CHAPTER FIVE: The Unacceptable Truth

When Eve arrives home bringing files and paper, Eve's Uncle, Ben, just ate peanut butter jelly and satisfied his hunger, some of the jellies fell to the ground and when he was about to wipe it off, he saw Eve walk rashly to her room and never greeted him so he followed her. (splat). The door wasn't completely close so he peeked in the little opening then saw Eve reviewing the files. When she was reading, she covered her mouth with her eyes completely wide.

This is not true, I am not stolen. My father is not a thief!

Eve cried all night and fell asleep, she couldn't even finish reading them, the files were filled with her tears. When she fell asleep soundly, her uncle went inside slowly and read everything in the files, then he felt fortunate that she couldn't read the rest of the files since there's something in the files he didn't want her to see...



Ben Collins- $500 for accusing Dave Collins of murder and thievery / plus $500 for proving it to the police - Will pay it next week.

Ben smirked and rips the paper out of the files and burned it but he didn't notice the jam in his shoes. It left marks on the floor. He was too happy to notice it so he went happily in his room and drank a couple of beer and snored loudly. Eve woke up just to see the files missing, she checked in her bed and did not found it, she looked under her bed and found it with a missing piece, when she looked down she saw footprints of jelly, she followed it and it led her to her uncle's room. She was shocked to know her uncle stole a piece of the files. Since he only stole one piece, it means it was important so, she peeked in her uncle's room and found him sound asleep, she searched slowly but she couldn't find it anywhere, so she gave up when she saw something in the chimney. It was a piece of paper, it wasn't completely burned but when she pulled it out only "DEBTS" showed, the rest were ashes. She went into her room and investigated things, she thought maybe another thing was missing, but fortunately, nothing else was stolen. She thought for a while and...

If that "DEBTS" paper was that important to him, why was it? Why did he burn it? did he not want me to see it?

The Next Morning


Justine couldn't sleep again since he has insomnia, but he doesn't know why he had this sickness. He didn't have this when he was a child. He usually has bad dreams of fire at night, so he thought it was because of that, but he actually had it after that incident at the fire. Justine was sleeping when the fire happened. When he woke up, the building was on fire, he was in his room and smoke came out of the door he got suffocated and he opens his door to see his mom and dad stuck in one of the furniture, he saw his mom burning and his dad kept shouting for him to go back in his room... He was scared and lonely, the room was foggy and it was suffocating, it was horrible to see them die, he collapsed and hits his head on a cabinet. That fireman saved him... He woke up to the sound of sirens and the voice of a woman talking indistinctly. He woke up again at a very clean room and nurses checking upon him. A woman approached him and asked him his name, but he couldn't remember so that woman named him Justine.

She was pretty and very kind, she made me Justine and she was Mary Clarke. (a.k.a Mrs. Clarke)

Apparently, Justine had Retrograde Amnesia, he lost all his previous memories and everything from his childhood, Dr. Clarke (Mrs. Clarke) decided to adopt Justine, she is an infertile mother. In other words, she can't have a baby. So, she decided to adopt him and make him her own.

Officer Clarke (Mr. Clarke) is the officer appointed to Dave's (Eve's Father) case, which is Murder and Theivery. But there's one thing he is going to regret doing. He followed someone's order to accuse Dave and asked his brother (Ben) to do it. Ben did it due to some family issue and he hated him for everything.


Ben was 2 years older than Dave and he hated him for that. You see, Ben thought youngsters always get attention from parents, so he rebelled early and eventually got hated by the family. He ran away from home and lived outside for a week. His parents looked for him but he didn't know. One day when he went back, no one welcomed him. But Dave hugged him with tears.

"Ben!" Young Dave said with watery eyes.

"Get off me, you jerk!" He said pushing him away.

"Ben, don't push your brother!" There're mother said.

They both had a hard time living there're life. Especially when they lost there're parents.

Justine woke up in the sound of someone banging the door real hard.

"What is it?!" Justine shouted.

"Hello, Mr. Clarke, We are here to investigate. We are your fathers' co-workers and someone broke into our headquarters and some of the witnesses said it looked like you,"

They found us, what should I do?

"Ok, search wherever you want," Justine said.

The officers were suspicious of Justine but nothing was found. Actually, all the papers and files were with Eve right? and the hoodie he wore last time was in the laundry room so he was safe.

After that investigating stuff, Justine was supposed to call Eve but she doesn't have her phone number. So he asked Harry since his dorm room was near his.

"Hey, um, do you have Eve's number?" Justine asked quietly.

"OMG, you can talk?!" Harry shouted.

"Of course I can, when I have something to say,"

"Ok, here, her number is, ***********,"


Justine called her directly.

"Hey, it's me, Justine,"

"Oh hey, how did you-"

"Anyway, the police found out we went there, I mean they knew it was me but they couldn't get evidence, now hurry and throw that files before they search the whole school!"

"I left it at home,"