His Chambers


You stand in front of the guards that are stopping you from entering the King's chambers. You feel your heart starting to race uncontrollably because you know that you are somewhere, where you're not supposed to be. If they find out that you are lying to them it can be a death sentence.

You take a deep breath and then you try to be as confident as possible.

"The princess sent me to give a message to the King. Are you going to stop me from giving this message to the King?"

You watch as the guards get uncomfortable as if they are not sure whether they should let you in or not. You move a bit forward and then you feel that their hand starts to slack as they are hesitating.

"Now, if you will excuse me?"

You tried to look just like Lady Elizabeth all filled with proudness. Then you move even further and closer to the door and then you feel as they remove their hands completely.