
Palm's View People's Magazine

Anniversary Issue

Open Book Segment

'A World Without Border'

Nathaniel Chance Villarta

. . . . A 30- year old bachelor and chairman of a famous ship line company in Washington. Eight years ago, he settles there for good, together with his true love Juliana and his brother Ryan, leaving all the bad memories in the Philippines. . . .

. . . A story of dreaming, and flying, of choosing between family and love, a story of heartaches, letting go, acceptance and faith, where love deserve a second chance. . . .

Q: How was losing your wife change you?

A: It crushed me, honestly. However, I received an email from my wife which was sent a day before she died. One notable words from that is that was I hope that you are not mad at God my dear. Everything happens for God's purpose. All we have to do is to trust Him and submit ourselves to God's plan. Please remember these words from James 1:2-4 consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

When I understood that my life is already about to be poured out, I finally understood that my purpose was finished – that I know that I was sent by God for you, and now that you were found by God, my job is done. After I read those words from her, I realized that I should not stay mad at God and at myself. Everything happens for a purpose and she is right. Who knows, that I will be here today and answering your questions.

Q: That's wonderful of you Sir Nat. I understand that you have a book. Tell us something about it.

A: My Book is called "The Great Frontier – Fro story to History." It is my autobiography about my love and career and faith.

Q: How about your single released song?

A: Ah, the song. It was titled 'To Julie.' I composed it for my wife. My book and my and my song were all inspired by her and by the Lord.

Q: That is a wonderful motivation in life. What we are curious to know now is what would be your message to people who are also undergoing trials in their life?

A: Love God, trust God and obey God, for all things works out for the good of those who love God and are being called according to His purpose.