What are you doing here! You can't just barge in a mansion like this!!'' he shouted out, causing Usopp to look another way as he lowly said ''ugh... that butler'' no one cared at the moment though as they look at the tall and slim man with glasses and slicked black hair. He was wearing a black suit with two golden markings on it over a white shirt with a curious collar, with spiral-like protrusions on the edges, and a standard black tie.

''Klahadore-'' Kaya was about to say something but she cut off from the man, causing Luna to narrow her eyes, she was thinking that he was playing butler there and no matter how close they were, he had no right to talk to her like this ''Go away, right now!'' He yelled out again before Kaya tried to say something but he shut her once again, causing Luna's eyebrows to twitch ''All of you, go now! Unless you have something to say to me'' He said as he look at them

''Okay'' Luffy happily said as he look at him ''We want a ship''

''No!'' He basically said with a strict attitude, causing Luffy to pout in disappointment as Zoro was patting his shoulder for consolation while Kuro was finally noticed Usopp.

After that, he start to insult Usopp and his father and Kaya tried to stop him, not that it worked though, making Luna wonder 'Why she can't see this guy's true face?' as she was also thinking what an irritating man he was. While they were all watching the scene, just Usopp was about to punch him, Luna suddenly went there and stop his punch, taking his hit to her palm. She thought that It wasn't good for Kaya to see that. If Usopp punches him at that moment, he could easily play the victim. ''It's not worth to punch someone like him'' Luna said with a lowly voice that only Usopp could hear and gave him a look that was like saying 'calm down' He looked surprised but not that calm though but before he could even open his mouth, Luna pushed him a little back before she turned to 'Klahadore'

''You know, you're a very ignorance man'' He was looking smug at first and about to say something and also insult her too but when he saw her eyes that looking at him so down, like looking at some bug which he was in her eyes right that moment

''What are you talking about?'' he asked with a blank and poker face of his

Luna tilted her head a little and put an innocent smile on her face ''I mean... Usopp's father is one of the high ranking officers in Yonko, Red-Hair Shanks's crew...'' causing his eyes to widen a second but he had a still blank face ''The sniper actually! He is known as ''Chaser'' Yasopp... Wonder if you ever heard...'' She then made a surprise face this time while her one hand holding her bat on her one shoulder, her other hand went to her opened mouth, making a clearly fake shocked face ''Oh my! Sorry... Of course, you wouldn't know. I mean... a little insignificant butler like you...'' before she smiled again ''I wonder what he would think though, you know..if he heard some little kitten talks to his only lovely son like this, in his home...''

She put her hand on his shoulder heavily and squeeze a little, causing him to startled for a moment ''They don't call him 'Chaser' for nothing, you know?'' She said a little lowly while looking at him in pity then she laughed while patting his shoulder heavily and before letting him say anything, she turned to Kaya, who's watching with a shocked face ''Sorry for the disturb, miss'' she said with a kind smile and voice before took Usopp's arm and pull him outside the mansion along with her

Usopp followed her quietly since he was still in shock but Luna let go of his arm and start to walk towards to town, without looking her back and Usopp start to go his place with his shocked state but he was still angry at butler

Luna, by the way, was chuckling. She was thinking that maybe might a little overdo it there since there was no way Yasapp would hear this and come here. He probably wouldn't even know if his son were to die right that moment but, she had too much fun when she saw his face. He was a pirate too, so she knew that a man like him, who was scared of fame so much and run from the sea, would be more scared of this. So she could just let him believe whatever she wanted right now.


After Luna left while also taking Usopp with her, Nami was asking ''What was that?'' to Zoro which he had no idea and just shrug

''I don't know'' He honestly didn't care much. To him, Luna was crazy sometimes and a weirdo. She was a clever girl but like they say 'there is a fine line between genius and madness' and he was thinking that there was no line when it comes to her. She could even be surprisingly stupid sometimes, so much that he thought she had spent a lot of time with Luffy.

When they also got out of the mansion and start to walk slowly, Luffy already went after them the moment they get out. Luffy wasn't that surprised either. Luna was after all unpredictable to him. When he saw Luna was going somewhere and Usopp was going another he thought for a moment who should he follow but he followed Usopp in the end since he wanted to talk to him.

While Luffy was with Usopp, Nami was sitting on some fence and Zoro was sitting on the floor when Luna come back ''Where is Luffy?'' She then look at the children ''Why are kids laying here? They will catch a cold if they sleep here, like this.'' she was blinking while also really wondering

''It's some weirdo's fault, don't mind that and Luffy is probably with that Usopp if he wasn't with you'' Zoro said calmly unlike Nami who asked loudly like always

''Where were you?! What was that there back then?'' causing Luna to hold up her hand and shook

''I was shopping'' there were two bottles in her hand. 'what shopping?' Nami thought with an irritated look on her face.

Luna gave one of the bottles to Zoro which he took it with a happy smile while saying thanks ''That was just what it was'' Luna shrugged ''It wouldn't be good if he hit that guy there while the sick girl was watching'' Nami made an understanding face but before she could say anything ''Besides that guy just made me angry, he wasn't the one who says he is'' Luna said as she took a gulp from her bottle of sake while the children were starting to wake up as she was talking.

''What are you talking about?'' Nami ask with a confused face and just Luna was about to answer to her, they saw Usopp's running towards them. Luna hold her hand up and start to waving ''Usopp! Do you know where Lu-'' but he just past them without even looking at them.

''That was rude. What's wrong with him?'' Nami asked as she was looking towards to way that Usopp runoff

''Maybe he is angry at me..?'' Luna said, sounding more like a question

''Wasnt Luffy with him?'' Zoro asked as he was also looking at the way he runoff. Luna hummed for a second before she turned to the children ''You guys know where he was coming from?''

