The Winter Games 1

"Sire, Princess Catherine requires your attention"

"Of she does, tell her, I'll be right there"

"Yes, Sire" The messenger bows and leaves the balcony. "I'm sorry Lady Winters but I must make my leave"

"Yes, of course, Sire" You bow and hand his jacket back to him. His hand brush over yours for a moment too long and he pauses, just staring at you. Then you step back and get back to the ballroom.

(...oh my god...)

You try to calm down your beating heart. Lady Kendra grabs your arm "Where were you?"

"Oh, it's a long and very interesting story. It involves the King..."

"Oh my goodness, I have to hear this story"

"I'll tell you everything but not here. Let's mingle and get the night over with" Just then another suitor ask you to dance and you take to the dance floor. You watch the balcony where the King and the Princess are sitting. You notice that look is on his face again, a look of utter sadness as he talks to the Princess. The song is over and you go back to your chair.

Lord Dobson appears out of nowhere. "Lady Winters I thought you've gone home for the night. What a pleasant surprise to find you here. Would you honor me with a dance?"

"Of course my Lord" He leads you to the dance floor and you throw your head to the sky and sigh. Your eyes falls on the King and you see a frown on his face, staring straight at you.

(What's that about?)

You dance in agony when you see the crowd turn towards the King and Princess Catherine. They're making their way to the dance floor. They start to dance and soon you find them dancing close to you. You feel the gaze of the King on you. They pass by you and your eyes meet. There's something unreadable in his eyes, something resembling envy. You quickly look away not sure what to think. The song comes to a close and everyone bows before the royal couple.

"Thank you for the dance, milady"

"Thank you but you'll have to excuse me, I have other matter to attend to. Goodnight Lord Dobson"

"Of course, milady. Goodnight" He takes you hand and kisses it. You turn and almost run to Kendra. "We have to leave now, Lord Dobson will not leave me alone"

"But he'll make such a good suitor for you and you'll never be lonely in the bedroom??" She smiles wickedly and wiggles her eyebrows."Shush immediately, don't you dare talk of things like that. I'll much rather die an old maid" You laugh as you put your arm into hers. You start walking towards the stairs and you dare turn around once more, searching for the King.

"Come on now, no time to be idle?" She turns and starts walking up the stairs but your eyes find his and he stares at you intensely.

You smile at him and he gives you a soft smile back. Then your turn and find your way to the carriage, your heart beating against your rib cage.

It's the following day and it's a cold winters day. The ball last night was much better than expected, especially with all the attention you got from the King. Today is the opening of the winter games. "Stacey?!"

"Mam, I'm here. You need me?"

"Yes, I need my friend. Are you happy with this clothes for today's games?"

"Elegant and yet still Lady Melissa, true to her form, mam"

"How many times do I have to tell not to call me Lady or mam, Stacey"

"You know it won't be proper if I call you Melissa in front of the house staff?"

"Yes, but then call me Melissa in private, please? I'd rather have my friend than my maid by my side?"

"Okay, La- Melissa. If you really want that"

"Yes, I do! Thank you"

"I'll always be your friend"

"I still have to tell you about the King that spoke to me last night"

"The King spoke to you? Wow, I have to hear this"

"Well, it all happened so unexpectedly- Oh no! Look at the time, I've got to go, otherwise I'll be late. Let's talk later?"

"Can't wait!" You run downstairs and Kendra is waiting in the carriage. "You should really learn to stick with one carriage, you know?"

Lady Kendra smiles "You know I like to try new things..."

"Oh, I know, always changing things up. That's what I like the most about you"

"Driver, let's go please"

The driver responses "Yes mam"

Kendra looks at you "So are you ready for the games?"

"Yeah, I think it could be nice. As long as we don't run into Denise" You roll your eyes and Kendra wave a hand dismissively. "We'll just say behind the crowd, maybe if we're lucky, she won't spot us"

"Oh, I think there's no way of outrunning that woman"

"You got that right. At least Lord Dobson will be there to comfort you"

"Urgh! Don't even start with him. Then again, if it weren't for him, I won't have had time with the King..." You lay your head against the wall of the carriage, thinking of him.

"You know he won't be there, he never attends the games"

"Yes, I know and I also know he's betrothed. So it's time to start looking for a husband. I think you and me should make it our mission to look for a husband during this season of winter games"

"I think you've got some great ideas in that stubborn head of yours but there's just one thing though..."

"...and what's that?"

"You already have a husband"

"I do?"

"Yes, Lord Dobson!" You slap her against her shoulder and you laugh together. You arrive at the games. Everyone that's anyone is there. The day starts with a parade of the knights contending. You and Kendra finds a place to watch the parade. They're getting ready to start the parade when the entire crowd goes still.

You turn and see the crowd bowing. The King comes walking down to the parade, guards following him closely. You hear soft gasps and chatter, as it's the first time since his father was alive that the King attends the winter games parade. He comes to a standstill at the head of the parade.

The King announces "Let the winter games begin!" The crowd goes wild and the parade starts.

"What in heavens name is the King doing at the winter games? Never have I thought that I'll see him here again." Kendra remarks. You can't help your heart jumping a beat when you saw him. His presence exalts power and respect. "Yes, he probably got bored sitting around the castle." Your arms lock and you laugh.

The King makes his way to his throne. He walks in your direction and then he stops in front of you. "Good morning Lady Winters, Lady Bennett"

"Good morning, your Highness" You look up at him through your bowed position and see that he's smiling at you, the sad look of last night is gone. You struggle to get out of you bowing position as your knees feel like jelly. "Are you ready for the games to begin?"

"Yes, your Highness and may say, it's good to see you here at the winter games" Kendra bows. You see his gaze landing on you and then quickly pulled back to Kendra. "Well, I thought, I'll show my face here today, after all, who doesn't like a good game?"

You answer the King "You're right, Sire but what's a good game if there's no reward?" He lifts his eyebrow and there's a smile playing on his lips. "You're right, Lady Winters. Would you and Lady Bennett like to join me on my balcony?"

You still wondering if you want to answer but then Kendra jumps like a little girl and answer. "We'll be honored, Sire. Thank you" He nods and makes his way to his throne. There's a few extra chairs around the throne for the people he invites to sit with him. It's considered a great honor to be invited by the King.