Akira's PoV
God! That was so embarrassing. I made an absolute fool of myself down there. They're probably laughing at me right now.
I took a quick shower and applied light cosmetics in myself to at least redeem myself after that humiliation.
I settled with a white graphic tee and hoodie. For my bottom, I picked volleyball shorts. It's always my go-to clothing whenever I'm home. After I'm done, I went downstairs to join the others. I was walking down the stairs when I saw Daichi come out of the kitchen and greeted the guys.
"Oi, nice timing! I just got off the phone for a delivery." My brother chuckled. I went down the the last step of the stairs and glared at Daichi. "You didn't ask for my input?"
He chuckled more. "Jeez, I know your usual order. Every time I ask you what you want, you end up choosing the same food." He smiled and ruffled my hair affectionately. I just got off the shower! I punched him in the shoulder after, which made him laugh more.
Someone's in a good mood.
"Well, what if I want different food this time? You haven't seen me in a long time, maybe I've changed, you know." I pouted. "As if that'll happen."
We walked to the others in the living room. Tanaka sat comfortably in the couch with his arms on the back of the sofa. Suga-san is quietly sipping his cup of tea with his eyes closed. While Nishinoya... I don't know how to describe him.
He's flustered and looking all uncomfortable at the same time. For some reason.
"It's surprising that you asked to hang with us, Daichi-san. The Inter-high is coming, we expected you to whip is into shape." Tanaka said and laughed. "Yeah. That's the same reason why I asked for you guys to come. We would be too busy these days, I'm just trying to get the most of our days."
"You make it sound like you're dying, Daichi." I rolled my eyes at him which made Suga-san cough a little bit. "D-Don't go around j-joking like that, Akira! I choked!" Suga-san commented as he wheeze in laughter.
"Ha, ha so funny. Eh? Nishinoya, why are you so quiet?" My brother asked. All our heads turned to him and he hasn't even noticed us. Daichi snapped his fingers in front of his face but to no avail.
Tanaka laughed and slapped Nishinoya in the back, in which woke him up from his trance.
"Huh?" He asked, oblivious. "I said, why are you so quiet?" My brother asked again.
"Yeah, Noya, you've been acting weird. You keep on spacing out." Suga-san asked, concerned.
"It's n-nothing! When's the food going to arrive? I'm so hungry!" He said in a cheery voice. Everyone laughed awkwardly and just accepted everyone's answer. You may fool everyone but you can't fool me, Nishinoya-san.
After eating, Daichi proposed we play Uno cards to pass the time.
"Hey! I chatted the other second years and said they'll come by after!" Tanaka exclaimed. "That's great! Can you invite the first years?" I asked.
"No." Daichi replied to me with a stern glare. "Aw! Why not?!" I whined.
"Because the first years are so chaotic that when you combine them with you, you might make hell freeze over." He said with an eye roll. "That's not fair... Suga-san, Daichi's being a meanie!" I whined more. At least I know Suga-san will take my side hehe!
"Daichi has a point, Akira..." He trailed. Aw! There are two Daichi's now! Kowai!
"...But it is quite unfair that we're the only one's having fun, right?" He added. Yes! It's totally unfair! I nodded furiously and Daichi sighed, finally giving in. "Okay, fine. But if they mess up, it's on you."
"I'll invite the first years." Suga-san said with a sigh as he opened his phone to chat the four boys.
"Sure! Oh, I'll invite Kiyoko-san!" I said.
The two boys' spirits went up the roof. It's so obvious they're such simps. Why am I a little bit annoyed? I opened my phone and went to Instagram to send her a dm.
We're having a party at our house. You wanna come?
Sure. I'll just finish what I'm doing here.
Sure! Take care :3
"She said she'll come!"
"Okay, now start of the game!" Suga-san exclaimed. "Wait, wait! There should be dares and stuff to make things interesting! Having normal Uno game is so boring, Suga-san!" Tanaka added. Yeah, I agree with that. We should make things spicy!
"Fine. What do you propose?" Daichi asked. "I say we count each loss and redeem it with a series of truth or dares later when everyone shows up." He said, too proud with his suggestion.
