

What is life?

Is life just an illusion?

Is it real?

Can life make everyone happy?

Does everybody deserve life?

Some questions are better left unanswered



"were arriving at Shiotsu Terminal in 5 minutes all passengers headed to Rai Station please go to the other side of the platform"

"I guess this is my stop" I got up and pack my thing as I walked to the door


"Thank you for choosing Inotsu Services, have a great day"

"it's already this late? I need to hurry" I hold on to my bag firmly as I walked faster


"is this the right place? I can't tell, it's too dark" I decided to knock on the door when suddenly..

"uummmm hello?" someone appeared out of nowhere

"WAAAHHH!!" I jumped

"Who- Who are you? I asked

"I was the one who supposed to ask" said the mysterious figure

As I got a better look, I realized

"A boy?"

I got up and introduced myself

"A-Ah My name is Nozoi Kazuto I'm a transfer student at Yamichi Public Highschool who was supposed to stay at Yasayoi Dorm, I got lost so I was thinking to ask around"

"Oh, you're that transfer student everyone's talking about" says the boy

"Nice to meet you Nozoi-san, my name is Akari aki I live in this dorm as well" continue the boy

"Nice to meet you too Akari-san, so this is the right place?" I asked

"Yeah, Come in I'll show you around" He insisted

"Thank you" I answered

"oh come on, don't be so formal. This is your home now, for 2 year at least" Akari said

"oh, okay then" I said

As I entered the dorm and looked around I realized "wow, this place is pretty big"

"this is the living room, where you can interact with other people and watch TV" Akari said

"over there is the vending machine if you want to grab a drink"

"and if you take a sharp left there, you'll find the toilet"

"and finally, the upstairs. There's the bathroom if you want to take a shower "

"and beside that every room in this floor are bedrooms. Oh I forgot to ask, what's your room number?" Ask Akari

"Oh my room number is 5" I answered

"Oh, so your room is at the end of the hall on the left"

"My room number is 1 so it's right over here"

"well then, it's getting pretty late anyway so after unpacking your stuff you should probably go straight to sleep" said Akari

"once again, thank you for showing me around the dorm" I said as I bow down to him

"oh, don't worry it's okay you don't need to bow" Answered Akari

"ah, I have another question" I said

"what is it?" asked akari

"how many people live in this dorm?" I asked

"there's only 5 people live in this dorm including you" answered Akari

"hm.... okay" I said

"oh crap, I should probably go to sleep it's already past midnight" he said as he looked at the clock on the wall

"ah you're right, I should probably go too" I said as I looked at the same clock

"well then, good night" said Akari

"good night" I said as We parted ways

As I arrived at the entrance of my room I took a deep breath "hhhhhmmm" "hhuuuuhhh" I reach out my hand and grab the door handle, I open the door slowly revealing the inside of my room covered in dust


"I need to clean this up fast, I'm tired" I said to myself

After I finished cleaning up my room and unpacked my stuff, I lay my body down on the Mattress face side down panting in pure exhaustion

"I'm tired" I said as I close my eyes and went to sleep




"where are you?" a boy asked

"we're here son, in the kitchen" said his parents

he ran to the kitchen happily as he arrived at the kitchen, he witnessed something that will haunt his mind for the rest of his life

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" he screamed in fear as he saw his parents being devoured by 2 mysterious thing



"Damnit, that dream again" I woke up from my sleep


"It's already 7 AM, I should probably take a shower"

I got out of my room carrying my towel and clothes as I head straight to the bathroom

"aaahhhhh~, there's nothing better than a warm bath in the morning" I said to myself in enjoyment

"oh yeah, I forgot to ask Akari-san about breakfast"

"I should probably ask him after this" I told myself

After getting out of the bath I dress up and head downstairs

"Good morning Nozoi-san you finally woke up, everyone already gone to school"

"Good morning Akari-san, I'm sorry I slept late last night"

"Don't worry, you were tired that to be expected"

"here" say Akari as he put an omurice in front of me

"eat up"

"ah thanks" I said

As I eat the omurice I asked Akari

"So Akari-san is the one who cook food every day?" I asked

"No, we take turns"

"It was supposed to be you today, but because you woke up late, I decided to take responsibilities" said Akari

"I'm sorry..." I said

"don't worry, just remember to wake up early from now on" said Akari

"Yes sir" I said

"after eating, go grab your bag and head outside I'll be waiting there" Said Akari

After eating I wash the dishes and head upstairs to grab my bag, after grabbing my bag I went downstairs and opened the front door. As I opened the door, I can already smell the morning air and feel the morning sunlight

"ready to go?" Akira asked as he waited for me in front of the dorm

"yeah let's go" I said

And thus, the beginning of my happy and normal high school life begins. Or so I thought....