
I click on the message

there were only two option

"yes" or "no"

Without thinking twice I decided to click yes

After that...

Nothing happened

I shrug it off thinking it was just a prank

I immediately went to bed

It was a silent and cold night.

I woke up to a loud noise from outside

I immediately open my eyes

I was a bit confused at first

"This isn't my room," I said

I was in a strange yet familiar room

"Hehehehe," a laugh came out from nowhere

I immediately jump and look at the top of the cupboard where the laugh came from

There was a black silhouette

Wait, no it's not a silhouette

It was someone

I froze

I was too scared to move

"your finally awake huh," the person said

"w-who ar-are you" I muster all my courage to talk

"relax I'm an ally," the person said

"ally?" I asked

"how rude of me, I forgot to introduced myself," the person said

The person jumps down, revealing himself

He looks like a man in his twenties, wearing a suit and a top hat

As I got a better look at him my heart stopped

He's not a human

He has two wings sprung out from his back and two horn from his head

"let me introduced myself,"

"My name is Achlys, I'm your "Ajutor"," He said

"w-what?" I asked

"Hm? You didn't remember?"

"you're the one who signs the contract right, Nozoi Kazuto?" he asked


What contract?

I don't remember signing any contract


"do you mean the strange message that appeared on my phone?" I asked

"precisely yes" he answers

"Why does this always happen to me," I thought to myself

Of all people

Why me

"So, are you ready for the test?" he asked

"huh? Test?" I asked

"you wish to seek the truth, didn't you?"

"I'll grant you your wish"

"But you must go through the test first to see if you're worthy enough"

"So, are you ready?"

"you can say no and go back to your usual life without knowing the truth"


"you can say yes and seek the truth you've been looking for" he explained

My mind went blank

If I say no I can go back to my usual life and hang out with the other


Maybe that's the better answer for my future


"I'M YOUR FRIEND" Akari word keep ringing in my head

"I'll do it," I said in a low voice

"hm?" he asked

"I'll do the test," I said louder

"magnificent, I knew you were something else"

"now then here take this," he said

Achlys hand me a knife

"a knife?" I asked

"you'll need it" he answered

I grab the knife from Achlys hand

"now then if you're ready…" he said

"wait" I cut him off

"what is it?" said in a gentle voice

"can I ask you a question?" I said

"you may please," he said

"where are we exactly?" I asked

"You'll know soon enough" he smirks as he said that

The door suddenly open

I look at Achlys to see his face

His face is filled with a big grin

"good luck young master"

I step outside of the room

As I look back

The door was closed

"I guess I'm on my own," I said in fear

I walk down the dark corridor while gripping my knife tightly

As I walk further, I saw a brim of light came from the right side

I gather all my courage and walk to the light

As I arrived

The world around me stop

I know this place feels familiar

Because this is

My parent houses

And the room which I was about to enter was

The kitchen

And there was the same creature that appeared 8 years ago

The one that ate my parents

I froze in place

My whole body is shaking from the fear

I suddenly drop my knife

making a loud noise

the two creatures suddenly turn their head 1800 to look at me

suddenly both of them jump at me

I got back to my senses and dodge them

Resulting in them to crash

I ran to grab my knife and head to the kitchen

One of the creatures regained consciousness and extend their arm to grab me

Without any second thought, I duck under their arm and swing my knife upward

Slicing their hand like butter

Blood came out from their hand

Covering the wall with blood

The creature scream and dash right toward in a blink of an eye

Without any time to dodge

The creature grabs my hand and throws me to the other side of the kitchen

My body landed on the concrete floor

I feel like I just broke my back

Tears came out from my eyes

"Why did I even do this?" I thought to myself

I stood up

holding back all the pain

I dash to the creature as fast as I could

holding my knife firmly and aiming for the neck

I scream and thrust my knife into their neck

The creature scream in agony

I push my knife even deeper and turn the knife sideways

Pulling the knife to the side

Slicing their neck

The scream then disappears as I look down on a lifeless body

I looked at my covered in blood hand

Almost puking after seeing it

Then I realized something

I turn my head and look to the kitchen entrance

The other creature didn't move an inch

I walk to the other creature while holding my knife

As I got a better look

The monster head was smashed open

I guess that's what happens when you jump full force into a wall

"Well well well, what an interesting play," says Achlys with a grin on his face

"YOU! YOU SICK BASTARD!" I said out loud

"say someone whos smiling after slicing someone throat" he smiled

"huh?" I said

Did I?

