You & I


I shook my head, staring at myself in the mirror.

"Don't, Ava. You can't do this," I shut my eyes close, willing myself not to let Hero's words haunt me.

But you and I, we could start from the beginning. We could start all over again.

Start all over again? I mused. I wanted to believe that it was possible. However, I wasn't certain that it was a great idea. But, if I was to be honest with myself, I wanted to have Hero's friendship all over again. 

Admittedly, it was the thing that I had missed the most. 

Hero had always been there for me even though I hardly told him anything about what and who I really am. He never pried for answers despite the fact that he was brimming with questions, lots of them. He had fully accepted me and when he finally learned about my real identity, he never left my side.