Hidden Cabin


He is standing with a very nervous soldier in front of him and it is clear to him that if he says just one word wrong the soldier will turn and run. But he needs this information desperately as his investigation is going very slowly.

He had hoped to have gotten much more further with his investigation if Lord Walton was still captive. He wanted to be finished with his plan by now and have you by his side by then. But now his plan has been rerouted because of Lord Walton's disappearance.

So, the man standing in front of him will play a big part in getting some answers to what happened to Lord Walton. It also will give him an indication of how deep does this tyranny runs in his Kingdom.

"I am listening soldier. Tell me what is going on in the dungeons?"

He watches as the soldier nervously looks around him and it is almost as if he is hesitating to talk to the King.