Three of them nod their heads ''When he wants to think or something like that, there is only one place he goes!''

While children were guiding them to the cliff, Nami turned to Luna ''What did you mean before when you said that he wasn't the one who says he is?''

Luna look at Nami with this while Zoro was also listening since he was wondering too. Luna then look at the children and turn Nami again, talking in a hushed voice ''Did you ever heard a pirate named Kuro?'' She asked to Nami, who's made a confuse face a moment ''Kuro?'' before made a face that saying she remembered

''Kuro of a Hundred Plans?'' causing Luna to nod ''What about him? I heard he was executed''

Luna look at ahead ''Well, apparently he faked it.'' she said as she was looking far away and pause a moment ''Since we saw him just now'' She add then. Sometimes, she could be dramatic.

Zoro made a smirk as he had a feeling that things will get interesting. Nami on the other hand, made a shocked face ''What? Are you sure?!'' causing to children also looks up to them with her loud voice. Luna smile at them while saying that its nothing and she just loves to yell out of nowhere, making Nami gone red with anger as Zoro was laughing.

Then she turned to Nami while making a shush with her finger ''Yeah, I'm sure. I remember seeing his wanted poster...sixteen million berry, I guess?'' She said with an unsure tone since she wasn't sure about it as she wasn't interested in the past

''What is he even doing here then?'' Nami asked when they finally came to the cliff, Luna shrug at her again

''Who knows? So... where is Luffy?'' She went to the edge of the cliff while children were saying to be careful to her, she smiled to them saying that she will be fine and look at the down and saw a red and blue thing ''Looks like we need to get down'' She said before she turned to them and start to walks down there, which they followed after her.

When they finally were down of the cliff, they found Luffy as his head was buried to the ground and his butt was on the air

''Oh, no! Did he fall down from cliff?!'' Onion said with a horrified face

''Is he dead? Is that why captain run away like that?'' Carrot yelled out, causing the other two to also yell with shocked and terrified faces. Luna laugh at them though

''No way. He is a rubber man, he can't die like this'' while she was saying this, Zoro was poking Luffy to wake him up with one of his swords, which he wakes up immediately as he sit up and start to yawn while saying ''It was a good nap'' When he finally noticed that everyone was looking at him ''Hi guys!'' he said with a smile as he hold up his hand

''Why were you sleeping here? You can't sleep like this or you're gonna get sick'' She said with a frown before she let a sigh ''What's wrong with this island, everyone sleeps weirdly..'' causing Nami to sweatdrops at this as she lowly murmured ''Its not the island, you know..''

''I was talking to Usopp'' Luffy said before he blinked like he remembered something ''Oh! Right, the village gonna be attacked by the pirates tomorrow.'' He said like its nothing, causing them to blink to before they asked him to explain, so he began to explain that Klahadore was actually a pirate named Kuro and he was planning to take Kaya's fortune by forcing her to write a will before killing her. Zoro and Nami already knew he was a pirate but they didn't know what he was doing there.

''What!!'' the children and Nami yelled out with shock ''Pirates are going to attack the village and kill Kaya?!!''

''Yeap!'' Luffy answered while putting his hat back on his head ''That's what they said.''

Children said that Usopp was probably gone to warn the village, causing Nami to relax as she was thinking that they will run and be safe. Kids decided that to go to packing their important things too while Luffy was saying that the meat shop was gonna be close too and they should go and eat meat before that happens until Luna speak

''Usopp will come back with a heat break'' she said with a sigh

''What are you talking about?'' Zoro asked while Luffy and Nami was looking at her with confused faces

''Well, while I was taking a walk in the village, I heard that Usopp is a notorious liar, yelling everyday pirates are coming and having fun to scare the villagers.'' She answered them

''Oh... Then they probably won't believe him'' Nami said quietly, she was thinking if they should go and warn them but they could think that its was lie too, thinking they were Usopp's friends

Luffy was looking at Luna ''You knew?'' he asked. He already guessed that she knew from the moment when he learned that man was a pirate but still asked anyway. While Luna was nodding at Luffy, Zoro said ''Yeah, she already told us while we were coming here''

''I didn't exactly know what he was planning though.'' It wasn't a lie... She completely forgot about the will thing since it was a stupid thing to her ''Why did he even spend three years anyway? He could just attack and stole the money and run away. Then he could go somewhere to start over his life... He is an idiot'' she said while nodding sagely, causing Nami to gasp ''Are you brutal?!''

Luna look at her weirdly, raising one eyebrow ''Spending three years, acting like he cares about her and then force her to write a will before he kill her is way more brutal, Nami..'' She was looking at Nami like saying that you're the brutal one, which makes Nami's face went bright shade of red ''Shut up!!'' she yelled, causing Luffy and Zoro to laugh at her.

After they talk about what they should do and seeing the sun was setting, they decided that they would go and find Usopp. When they finally find him on their way, Usopp was trying to hide his arm and had a face as if he was in pain. The children were also looking for Usopp run towards him which caused Usopp to made a forced smile, not that any of the children noticed that moment though, but as soon as he saw Luffy, his eyes gone wide with a shocked expression. ''W-what?!'' he gasped ''You're still alive?!''

''Alive?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head a little, looking totally confused ''Yeah, I had good nap''

''He was sleeping all the time!'' Peper explained to Usopp

''Captain, what are we going to do about the butler and his gang of pirates?'' Carrot asked seriously but when they start talking about villagers, Usopp suddenly said that everything was a lie with a big smile on his face. The children laugh too but then, they turn their back and leave while saying that they had disappointed he lied about such an important thing.

