Eve raises her head. The profound silence engulfing the world around her. "I haven't heard that sound in a long time." she whispers,
She looks at the floor and smiles, "You found her."
She sighs with relief. "Thank you God." she says,
She's positive many cities heard it, but it was so faded, yet so loud, it had to be a hundred miles away at least. She wonders if they still use that measuring unit. Probably not, they were destroying technogy when she was captured.
They were right. She can't remember. Regardless, they're close, it's almost time. She's waited a long time for this, she's had enough time to learn the cheat of the Watchdogs.
Margaret jolts upright gasping for air. The sun has been replaced by the moon. She breathes heavily, looking around. Adam, Lydia and June jump to her side in case she passes out again.
"Hey-hey! Are you okay?" Adam asks,
She groans and grabs her head, "My head is pounding, did we get attacked?" she asks,
"No, you passed out."
She groans again, "Ugh...I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Margaret!"
They all look at Rola, "That was the coolest mother friggin thing I've ever seen! Sorry?! It was like boom and shot out of your hand and went BAM! And it exploded into the, and I was freaking out, well I am now, but then, it was so loud, and holy Frick Margaret you're so cool!" she shouts,
Lydia shakes her head, "Are you okay?" she asks looking back at Margaret,
Margaret nods, "I'll be okay I think, what happened?" she asks,
"The fireball you shot out, when it got to the sky it exploded into this like fire dragon." Adam says,
Her eyes widen, "What?" she asks in disbelief,
"No it's true, you scared the crap out of us. We've never seen something like that before, it floated in the air there for a few minutes. We thought you killed yourself or were having a seizure or something."
"I mean...i feel fine?"
"Okay, we're going to take things very, very slow." June says,
She nods, "Yeah agreed."
They sit there in silence listening to the carriage rolling across the ground. "Whew, well at least I only passed out right?" she says,
"Don't try using it again tonight."
"No, I won't."
"On the bright side, got a little more confidence in fighting Venix?" Caroline says,
"So tell me, how exactly do you see?" Margaret asks,
"It's a different sense, magic, I see everything in black Grey and white, as if it were all illuminated by light."
"That's pretty cool."
"Okay, so tomorrow morning, if you feel good enough to try again, I want you to make a small flame hovering above your finger, okay?" June says,
She nods, "Yes, I'll focus on just that. Hey...theres an idea."
"What?" Adam asks,
"If we needed to, only if we needed to, I could overload again, after I've learned to control the element, we could use it to convince the military's to join us. They probably would believe us when we tell them I'm the fire watchdog, maybe we wouldn't need to."
"Yeah hopefully they believe us and are inspired enough." Caroline says,
Caroline smiles as the others get excited over their confidence in convincing people. "We're coming Eve." Caroline whispers,
Lydia switches with Caroline. "Caroline?"
She stops and turns to look at her.
"This is going to be a big battle. I don't know-"
Caroline touches her shoulder. "Save it before the battle, that way I'll have something prepared too." she says,
Lydia snorts, "Okay."
Caroline leans forward and kisses her cheek. "I just want something to say to you too, I have something to tell you all before we start the battle. I'll tell you all tomorrow."
"What is it?"
"It's the air watchdog, Venix has her as a prisoner. I'll tell you who she is tomorrow, I want to tell you what happened to us. I love you Lydia."
Lydia hums to herself, "Okay. You're a ood mother Caroline. I, I...I don't know if I'm there yet, but I love you too."
Caroline smiles, "That's okay, knowing you're still fighting for good is enough."
She turns and lays down in the back next to June. Lydia smiles back at the road, Caroline is a good woman. She's glad that she is her mother, even though she hasn't got to the point of addressing her as her mom.
They wake the next morning, Margaret takes a deep breath and faces the back of the carriage or the road and focuses. A small flame pops, engulfing her finger tip. She practices diminishing and restarting the flame for a few minutes and begins forming fire in her hands for a few hours.
She regains her energy as they grow close, they ride through a narrow rock pass and into the valley.
Lydia's eyes widen. "Whoa."
They stare in shock at the black city, smoking and smoldering.
"They knew we were coming." Roux says,
"It's my fault. They must have seen the fire dragon and got scared." Margaret says,
"It wasn't your fault Margaret." Violet says,
"thousands of people. Just. Gone." Rola says softly,
Someone clears their throat. They all look at each other and then back at a younger man in fine clothes, he wears a brass crown on his head.
"Prince Yuven?...what are you doing here?" Margaret asks,
"I managed to hear the rumors that the watchdogs and a few friends were going to fight Venix, my father being away on royal matters, I have gathered as many as would come. They wait a ways off, I didn't want you to think we were Venix coming from the rear." he says,
The other look at each other and back. "Your highness, are you sure you should be here? This is going to be a bloody, and final battle."
He smiles, "Unlike many royalty today, I'm willing to do what I have to, to fight for our freedom and peace."
"Then if you're sure...we'll be glad to have you on our side." June says,
Yuven sighs, his face turns sad as he takes a step closer, looking at the horrifying scene.
