
Chess is a two-player board game. It has 16 pieces for each player. It begins with eight pawns, two knights, two bishops, two rooks, one queen, and one king. The goal of the game is to have each player checkmate each other. The winner was, of course, the first one who checkmate the other, not allowing it to move anywhere for safety.

Marcus Zephanie silently mused, staring at the board game on the table, his eyes fleeting towards the two clones still frozen inside their glass confinement.

A small smile began to spread across his face as he looked towards Alice Zephanie's double. The woman was indeed a striking beauty. No wonder his clone fell for her.

He remembered the big wedding that was broadcasted a few days after The Mesial was created.

It was a grand celebration for the people. Marcus watched it, feeling amused.