Luna let a sigh at this and walk towards Usopp. The moment she hold his arm, Usopp made a yelp, surprising others ''You got shot, right? We have to take care of it.'' Luna said calmly before she start to work on the wound and others sit down around them

''So... Why did you lie to them?'' Luffy asked with a serious face

''Because that's all I can do'' Usopp said before he started to tell them that he went to warn villagers but none of them believed him because apparently, Kuro had built himself a good reputation while Usopp was known as trouble and liar kid. He also went to the mansion but Kaya didn't believe him either and the other butler shot him to make him leave. They were already guessed that they wouldn't believe him from what Luna told them but they didn't think they would shot him either ''There is no way they will believe me! Why would they listen to me anyway?'' Usopp said with a sad sigh as his shoulders were down.

''Because you were telling them truth'' Zoro said as a matter of fact.

''Well, the pirates are still coming so... what are you gonna do?'' Luna asked after she finished her work while standing up

''What am I suppose to do?'' Usopp asked nervously ''They will think I'm lying if I try to warn them again!'' Then he suddenly stood up like he suddenly decided to something. He tightened his fists and there was a burning determination in his eyes ''They think I'm lying and that's all they need to think! I will make this a lie!'' Even though he was saying this with determination, his legs were shaking ''It's my home!'' as the tears start to appear in his eyes ''I love everyone! I will protect them!''

Zoro smiled and put his hand on his swords ''You're a pretty good guy. You lied to your crew so that you can do this alone!'' with approving tone in his voice

''So you want help or what?'' Luffy asked while holding up his fist

''You guys...'' Usopp said as he look up at them from where he sits ''You guys are willing to fight with me?'' He then add lowly ''Why?'' while trying to get rid of his tears

''Because of the enemies outnumbering you!'' Luffy said bluntly while flexing his fingers

''You have the words 'I'm scared' written all over your face'' Zoro also said bluntly while Luna and Nami was nodding

''Idiots! Me? Scared? So what if they outnumber me?! They can't compete with me! I'm the legendary 'Captain Usopp' after all! In my vein flows the blood of a courageous warrior!'' He starts with really bravely at first but then his legs start to shake again. Luffy, Luna, Zoro, and Nami were looking at him with blank faces and raised eyebrows not believing anything ''What are you guys looking at?! They're Captain Kuro and his men! I, Of course, I'm scared! I don't need your sympathy! Go away, now!'' He yell in frustration while punching his legs, trying them to make not to shake

''We're not sympathizing with you. We said we will help because you said you want to protect your home'' Luna said somehow gently. To her, even he was scared he was willing to fight for them, even though after what they did to him. He was a good kid

''Do you really think that we would risk our lives out of sympathy?'' Luffy asked in annoyance though

Usopp look at them with teary eyes for a moment before he came to a resolution and wipe his tears ''I don't know how to thank... But we have to go now, we had time until dawn. We have to set traps!''

And so, they start moving.


Five of them were standing at the top of the hill, where Luffy and Usopp had seen Kuro and Jango talk. Usopp was telling them pirates will come at dawn and the only way they get to the village is to climb that slope they were on. He was saying that if they take care of them in that narrow part, their number won't do anything. ''Okay, that sound easy'' Luffy said since It was truly an easy plan

''Yeah but victory is also about our strength, so... what can you do?'' Usopp asked

''I slice'' Zoro said while his hands on his swords, smiling evilly

''I stretch'' Luffy said, holding his fist up

''I'm freestyle'' Luna shrugs as she was holding her baseball bat on her one shoulder

''I steal'' Nami said as her hand was resting on her hip

''I hide'' Usopp add after them, causing them to yell at him

''You will fight too!'' four of them yell at the same time

''I was joking, really!'' Usopp said while waving his hands

After that, he came with several oil barrels and pour it down to the slope. Nami was saying ''Let's hope we won't slip on it too'' while Luffywas checking the oil with his foot. It was a good plan if it would actually work. While Luffy was telling Usopp how dirty he fights and Usopp was saying of course with a proud, Luna was in her world 'I feel like I'm forgetting something' She didn't remember this oil think at all. She comes back to real-world with Zoro's voice though ''Its almost daybreak...They are coming'' he said seriously as he was looking at the horizon

All of them were watching the beautiful sunrise but it wasn't time for that

''Where are they?'' Luffy asked the question that everyone had in their mind. He was actually pouting though ''I thought we were gonna fight, so where are they?'' he add

''Maybe they oversleep?'' Zoro said with a shrug

''No, They will come, a lot of them'' Usopp add after him with a very sure voice and hard face

They wait a little bit longer before Luna's eyes widen for a moment ''Hey...'' She said slowly, causing them to turn towards her ''Isn't there also ashore like this.. you know, where our boats are?'' everyone's eyes widen at this and Nami put a hand behind her ears before she yelled out that she could hear voices from North and Usopp was also saying that there was an identical shore on the Northside of the island

''We are on the wrong side?'' Luffy yells, grabs his head ''This is bad!''

Usopp also yells ''This was where they met, I thought they will come from here!''

''We need to hurry! Where to?!'' Luffy yelled/asked Usopp

''North'' Usopp hurriedly said ''If you run, you can make it in 3 minutes! That place is almost the same with here so we have to stop them at the slope!''

''Oh no!'' Nami suddenly yelled out in panic, causing them to turn to her ''If those pirates are at north shore then they already have seen our boats and they'll steal my treasure!!'' After she yelled, this time Luna add ''They better don't touch my babies'' her voice was low but it was a cold voice

''I'll be there in 20 seconds!'' Luffy yelled before running off. While Usopp was complaining about how the oil plan was useless now, Luna also runoff. Nami was about to run off after Luna but she slipped on the oil and grabbed Zoro and while she was deciding to sacrifice Zoro, Usopp was run off too and was thinking how fast Luffy and Luna since he couldn't see them as he run. Nami finally walked over Zoro and run off to while Zoro was yelling that he will kill her and was trying to get out of the oiled slope.