All of a sudden, I feel ill


"now thou have proven thou worthiness, I gave thou 1/8 of thy power, take it" a voice appeared out of nowhere

"UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!! MY HEAD HURTS" my body suddenly felt like it was stabbed by a thousand knife

"MAKE IT STOP" there were voices everywhere


My right eye starts bleeding

It hurt like hell

Every part of my body hurt

"I knew you were something else, this is beautiful," said Achlys with a sadistic smile


Everything stopped

Even the time

I don't feel anything anymore

"Did I die?" I thought to myself

"I knew this was pointless," I said

Everything turns dark after that.

I woke up in the same place as I passed out

The kitchen

"you finally woke up young master," Achlys said

"what happened?" I asked

"hmmm" Achlys suddenly smile

"it seems like you were chosen," Achlys said

"chosen? by who?" I asked

"by god," Achlys said

"wha- "before I finished talking suddenly, I hear a grunt from behind

I quickly turn my head around with the knife ready

Both of the creatures that were dead suddenly rose up

"damnit" I cursed

Before I was ready, they were already charging at me

"ah, this is it"

"I failed my test"

"I'm sorry Akari, I can't save you" I gave up


"use the power I've given thou" the voice appeared again

Without any thought

I suddenly said


In a mere second, everything stopped

"what the hell?" I was truly shocked

Suddenly a ticking noise appeared

Sounds like a clock

But there was no clock in the kitchen

"damnit, this is not the time to think about that"

I rush to one of the creatures and stab their heart

Before rushing to the other one my head suddenly hurt

It feels like it was spinning

Without realizing it

The time went back to normal

The other creature went back to their senses and attack the place where I was standing before time stop

After they realized I was not there

They looked around the room

I immediately saw an opening

I rush as fast as I could and throw the knife aiming for his back where the heart is located

The knife lands in the place that I was aiming for

The creature scream in agony as the knife pierced his heart

Before he can turn his back

it let out its last scream and drops dead to the ground

Then everything went silent

I drop down to the floor covered in sweat

*clap clap clap

A sound of clapping came from across the room

"magnifico, that was truly spectacular"

"I can't even catch a breath while watching"

"you are something special indeed" Achlys smiled

"what a sociopath," I say to my self

"Maybe I'm, but so are you," says Achlys

"what?! How can you read my mind" I was shocked

"it's natural you're my master and I'm your 'Ajutor'" he said


"Just what are you?"

"where am I?"

"what are those?"

"and most importantly…"

"What happened to me?" I asked with a serious face

"fufu, what with the serious face,"

"don't worry I'll answer all your question,"

"But first,"

"I must congratulate you for finishing the test," he said

He stretches out his right hand

And out of nowhere, a black crystal appeared in his palm

"here," he said


"grab it, this is your price" he continued

I took the crystal from his hand

"now squeeze the crystal as hard as you can"

"what?! but it's sharp"

"trust me"

I close my eye and took a deep breath

I squeeze the crystal as hard as I could

"damnit, damnit" I feel like my hand is being pierced by thousands of tiny needles

Then suddenly

The pain stopped

I opened my eyes slowly

"Woah" two floating knifed appeared on top of my palm

I grabbed the knifed and take a good look at it

"so, your "Togishi" are knives huh, beautiful" Achlys said

"Togishi?" I asked

"your weapon,"

"or to be more precious,"

"your soul," Achlys said

"my soul?!" I asked

"yes, Togishi is a sharpened soul,"

"a soul that has been modified to be a weapon," Achlys said

"only a few people have a Togishi"

"and your one of them" Achlys continues

"why would I want my soul to be a weapon?" I asked

"you seek the truth, don't you?"

"Togishi is the key to uncovered the truth," he said

"The key huh…"

An earthquake suddenly appeared

"an earthquake?!" I said

"so, the time is up huh…" he said

"what do you mean the time is up?" I asked

"as soon as the test finished, this world crumble," he continues


"no need to panic,"

"I'll transport you back to your room," he said

"wait, what gonna happened to you?" I asked

"me? Don't worry, I'll always be with you," he continues

"then young master, wake up," he snaps his finger as he said that