Apartment 21. Aiden Jenkins. Day One (Part 7)

As the early morning hours pass by, the stream of residents coming down the stairwell becomes sparser and sparser until it finally stops completely. The last guy to come down is alone and carrying a large box full of non-perishables, cans of goods and the likes. With closer inspection, I think he might have been part of Grant's crew, I saw him running around doing Grant's bidding those few days that he was in control, but I don't remember ever being introduced to him so he must not be someone close to Grant. 

When the voices in the room die down, I look to the front of the room and see Ash has ended his conversation with Caleb and is currently looking out at the room expectantly. I don't know how he got everyone to understand his meaning—that it's time to stop chatting amongst ourselves and pay attention to him—but, even though I know him personally, I can see how just the way he is standing has its own kind of power towards others.