Nami was angry at Usopp when she saw a pirate was holding two bags in his hands. One hand was holding Luna's backpack, which inside there were a lot of important things that they didn't even know about, even Nami, at the moment. Nami was only seeing his other hand though since that hand was holding her treasure. Usopp was asking where the hell others and she was saying that they probably got lost. That was a weird thing for Luna though. Nami knew she was a clever girl from the days they spent at the sea together so far but she was so bad with directions that she was carrying a compass as a necklace.

She learned that when she asked why they were wandering and getting lost until they found Nami while she had a compass with her. She was answered 'We didn't have a map' as she was also said that 'I also need it if I cant find directions' She was thinking how someone could be so clever and an idiot at the same time.

When some pirates start to move towards them, thinking they are easy and when some of them took care of them they would all go, they heard a cold voice from the cliff. ''How could you touch my belongings'' Then she jumped off from cliff to slope and hit the pirates who go towards Nami and Usopp with her baseball bat.

Luna was angry. Not that she made an angry face or something though. She had an emotionless face but one look at her eyes was enough to say that she was so angry and even though her face was emotionless, it was shadowed. She hated when someone she didn't approve of to touch her things, especially to her babies since she either made them herself or she ordered how she wanted and see they made. She was not gonna mercy any of these pirates, especially the ones that touch them.

When Luffy and Zoro finally came almost at the same time, they look at the scene ''Well, seems like Luna get ride of the weaklings'' Zoro said with a smirk while Luffy was nodding

''She looks rather angry though'' Luffy add after him as he was looking at her. All the weaklings were laying on the ground, Jango was watching her while thinking who was she and why captain Kuro didn't mention there was a group like this, that would stand their way. Luffy was yelling at Usopp while Zoro was yelling at Nami when they heard Luna's voice and turn towards her

Luna was running, making her way to the pirate who's holding her backpack, all the while hitting the ones who stand in front of her. When Luna finally reached that pirate ''Don't you dare to touch my babies!'' She hit his balls with her bat so hard that the poor guy flew instantly, one could bet that he wouldn't have babies in the future. Luna finally made a happy face as she took her backpack back. While she made her way to their boat to put her backpack in, she saw Luffy and Zoro ''Oh! So you guys finally came? I can't believe you guys get lost.'' She smiled big and waved her hand, all of her anger was now fly away

Luffy and Zoro smiled and waved their hands too but their smiles were rather forced. They were actually wanted to make a pained face ''Remind me not to touch her babies in the future'' Zoro said in a low voice

''I don't think she will mind us since we already touch them... So that's why she was angry...'' Luffy also said before she add ''He is not a man anymore, right?''

''I don't think he is'' While Zoro and Luffy were whispering to themselves, Usopp's face was pale as his hands were involuntarily covering his low parts and Nami was yelling ''You were lost too!!'' She gasped with the sudden realization then ''Take my treasure to the boat too!!'' she added, not wanting to go there since there were still pirates and not everyone on the ground was unconscious. Luna was focusing to go to the one pirate after all.

Luna looked at her with a confused face for a moment before she made an understanding face ''Oh! right..'' She smiled big again ''Sure'' with a shrug she turned around and take the treasure bag too and made her way to their boats, happy that she got what she wanted. Nami was also happy with the same reason and was thinking if she could get to the Kuro's pirates ship so that she can steal more treasure from them...

Jango was trembling with anger and scare though since they had to go before Captain Kuro get angry ''I didn't know there was someone like you guys here...'' he started lowly voice ''That's enough!'' He then pulled out a chakram that he used for hypnosis ''Here'' he said with a hypnotic voice to the pirates who were looking at him. ''Stare deeply into this ring...When I say one, two, three Jango... You will start to grow stronger, your wounds will heal and you will not feel any pain anymore.''

''What is he doing? Like something like that would ever work!'' Nami said before she swallow her words when Jango said the magical words and the black cat pirates start to smile evilly, roaring like wild animals and one of them punched the side of the cliff with so much force that its cracked and collapsed. While the hypnotized black cat pirates start to run towards them, Zoro turned to Luffy asking what they should do but the answer he got was a roar, just like the black cat pirates

Nami slapped her face ''I can't believe it!!!'' and yelled, she wasn't alone this time though since Zoro also yelled ''He got hypnotized too?!!'' while Nami was also adding ''idiot!''

When Luffy start to run towards them, all the while roaring like some kind of wild animal, he used his ''Gum Gum Gathaling!'' with a yell and before anyone knew, they were all on the ground and laying there causing Zoro to think that it actually might be a good thing while Luffy was tearing apart their ships head. When he turns to them with the ship head he tore, making clear that he wants to hit them with the cat-shaped head, Jango used his chakram again and Luffy fall asleep as the ship head fall on him, snoring like he was peacefully sleeping on his bed

While the black cat pirates think that it was a good thing that he is sleeping now and letting relieved sighs, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp couldn't decide which one was good. Zoro was saying ''Well...We should manage without him'' while Nami kept going with ''idiot'' and Usopp was in shock that they were so powerful.

Luna, on the other hand, was in her own world 'How can someone have so much will power yet so weak against something like hypnosis' She was in deep of her brain, thinking a lot of things and making theories until she heard Jango's voice ''Hey! Nyaban brothers! Get down here!'' with that two weirdo came, jumping in front of Jango.

One of them, Sham, was a very skinny man of fairly tall height, standing at over six and a half feet. He was also had a hunched back that makes him look smaller than he actually is. He had a green hair that is parted to the side and curls at the end, with two other parts of hair on the sides of his head growing downwards in a curly-looking way. Other, Buchi, was an overweight man who wears an outfit based loosely on a black and white cat. He had pale skin, sharp teeth, tiny eyes, and was wearing cat ears on his head.

