Deep Love

"Oh god, what am I going to do?"

"Don't worry about her. I'll deal with her but I just need you to be aware of what she might do. Just promise me you'll be careful around her. If she is willing to go so far, I don't know what else she's capable of doing"

"Yes, I'll be careful. Thank you for letting me know"

He stands up and then walks to the door. He stops and suddenly he starts to sway, he put his hand on his face.

Then he collapses on the floor. You run to him and fall on the floor next to him.

"God! James! James!! Wake up!!"

The King lays on the floor, lifeless. His eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful but selfishness consumes you. You want him for yourself, you want him to be alive. You put your head on his chest to hear if he's breathing. You hear the rapid beating of his heart, then you smile, he's alive. You move your mouth to his ear and whisper.

"James, you can't leave me now, not now when I...when I think...I might be falling in love....wake up, my King"

His eyes flutter open and he makes a moaning sound.

"Uhmm...oh god!"

He jumps upright but he shouldn't do that. He grabs his head in an attempt to steady himself.

"James, are you okay? What's going on?"

"Forgive me, Lady seems I might not have eaten enough today. This is probably my body's way of telling me to eat more..."

You feel a surge of anger coming over you.

"Why? Why? Would you not eat? James, I need you to look after yourself. I wish to be by your side and look after you but I...I'm not allowed to now...I need you to be good to yourself, please, I beg of you"

The color returns to his face and he takes your hand in his. He caresses your cheek with the back of his hand.

"My heart feels such joy when you show me that you care about my well being. I need you to be by my side, every day and every night. Thank you for showing me your heart. I'll look after myself better, I promise you"

You both stand up and you see him shaking a little bit.

"James, I think you should stay with me tonight. I would like to make sure you're feeling better"

He can't help the smile that plays on his mouth. You see his excitement at the thought of staying with you for the night but then his face falls.

"There is nowhere else that I would like to be, then by your side right now but if I don't return to my room, people will get suspicious"

"I understand that completely. Then can I propose that you stay with me just for a little while longer, just to put my heart at ease? Please, Sire?"

"Angel, don't call me Sire or your Highness again when we're in private. I want to be close to you and not feel as if you'll apart from me. I'm James to you forever, please"

"I'll do as you desire, James"

"Thank you...I'll stay with you a while longer"

You softly take his hand and walk to your bed. His eyes follow you as far as you go. He let you lead him to your bed. You sit him down on the bed, then you slowly start to unbutton his shirt. He keeps staring at you with a smile creeping up on his mouth. You take his shirt off, pushing him down slowly onto your bed. You play with your fingers on every muscle and outline of his sculpted body.

His eyes never leave you but you hear his breathing increase. You softly kiss his chest and a low groan escapes him.

"'re torturing me in a way I always want to be tortured in"

You then stand up from the bed and drop your gown. He swallows hard and you put your leg over his toned body, straddling him. You feel his arousal standing firm between your legs.

"James, I want to be the one you think of every day of every minute of every second. I want to be the one you see in your dreams"

"Angel, believe me when I say there's no one else I'm thinking about. You have me...mind, body, and soul..."

He put his hands around the small of your neck and pull in for a kiss. You feel his tongue gently playing inside your mouth. You put your hands on his chest and he moans at your touch. You kiss until you pull away breathlessly.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling a lot of things, angel. You're going to have to help me give you the answer you desire because you can definitely eliminate some answers with what you feel standing firm between your thighs"

You see him blush a little and you give him a smile in return. You get off him and sit next to him on the bed. You lay your hand on his chiseled chest. He grabs your hand and caresses it with his thumb.

"You know...I love it when you put your hand on my chest like that. I love feeling you so close to my skin"

"James...I still need to know how are you feeling after collapsing like that? I think we could still order some room service or find you some-"

He gets up on his elbows and pulls you in for another kiss.

"I'm fine, angel and I do love the way you care for me"

"If you're not going to let me get you something to eat, then how am I going to be able to help you feel better?"

"Food is not going to make me feel better but being with you makes all the things in my life feel better"

"What do you mean food is not going to make you feel better? Did you see what just happened to you? I can't let that happen to you again, I do worry about you, James"

He abruptly stands up from the bed. Suddenly it's like he realizes something.

"You right, I have to go. I'm sorry"

He walks to the door. You stand in amazement at how he just got up and leaving you just standing there. Then he suddenly turns around and grabs your hands.

"I was a dead man walking and you brought me back to life..."

He kisses you and your heart swells at the sound of his words. He turns around and walks out the door. You feel so happy and relieved that you saw the King…

( James...)

You fall asleep and hope that he's just as happy as you are. The next day you meet everyone back on the train. Anabel stands next to you.

"Hey, you ready for some more slave driving?"

"Oh, I'm so ready for that woman"

"Ladies! What a pleasant surprise..." The princess laughs and suddenly changes her face, filled with anger.

"I won't tolerate unacceptable behavior from you two. If I say entertain these Lords than you do it! No questions asked. Do you understand??"

"Yes, your Grace but we did-" Lady Anabel tries to explain.

"No buts! Just do as I say. I've got enough things to worry about than to worry about you two not doing what I ask of you!"

"But your Grace-" You try to explain.

"No, no, no Lady Winters..." She smiles and waves her finger to the sides in front of your face.

"Especially from you, young lady! Now, leave me at once You turn around and have a seat far from her."

"Did she just call me young lady? It must be very obvious to her that I'm almost six years older than she is? What's wrong with her?"