"Okay. Let's start?"
After a few rounds, Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita came. There are two people who sucked at the game, me and Nishinoya. I know, right? What are the odds? We had a total of 10 games and I lost at 3, he lost at 4. Daichi never lost, while Suga-san lost once. That leaves Tanaka with 2 losses.
"Hey, Akira!" A voice called. I turned my head to see my brother asking me to do something. "Can you swing by the nearest store? We're about to run out of juice. I know it that Kageyama and Hinata will probably race each other to coming here and there should be juice waiting for them."
"Sure thing! I'll head out." I went upstairs to get a sweat short and wear it on top of my volleyball shorts. I don't want to make a scandal for wearing 'short' clothing. I also took my purse that contains my cards and money.
After my little preparations, I headed out. The nearest convenience store here is where I bought my chocolates from on the first day. To be honest, I feel much comfortable shopping at Sakanoshita's since coach Ukai's the one who owns it.
It's a few blocks away, I better hurry. I don't want to miss out on the fun.
After a few minutes, I reached the convenience store. There are a bunch of teens crowding the cashier. I sighed, defeated. This is going to take much longer...
I took a variety of big juice packets and a bunch of junk foods. It is a high schooler party, after all. Aw, damn. I need to get these fat off after. I waited on the long line and the teens in front of me are conversing loudly.
"Shh! You guys are too loud! Can't you see the girl there? You're disturbing her." One of their friends said. She took a longer time looking at my face and gasped. "Oh, my God! You're Aria, right?! Can I get a picture with you?" She squealed.
I gave her a smile and nodded. I should've known that everyone inside the store will get a picture with me. "Here, we'll let you slip in front so you can be on your way." The person in the front said. "Oh, it's a wonderful offer but that will be unfair to everyone. I'll just wait like everybody else."
"Uhm, sure!"
That took quite some time. That's not a problem now though, since I'm halfway back. I could finally get home!
Droplets of water fell down from the sky. Oh no... it's raining! I don't have an umbrella! I don't want to get sick!
I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned my head frantically, only to see no one there. It must be my imagination. Oh well, I really have to get going if I don't want to get wet. I turned my head back in the road but someone blocked me.
"Excuse me? I'm trying to get through. If you could just go to the side..." I pleaded softly. The man, much taller than me, smirked and spoke, "Wow... a pretty face and good manners. Why wouldn't anyone fall in love with you?" I went to the side but he blocked me again. It happened multiple times.
The rain started to get more violent and I looked at the sky for a moment before I took a step back, still glaring at the guy. "Listen, Sir. I just want to get home. If you're not going to let me, then it's your funeral." I pulled out my phone from my pocket and tried to dial the police, still walking backwards while keeping my eyes on the man.
My back collided with the chest of a guy, his hands travelling south into my thighs. I yelped.
I-I can't remember the police number here in Miyagi. What the hell is it?!
"Come on, sweetheart... play with us. You found a nice one, Nik. If it wasn't for those posts of those teens, we wouldn't find her location. So it is true that a model from Tokyo now resides in Miyagi huh..." I stepped on his foot and ran.
Someone took a hold of my wrist and it's another guy! How many guys are there?!
"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart? Did you honestly think we would kidnap a model with just few people? You're too much valuable to lose and we'll make sure we'll have our fun with you first."
He tugged me closer while I struggle. I'm a pretty strong woman but why can't I release his hold to me! "L-Let go! I'll give you my cards, I'll give you my money! Just let me go!" I pleaded, tears started to form in my eyes.
"Ah ah ah. Someone paid us to take you to him. Your money isn't worth more than his. Can you give us 7 Million yen?"
WHAT?! SOMEONE'S PAYING 7 MILLION YEN FOR ME?! I don't have that much money yet! I-I can't get out of this. "Someone, please help me!"
"You're straining your beautiful voice, honey. No one's going to hear you..." He said seductively. As if! "You disgusting pig! Let me go! My brother will find me, you hear that?!" I said, trying to scare him off. "Who's your brother? A governor? Why would we be scared of him?"
"Shut the fuck up!-"
They hit me with something in the back.
Help me...