When Luna saw their coming she was moving towards Zoro, which he had a smirk on his face that Luna knew she won't like ''So you lost too?'' She knew it. Zoro was waiting this moment to come for a while now, he was rejecting his bad sense but Luna was the same

''Don't talk like you didn't!'' She said with an irritated face while hitting the pirates in front of her with her bat ''At least I found my way, way before you!'' she add with a rather pouting look on her face. It was rare to see her childish side like this but before Zoro could answer, they heard brothers' voices. They were looking weak and scared, saying they don't want to fight.

With the last order from Jango, Sham and Buchi start to run towards Zoro, all the while yelling that they are not scared while they were looking scared, causing Zoro to let his guard down for a moment ''Don't let your guard down Zoro'' Luna said before she add ''Something with their behaviors is wrong'' while looking at them with her narrowed eyes. She knew they were faking it, It was rather obvious to her but they were also not strong for her either.

While they were fighting, Zoro, who lets his guard down lost his two katanas. Usopp was trying to hit them but Zoro stopped him. While Nami and Usopp were talking about why he stopped him Luna was finally get rid of the weaklings and get close to Zoro. Just Buchi was about to slash Zoro from his back, Luna hit him with baseball bat ''It's very rude to attack a swordsman from behind'' When the fight was about to continue

''What is happening here?!'' Everyone stopped with the sudden angry voice and turn to the top of the hill to see Kuro. He was looking very pissed off, making Jango start his apologies but Kuro didn't even listen to him as he look around and said that he gives five minutes to them to get rid of them, which made them go serious as their faces turned hard.

Zoro, letting his back to Luna, start to focus on Sham, who had a drastic change with Kuro's coming. He needed his other swords which Luna knew this but she couldn't leave Zoro with one sword against two enemies, so she look at Nami and then to the swords.

Nami, who saw that Luna was looking at her and was trying to understand why she was looking, followed her eyes and saw Zoro's katanas as she also understands what she means and starts to go there. When Nami was about to reach the swords, Jango suddenly threw his chakram to her 'Heusese them like this too?' was Nami's thoughts as the chakram fly towards her but it didn't hit her.

Luna, who's sawing that Jango threw his chakram at Nami, hit Buchi while making him get off of her a little, which he was also got serious with Kuro's coming, and throw one of her knives towards the chakram and stop it. Nami, seeing this turned her attention to the swords again and finally kicking them towards Zoro. While the swords flying at him, Zoro was yelling at her to not kick them but he thanked her in the end anyway.

Nami, also thinking to steal the treasure they had, made her way towards to ship as she was also going to wake Luffy up since Kuro has come too but Jango also seeing this, throw another chakram at her. It wasn't in her sight so Luna couldn't stop this time ''Nami!'' so she just shouted out to warn her

It was all happening at the same time. Just Nami step her foot on Luffy's face, she heard Luna's voice and look behind her to see a chakram flying towards her, again. Luffy woke up at the same time and get up while making Nami fall. Chakram was hit him instead of her, causing Zoro to think that if it was good or bad timing but with the voice her heard, he turned his left and saw Luna while he also heard what he said. One look at her face was enough to make Zoro sure that she was beyond being angry and then he heard the voice, like everyone there.

Luna was let her guard down when she was warning Nami. She was watching what's happening there when she felt hands on her and breath on her neck ''It's really sad that I have to kill such a beauty'' It was a very sickening voice and the scream after the sickening voice was a very painful one.

Luffy was yelling at Nami not to step on his face and saying that it hurt while showing the chakram and Nami was also yelling at him that it wasn't her but before they could continue their little argument, they also turn towards to see what's going on when they heard the sickening breaking voice. They saw that Luna was holding Buchi's hands, which they were the source of the breaking voice, and he was on his knees as he started to scream in pain. Luna had no emotion on her face and even her eyes were empty, looking down on Buchi ''Just who do you think you are touching'' with her cold voice that sent a shiver down on his spine

She was trying to calm her self as she didn't want to kill anyone there. So she just broke his hands that touched her, she next broke his nose that gave his breath to her neck. After that, she punched his jaw making it broke too because he said those words with that mouth of his, and with this, he was already unconscious. She was feeling better as she was also looking like herself again, smiles happily.

He was made her remember that man she hated, just second after her father.


''Just think about it.'' The man said behind her as she could feel his breath on her neck ''Wouldnt be fun to see what would happen if we were to be together?'' He asked while moving in front of her and take her hand in his. He kissed her hand after he finished his question then he turned and left with a loud laugh, leaving behind a very disgusted girl.

*Flashback end*

It all took not even a minute. Kuro didn't even care what happened to his man and said ''One minute left'' making black cat pirates scared but they didn't want to fight, especially now that Luffy was wake up again. Zoro turned back to his opponent too since he started to attack again after Kuro's warning as Nami also start to make her way to their ship to look for treasure to steal.

Luffy was still looking at Luna though, he could see that something else was wrong with her just now.

Luna also came back with Kuro's voice and feeling eyes on her, she looked at her right side only to see that Luffy was looking at her with a blank face. When their eyes met she made a smile like saying she was fine. She knew Luffy had a rather good sense so she thought he must have felt something but this wasn't something she wanted to tell him. She knew the time will eventually come though, she was wondering what she should do at that time.

Their attention went back to the top of the hill when they heard the voices.

While Luffy and Luna was in their own world, Zoro was beaten Sham and Kuro was making himself ready while putting his claw gloves but then he turned his back while saying ''Don't ever sneak on me!'' flexing his fingers and making the claws blades clink together ''Unless you want to die'' he said darkly with shadowed face

''Kaya!'' Usopp yelled in surprise 'Why Kaya is here?!' was his thoughts before he ran to her without even thinking and take her before Kuro cut her

''Usopp!'' she yelled out in worry.

