

The King and the princess are standing in front of the doors to the ballroom.

"Are you ready, your Highness?" The princess looks up at him.

"What concern is that of yours?"

"I didn't mean-"

He lifts up a hand to stop her. "Let's just do it"

He gives his arm for her to hooks into. She hooks in her arm and looks up at him but he doesn't look back at her. They walk down the long staircase. It feels as if all his energy is sucked out of him. He doesn't feel like a King but more like a man that's walking to the gallows. He takes a deep breath but he can't shake this feeling of sadness and frustration. They reach the bottom of the stares and the President is waiting for them.

"Ciao, King James. We are so pleased to host you in our beautiful country. We hope that you're finding everything to your liking so far?"

"It's a very beautiful country and we feel very much at home, thank you. Your hospitality is something to be proud of"

"I'm very happy to hear that, Your Highness. I've prepared a room for us to discuss the treaty in. Please follow me"

"Please, lead the way"

The President and the King walk into a room where they discuss the treaty in full. The King is very good at what he does and the President signs the treaty with no complications. They give a handshake and then go back to the ballroom.

"I'm very glad we could come to an agreement, King James. Your father was right about you"

The King's eyes lift up in shock.

"Did you know my father?"

"Oh yes, we used to talk many times and he was always very proud of his little boy. He always used to say, "You just watch him, he'll become a better King than I'll ever be"

The King smile. He stares for a long while at the President, as if he recalls his father's words but then he clears his throat and pushes back any emotions that might want to emerge.

"Thank you for the kind words"

"You're most welcome. Now, let's get to the speeches so that we can start with the real reason for being here and that's to have a good time"

They laugh and walk up to the table. The King's eyes search for you and then he sees you. He starts to glow at the sight of you.

(Damn...she's a vision to behold)

The princess then snakes her arm into his and he snaps out of his daze.

"Shall we sit, Sire?"

"No, I have to make my speech. Why don't you have a seat, princess"

He gives her a fake smile that he has practiced so many times before. These last few years have been nothing but emptiness and loneliness, but now that he found you there might be hope in his heart again. He walks up to the pedestal and everyone quiets down.

"Mr. President, colleagues, distinguished guests and friends, may today be the beginning of a long and prosperous friendship for both our countries. We are but-"

Suddenly the King notice Lord Dobson next to you, trying to kiss your hand. His hand turns into a fist, clenching, severely.

(You get the fuck away, you little shit! Don't you dare to touch her!)

"....uhm...uh...we are but only on the verge of..."

He carries on with his speech but his eyes never leave you. Then Lord Dobson sits the chair miss and falls on your legs.

"...and we shou-"

The King's attention once again reverts back to Lord Dobson and he can't seem to focus on his speech. He starts to tremble out of pure turmoil not being able to come to you.

(Fuck! This is the end of you Dobson!!)


You stay clear of Lord Dobson and tries to avoid him at all costs. The night carries on and people start to dance.

Anabel walks to you. "It's almost slaving time..."

"Oh, goodie! I can't wait. Guess we should start looking for our slave driver then"

You and Lady Anabel start to look for the princess. It's not long when you find her standing next to Lady Elizabeth.

"Aahh! There you are! I was almost starting to wonder if you would make it..."

She puts her hand on the side of her mouth and speaks through her teeth in your ear.

"If you didn't make it, there would have been consequences..." She laughs it off and you give her your best fake smile.

"Of course, we're here, your grace"

(Who does she think she is?!)

"I'm so very glad. Now let's just wait for the rest to join us, okay, Ladies?"

"As you wish, your grace"

Anabel bends over to you and speaks in a lowered voice. "I really didn't sign up for this. We're grown woman, she can't treat us like this. We should be able to complain to someone?"

"I agree with you whole heartily"

It's not long when Lord Dobson and Lord Nickleson walk up to the princess. They bow and take her hand to kiss it.


They turn to you and Anabel to greet you with the kiss of a hand.


"Miladies, it's good to see you again" Lord Dobson smiles.

"It's a pleasure, Lords" Lady Anabel nods.

You say nothing because only repulsiveness and hatred would come out of your mouth. Especially when it's in front of the princess.

"Good, now everyone is here. Ladies, these Lords have been without company for quite some time now and they've come to me for help. So, I suggested that my Ladies in waiting keep the best company. Would you please escort these fine gentlemen around the room?"

(What?? No! No! No!)

"Of course, your grace" Anabel takes Lord Nickelson's arm and starts walking. You still want to turn around but you can feel the princess staring at you.

"Lady Winters?" You feel your heart beating faster and harder in your chest. You feel your limbs starting to fail you and you struggle to get yourself to move forward. There isn't one bone in your body that wants you to step closer to Lord Dobson but you know the importance of this. If the princess so much as suspects that you have feelings for her King, you could be thrown into the dungeon. You look at the arm, Lord Dobson is holding for you to accept. You then submit your hand in his arm.

"Lord Dobson..."