
"Lady Winters? Are you okay?"

"Lord Walton, I'm glad you turned around, thank you"

You're so relieved that he's the one that found you along the road that you fall into his arms and hugs him tightly.

"Where were you? The King has been looking all over for you?"

Joy and happiness fill your being with the thought that the man of your dreams notice that you were gone and that he send someone to look for you. You wonder if the princess knows that he send someone to look for you and if Lord Walton is the only one that knows. The question remains, what does Lord Walton know?

"I've been kidnapped and found a way to escape"

"Oh god, Lady Winters, that's terrible. Let's get you into the carriage and you can tell me all about it?"

"I'm so glad you're here, Lord Walton. Thank you again"