''Kaya! Why are you here?'' Usopp asked with a very worried face and voice


While Usopp and Kaya were talking, Kuro said she has to leave and he admitted everything to her while Kaya was shaking. She pulled out a pistol but she couldn't fire it in the end. He keep goes how pathetic Kaya was all the time and Usopp, who's cant taking more, took the pistol she dropped and fired it but Kuro used his 'pussyfoot' technique and reappeared behind him in a matter of seconds while saying that he will make him regret trying to punch him that day but he was stopped by Luffy, who throws a punch him with 'Gum Gum Pistol!'

''If you don't like being hit, then today is really not your day'' Luffy said. Just then the kids came out of nowhere and start to hit Kuro without mercy but of course, it didn't work. When Kuro gets back his feet, the kids went to hide behind some trees. He look at them for a while but didn't do anything in the end, causing Luna to think 'So he wasn't that boneless...'

While Kuro turned his attention to Luffy, Usopp yelled at the kids to take Kaya and run but with them rejecting, he yelled at them ''Take Kaya and get away from here'' he said loudly, leaving no room to argue ''You must keep her safe. This is the reason we wanted to become pirates! To protect what's dear to us! Now do as I say and run!!'' gasping for breath, the three Usopp Pirates were all nodding in understanding and start to run with Usopp's order, taking Kaya with them as they lead her into the forest but Kuro wasn't going to let that happen as he went straight to Usopp and with a hard kick, he slammed him to the ground before he turned his attention back on Luffy. Learning that Luffy was a devil fruit user, Kuro ordered Jango to take care of Kaya.

Usopp hit Jango on the back with his lead ball and Jango was looking ready to kill him but Kuro yelled at him to continue while Luffy was slowly making his way towards Kuro as he was walking up the hill. Usopp tried to get back up to go after Jango while Kuro was mocking with him and Kaya.

''I'm Captain of the Usopp Pirates!!'' Usopp declared as tears suddenly came back to his eyes ''Brave warrior of the sea!! I will protect everyone in the village even if it kills me!!!'' his voice was getting stronger ''On my word! You will never set foot in this village!''

Luna watched with a blank face as she look at Usopp, who's trying to get up go after Jango. He might be a coward and scared for a lot of time but when it came to his friends he was always strong. Even in this condition, he was determined to go after Jango and protect Kaya.

Black cat pirates, however, were all start to laugh at Usopp, causing Luna to look at them with an irritated face while Luffy was saying with a rather cold voice ''What's so funny?'' he demanded as he stared at them with a wild look in his eyes and then grabbing a boulder, he threw at them. Zoro was already there, picking Usopp up and carrying him on a shoulder

''Luffy! Usopp and I will go after him, any problem?''

''No, go!'' While they were leaving Kuro was asking who gave them permission to go anywhere, causing Luna to think that if he was an idiot in the end

''I did!'' with this Luffy launched an attack on Kuro making him let Zoro and Usopp go bu he dodged. Luna, by the way, was starting to go towards the top of the hill since she knew their fight will be on the slope she didn't want to be in the way.

Kuro was asking why strangers like them were butting their butts in this village's business. Luffy made a mysterious smile ''Because there is a man in this village that I don't want to let die'' Kuro starts to laugh, asking if he's sure this is enough reason to die. ''I'm sure.'' Luffy said before he also add ''But I'm not going to die'' They keep fighting after that. Black cat pirates start to cheer on their captain but Kuro shouted at them with a wave of anger, saying that never call him 'captain' He also tell how tired he was for having to plan for everything for a bunch of idiots, who only think about going on treasure hunts and goes and goes... 'This guy is talking so much that he bores me. He wasn't made for became a pirate. At least he understands that. He is an idiot. He should just have to have plastic surgery and all of his problems would go...' Luna thought as she listened Kuro while she was also nodding sagely at her idea

''My plan will not be disturbed by a brat like you!!!'' She came back from her thoughts with his yelling and keep watch whats going on. He was holding up his claws while running towards Luffy. Luffy stretches his arms and grabbed the rock he has thrown away and uses it as a shield, blocking Kuru's claws inside. Luna, who's watching the fight 'When it comes to fighting Luffy is rather fast thinking and somehow genius. I don't think anyone except Luffy could use rubber fruit as he did.'

''You know what?'' Luffy suddenly said as he was glaring at Kuro ''If you don't want to have a reputation'' with all his strength, he slammed the boulder right into Kuro's face ''Then don't be pirate!!''

The Black Cat Pirates start to cheer their captain again but when he gets up with not being able to control his nerves, he says he will kill them too. Saying that he already planned to kill everyone who knows his true identity which he shocks everyone of them. ''No one...No one knowing my true identity can be left alive''

''Y-you planned to kill every one of us from the very beginning...'' said one of the pirates while start to looking pale. Kuro chuckles darkly at this and confessed everything. Looking like an insane man who enjoys what he was planing as he talk ''You guys are so dumb'' Luffy state while looking at the pirates ''The most uncool pirate crew I've ever seen'' He was looking so disappointment.

''We are uncool?'' Kuro asked like he heard the most ridiculous thing ''Pirates are nothing but more than brainless savages. Without me, what can they possibly do? They wouldn't even have food in their hand. A crew doesn't mean anything to me. A crew member is just a pawn in his captain's game''

As Kuro kept going, Luna was thinking why these bad guys always tended to tell their plans and the things they had done in the past. She was angry at how he was thinking but she was just watching everything with a blank face. Though she really didn't understand why, Is it overconfidence, Were they thinking that they can get away with it?

