Heavy Burden


As they arrive at the castle he orders his agents to take Lord Walton to a specialized cell that he has prepared for him. Then he gathers with his men so that his plan can commence tomorrow. He knows that he has to get to you somehow before tomorrow. Because he knows that you will not understand what he is going to do.

Just when he had finished his plans for tomorrow, he sees that he has a little bit of a gap in his schedule to maybe find his way to your estate. He does not care if he will be seen, as tomorrow everything will come to an end.

He gets on his horse and then makes his way to your estate, leaving his escorts behind.


You can not help as your heart starts to race at the words that Lord Jackson just spoke to you. He wants to court you and he has made no secret of it. You have no idea how to react to his suggestion but it seems like he is very determined to do it.