
I grabbed the duct tape and started wrapping Kyoca's legs, arms and her mouth. I hated when Miklo took control of me. He always makes me feel weak doing things I never like. Kyoca started stir and we taped faster to get out of here before Heiyo wakes up. When we were done taping up Kyoca I threw her over my shoulder.

"Why the silly pretend with them if you were going to kidnap her?" I ask Miklo as a portal started to open.

"My choice is not for you to understand. I will get what I promise no matter what." The portal was fully open when Miklo was done talking. "Now bring me my prize." I puked a little in my mouth when I walked thru. The portal open to where he was gloating to the other angels. "Drop her and get in your chains Marko. For years I walked on earth as her stupid boyfriend getting her to falling in love with me. And she did fell for me as Reyco." I dropped Kyoca at his feet then I put on my mouth gag and then my chains as I saw Miklo change into a whole new person.

Miklo/Reyco P.O.V.

When I finished changing back into Reyco, I grab a knife and slice myself a few time then punched myself. I had her fall in love with me as Reyco then I will make her fall in love with me as Miklo. I need her blood to start the final part of my plan. If I can get her to marry me, everything they worked so hard to do will be gone. I feel the wind changed as I metamorphose into Reyco.

"No one is to tell her who I am or it will be the end of you." I I chained my self to the wall just has Kyoca starts to wake up. "Kyoca run, he'll be back in a few minutes." I gasp out trying to play my part. Kyoca saw me, got up and started to run to me.

"Reyco, what are you doing here? When did you get here?" She tried to remove the chain and saw the angels trying to get her to notice them. I just stared at them to be quite.

"They got me after paintball when I got home. They killed my mom and dad. Miki, they kill as soon as I walked in. I tired fighting them, but they overpowered me. You have to run. You need to get out of here." I told her has she undid my chains.

"I am not leaving you. You are coming with me and we are getting out of here." She undid the chain at my feet and looked towards the angels. I stood up, grabbed her hand and we start running out of my home. I looked at her and saw that tears were falling from her eyes. She probably remembers Marko knocking her out.

"Whatever happened we will get past it. WE need to get out of here and find you father." Her tears starts to fall faster. "Sweet, we will find him, no matter what." I placed a kiss on her forehead and wipe her hair back.

"My father is chained up and hanging back there." Kyoca tried to slow down her crying. "The guy who raising me isn't my father."

"Sweet, the person who raised you is your father. He gave up everything and gave you his love. He was there when you fell and picked up. He went to every school meeting, every school function, and gave encouragement when you needed it. He is your father, not the man who is hanging back. That hanging man gave you up because he couldn't take care of you. Heyio is your father, he took you in and took care of you." I wiped her tears away and she stood up.

"You are right, Heyio is my father and not that person that is hanging back there. We need to find dad and get out of here." She pulled me up and we start walking to find Heyio. Although, we will never find him. He was left passed out back at the human world ans wasn't brought here.

We made it out of the castle to the outside. Heyio wasn't in the castle and no where the eye can see. It had been hours since we started looking for Heyio. Kyoca started to loose hope and was getting tired. She want to keep going until we found something about Heyio.

"Kyoca, We need to stop. you already fell over ten times, you need to rest." I grabbed her arm to stop her from going any further.

"Not until we find any signs of him. He has to be here. He would have followed me here. We keep going on." She tried go, but I pulled her back.

"Kyoca, how would he feel if you are not taking care of yourself. You need to rest and we need to find water and food." I made her sit down. Are all Blood Angel this stubborn? I drop my hand from her arm when I knew that she wasn't getting up. "Why are you so stubborn to find him."

"You are right, I need to rest. Dad wouldn't like if I passed out looking for him. And you were the one who fell in love with me." She said as she stood up to look me in the eyes. I barfed a little in my mouth. I didn't love her, I just want to control both world last hope in winning this war. I felt the ring in my pocket, the one I was going to give her back in the human world. I took out the ring, showed her the ring and fell to my knee.

"Kyoca, you are the best thing that has ever happen in my life. Right now life is messed up for us and people have died. You are the best, the sweetest, and the most beautiful. I love you with all my heart. When all this is over, will you please be my wife?" I hope she says yes.

"Yes, Reyco, yes I'll marry you. Only when of this is all over." I got up from the ground and I felt a pull for me to head back to the castle. Kyoca held out her hand and I slip the ring on her ring finger.

"Ok, now that is over we need to get food and water. I see a water source over in the the distance, you go and get water. I will find us some food." I watched her walk off before I went back to the castle.