Luffy was staring at Kuro with anger, disgust, and pity when he was saying that the crew members exist to die for their captain and do whatever he says but suddenly, Luffy smiled ''You know, no matter how many of men dumb enough to follow you as their captain in the future, you'll never be as good as Usopp''

''You fool!!'' Kuro yelled in anger ''Are you telling me that I'm inferior to a kid pretending to be pirate?!''

''Yeah, that's what I said'' Luffy said without a doubt in his voice but Kuro suddenly laugh and start to ask him how can Usopp be better than him ''Because he's got a heart. A guy like you doesn't know what a true pirate is!!'' Luffy said with a big smile of his before he launched an attack Kuro again but it wasn't enough yet as Kuro dodged it. Kuro said he will teach him about true pirates and he add that first lesson is fear before he began to slouch back and forth repeatedly, scare the hell out of his crew as they were looking terrified and start to beg to Kuro not to use his 'Out of the bag' technique.

''What's their problem?'' Luffy asked himself with a confused face as he saw them ''He is just wobbling back and forth..''

''Luffy! Be careful!'' Luna yelled at him from the top of the hill, causing him to turn his gaze towards her with more confuse but just then the wind blew, ruffling his hair and Kuro's disappeared between Luffy and Luna, leaving dark purple whips of smoke behind and suddenly pirates start to fall down with cuts on their bodies. Luna saw that Nami finally steps out from the ship to its deck with a bag of full treasure and was watching in shock what's going on.

Luffy ''What is he doing?'' said with a surprised face when he turns his back to see whats going on.

While claw marks start to appear everywhere, more pirates start to fall while their blood was splashing around everywhere. One of them was begging for Kuto to stop and the other one was shouting at him that it was impossible to make Kuro stop in this state of his because this technique was so fast that even he didn't know where and what he was attacking.

To Luna, It was stupid. There were a lot of people out there that much faster than him. He was fast though but he was just a lazy overconfidence idiot that he probably didn't even think to improve himself and his technique. She looked at Luffy again with her still blank face. Lufft didn't move an inch since the start and was watching whats going on and he didn't even care him being slashes too. His eyes were shadowed with his hat and he was clearly shaking with rage as he finally snapped and screamed out ''Don't you have honor!?! Those men are your friends!!'' In the blink of an eye, Luffy found Kuro and grab him before he threw him to the ground.

'He really had good senses.' Luna thought, she could sense Kuro easily with her observation haki but Luffy was still an East Blue pirate, who's just starting to set sail, he was still at the beginning. She wondered if those senses were also the reason for the voice of all things, making his senses stronger and Luffy was always good with animals too.

''I found you'' Luffy said, causing Kuro to look much angrier. Thile Kuro keeps talking his nonsense, Luffy just glared at him without saying anything but his eyes were saying a lot of things actually. Kuro also seeing this but not understanding what he was saying ''What?! Do you have something to say?!''

''Yeah'' Luffy start, not taking his gaze from him even a little as he look at him in the eye ''No matter what happens to me, I'll never be like you'' He declared that with a smile on his face

''Of course. Someone like you, cant be like me!'' Kuro said as he didn't understand the real meaning of Luffy's words and start to use his movement again. Luffy throws himself on him but it was too late and Kuro was disappeared once again

Luna thought that It would be good if Luffy could use his second gear at that moment but his body was still not ready and it won't be ready when he found out that too, making her wonder just how much time of his life took these techniques of his but knowing that she can't stop him using these was more irritating to her now. 'I have to stop thinking about the future' she thought with frustration as she shook her head mentally

Luffy was standing there as he was trying to sense Kuro, causing Luna to think that it was looking like an observation training. When Kuro tried to slice him he took a step back and cause him to miss his slice, once again making Luna wonder if Luffy's prone to observation haki in the end...

Luffy finally caught Kuro and wrapped his limbs around his body, stopping him completely. While Kuro was yelling ''let me go!!'' in frustration and things like that, like Luffy would because he said, Luffy sent his head back and was yelling to the pirates to not cheer him since they were starting to cheer him for a while now. Then finally, Luffy's head came back to Kuro while Kuro was stupidly yelling ''My plan will not fail!'' Luffy yelled out ''Gum Gum Bell!!'' as his head collided with Kuro's, breaking his glasses into pieces and send him unconscious. Luffy let go of him and landed on his foot softly again as Kuro fell like a sack.

Black cat pirates were in awe as they were watching Luffy while saying that he beat Kuro with amazement clear faces. One of them was asking who he is ''I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the man who is going to be the pirate king'' Luffy declared, causing Luna to smile a little when she heard that as she was walking towards him. When she took his hat from the ground Luffy was throwing Kuro to them while yelling at them that take him with them and never come back, well they didn't need to tell that as they were already starting to run.

Luffy turned his back after that to look at Luna since he knew she was there. She was looking at his cuts while walking in front of him. ''We should lo-'' before she can continue, he leaned his forehead to her shoulder ''tired'' he said lowly. Luna knew that he didn't mean physically at least not exactly. Luffy always cared for his crew and his friends from the very beginning. Even now or even when he met Zoro and know him only a little, he helped them all while putting his life on the line. He cared so much that thinking about them saved him from a mental break after his brother's death. Luna shortly wished that she could have someone like that too when Leo died since she was all alone at that time and there was no one who could save her mind.

''Well, after others came, we can go and eat something'' She said with a soft smile while sitting down. She looked up to him like saying he should rest a little too which he understand and lay down beside her and she put his hat back on his head. The moment she put it on, both of them frowned at the same time, she didn't know why he frowned though and he didn't know why she frowned too. While she was about to reach to his mouth, Luffy put his head on her thighs, causing Luna o think that maybe the ground wasn't comfortable and that's why he frowned.

