Illness or not?


How does she know about the princess's mental state? He is very curious as to know what you know. So he closes the door that he has opened to go back into the room and then turn back to you.

"What pills are you talking about?"

He walks closer to the bed and then takes a seat next to you.


You have almost forgotten to tell the King about your knowledge of the princess. You almost didn't tell him all about the pills that you find in her compartment.

He takes your hand and then says.

"Please, tell me what you know as this might help with my plan"

You enjoy his hand in yours and then you tell him all about what you saw and what her handmaid told you. You can see as concerned starts to develop on his face as you tell him everything. You did not want to be the one that puts another load on his shoulders but now you did it.

"Sire, did I just cause you to have more stress?"