She reached out again to wipe the blood at the corner of his mouth with a frown, to her, he was always fighting carelessly. Nami also came when Luna's eyes were traveling rest of the cuts while she was wiping the blood from his mouth 'they should be fine in a day or so' was her thoughts as she was looking at the cut, making Luffy think that 'so that's why she frowned'

Nami sat down beside them with her treasure bag in her hug. ''I suppose even you would be exhausted after such a fight'' she said while looking at the sea ''Tell me..'' Nami hesitantly start ''Why were you so angry earlier?'' causing Luffy to turn his gaze from Luna and look at her while Luna was also taking her hand back from his mouth

''Because I don't like people like him. They are wrong'' Luffy said blankly before he add ''Crewmates shouldn't be treated that way''

''What are you talking about? Most pirates are neither brave nor honorable. Kuro was more of an average pirate'' Nami said as Luffy glance at her blankly before he closed his eyes

''I want some meat'' he said bluntly, making Nami get angry once more

''Unbelievable! I would hit you if you weren't on Luna!'' She yelled as Luna start to laugh

''He is right though, a good meal would be good after this now.'' She add after him only making Nami snap at her too

''I changed my mind! I'm gonna hit you both!!'' she yelled while they kept laughing. Zoro and Usopp come back after a while later, Usopp was beaten up a little bit but they said that Kaya and the kids were fine and they were back at the mansion.

''Thank you guys, I would never have been able to protect the village without you'' Usopp said with an honest face that made clear that he was really thankful and he had a relief aura around him.

''Just give me some sake'' Zoro told him while smirking.

Luna also nods at this with a smiling face ''Yeah, some sake and some food would be good!''

''Yeah, meat!'' Luffy adds after them too while Nami was hugging her treasure bag dearly

''Who cares?! I got my treasures, I'm the happiest.'' She declared, causing Luna to laugh at her while Zoro let a sigh, and Luffy was looking at her weirdly. Usopp was laughing too before he started to look at the sea with a serious but a longing expression on his face

''Everything that happened today helped me make a really important decision'' causing Luna to look at him and smile a little, knowing that he was actually part of the crew way before he decided his important decision anyway since it was Luffy who really decides.


They spent two days with resting and healing from their wounds, though it wasn't that they were wounded seriously and Luffy's wasn't that important but they were actually waiting for Usopp to heal, not that anyone actually said that but they knew somehow. Luna, not doing what she was doing with Zoro until now, helped them to heal their wounds kindly, causing Zoro to get angry at her while yelling ''Why am I the only one treated like that?!'' He didn't care 'that' much thought was rather irritated nevertheless. Luna told him that was because he was stubborn and was making her handiwork gone for nothing all the damn time and she also told to Usopp and Luffy that if they were made new ones before these ones are healed they would share the same fate with Zoro, which it caused Zoro's anger gone fly away as he smirked at them, like waiting and wanting them to do and share the same fate with him


They were sitting around some table at the same restaurant, which was the only one, drinking their drinks just after the meal. ''Now that everything here is done..we should probably go now'' Zoro said ''Yeah'' Luffy also said after him but before anyone can say something else, Kaya came into the restaurant. She was looking much more healthy now and with short happy greetings later,

''You all did so much for me that I cant never thank you enough'' She said with a kind smile on her face ''I have present for you guys for how grateful I'm, for everything, I would really be happy and honored if you accept it'' making Luna think about The Going Merry and even though she already knew about it, like others she also followed her with curious face since the ship, after all, was a ship with a soul and It's another of their crewmate who was joining them there.

When they came to the east coast of the island they saw the little ship with a sheep head. It was bigger than what Luna had imagined though.

''A caravel!'' Nami said happily while clapping her hands while others were also looking at with happy faces

''Are you really giving this us?'' he asked while his eyes were shining with stars and Kaya nodded. They were all went to explore the ship while Nami was listening to Merry's explanations about how the ship works. Luna was thinking that It was really a little cute ship and the only difference was probably now that there were two beds in the girl's room along with two bookshelves too, each beside the bed. She was thankful that most of her important things were not so much important to Nami's eyes that she didn't have to be so careful since Nami was only seeing shiny things right at that moment. Her eyes slide to her left forearm for a moment, she knew that Nami was looking at her diamond dragon bracelet sometimes. It wasn't that she could steal it from her arm as she never took it off or she would want to steal it after Arlong but she thought that maybe she should explain to her so that she would stop looking like 'that', with belly sign eyes...

With the scream she heard, Luna went outside and watch what's going on as she leaned on the railing. Luffy and Zoro's foot was on Usopp's face ''T-thanks, I guess'' Usopp said while he was whining a little ''Anytime'' Luffy and Zoro said in a monotone voice before Luffy gets on the ship and order them to get on too and get ready to go while Usopp was saying goodbye to Kaya. Luna could hear him promise to her that he will come back to tell her all about his adventures on the seas and this time they will be all real, not a lie. She smiled at them a little as she was sure that he will have a lot to tell.

After his goodbye to Kaya, Usopp turned towards them ''Take care of your selves you guys!'' he shouted out while waving his hand with a small smile on his face ''I hope we'll see each other again sometimes!''

''Why?'' Luffy asked with a confused tone

''Huh?'' Usopp frowned at him as he too sounded very confused ''Why you ask...I'm taking off for the life on the seas and I hope we will meet again!''

Having enough already ''What are you talking about? Get on already!'' Zoro said in annoyance, confusing Usopp again as he start to blink this time. Luffy getting bored and wanting to already ''We are friends, aren't we? So get on'' said in a monotone voice. After hearing Luffy, Usopp stood there for a moment, trying to progress what he heard before he jumps in joy and shouted out

''I'm really a Captain now!!''

''Don't be stupid, I'm the Captain!!'' Luffy yelled back at him too as everyone started to laugh. Usopp then came to aboard with a huge backpack of his and with saying their goodbyes to Kaya they set sail for the first time with The Going Merry.