"We will avenge them. We are going to kill Venix. I have an army of ten thousand, including three galleys. Our plan is we will storm first and handle the guards and soldiers while you go for Venix and his allies. You would take as many men with you as needed. The rest will follow as soon as we can. But what do you think, being you all probably have more combat experience than I, if I'm right to assume so?"
"That's sounds like a good plan, but we should check it out first, before we attack. Know what to expect." Adam says,
"Right, okay, I will call the army and return shortly."
He turns and hurries away. The others wait till he's out of sight then hide in the trees. He returns a few minutes later, sure enough, three large ships floating over head, low to the ground, a large army behind him. They wait a few moments, as the army and the prince begin fearing. Caroline and the others then walk out, revealing themselves.
The prince raises an eyebrow as he grabs the handle of his sword.
"Forgive us. We've seen more than enough lies recently, we had to be sure you weren't tricking us, pretending to be someone else."
He nods, "I understand. Do you have our trust now?"
"It's getting there." Adam says,
"We'll do our best to."
He nods, "I understand. So do we still spy on them first?" the prince asks,
"Yes. We'll see what's going on and make decisions from there, if we don't return by dawn, retreat." Caroline says,
The prince agrees, the 7 hurry through the trees, leaving behind Caroline and move closer and closer until they reach the peak of the mountain. They look at the fortress built against the next mountain, not too far off.
"Great, I bet you they are all waiting for us. How do we get over there without them spotting us?"
Rola laughs, "Yo dope, you got me."
They look at her confused. "Follow me to the bottom." she says rolling her eyes,
"What are you planning on doing?" Lydia asks,
"Patience and follow my beautiful peasent."
Lydia grins at Violet. "You're so lucky they are over there."
Rola grins, they make it to the bottom, Rola crouched and touches the ground. It breaks away and forms a big hole that gradually goes deeper into the earth.
"We take a tunnel till we get under the city. I make a few exits and we all burst out and attack, the ships fly in beforehand a little ways off and fire their cannons at the city and we kill em all."
"Wow Rola, that's actually a pretty good idea." Violet says,
She smirks, "You think I'm an idiot?" she teases,
Violet shrugs, "Glad you said it."
"When this is over Lady you and I are having a proper beat down."
Adam smiles at Roux and Lydia who smile back. "Alright-alright. We got to get over there so we can scope it out."
"We'll use the tunnels." Margaret says,
"Nah that's too risky. On the off chance Venix is somehow sensing we are coming. We might only be able to use something like that once. We'll have to go on foot." Rola says,
"Agreed." Lydia says,
They all work fast to make it to the next mountain secretly, moving carefully behind rocks and trees.
"He must not be worried if he's keeping this much cover around." Margaret whispers,
At last, they are close enough and climb up thick trees to look over the fortress but it's still not the best vantage point as they can barely see over the walls. But they know it's a huge fortress and equally magnificent fortress, centuries watching all over the walls.
They climb down and hurry back to the army. Prince Yuven sighs angrily. "So we don't know exactly how many there are."
"We are still going to attack." Adam says,
Yuven nods, "And we are right behind you. I will lead the ground forces with you."
"Alright, Adam, myself, Rola and Prince Yuven, we can control the ground forces, Margaret, June, Caroline and Violet and Roux can be in the ships."
The prince nods, "Alright, my first mates will act as captain. and take them as first mates."
They agree. "Frick yes! We're gonna squash them into oblivion." Rola says pumping her fist,
They look at her and either smile or roll her eyes, she gasps. "Oh yeah! Also I'll make the first move."
"Then we will come in with the ships." Caroline says,
They all agree and decide to retreat a ways off and rest that night. Caroline walks over and sits next to Adam.
"I want to give you a gift."
He raises an eyebrow. She hands him two black handle and blade daggers.
"Nicknamed Dark Hunters. Call out Foreshadow when you move to battle Venix."
He looks at them and at her wide eyed, "Caroline, are you sure?"
She smirks, "Adam sweetie, I'm a ancient blind woman who has no use for them. I'm sure."
"Not totally blind."
She smirks, "Close enough. It was one of three powers."
"Powers like Lydia's?"
She nods, "I told you hers. Now I'll tell you yours."
The next morning they all prepare. Rola and the others lead the ground forces through the first mountain in a massive hole so they all fit and they move slowly towards the enemy fortress. Rola catches her breath and creates four tunnels and the army splits up. Lydia, Adam, Rola, and Prince Yuven each leading one group. Rola progresses each tunnel as they get further, closer to the surface. Then it stops, Rola catches her breath, thanks to Caroline though and her powers, she restores Rola's strength fully one last time before the fight.
Rola smiles and mentally thanks her several soldiers yell and scream, they all know it's from the ships however. She inhales deeply and breathes out slowly. The final layer of earth for each tunnel shoot up out of the ground, she throws her hand out and the piles of rock and earth explode, spraying their surroundings.
Cannons of the ships fire quickly but the balls are stopped by a forcefield created by centuries.
"Move!" Lydia shouts,
The armies burst out of the tunnels with their weapons and begin clashing with the enemy soldiers.
"Lydia! Rip em down!" The prince yells,
She smirks, one soldier thrusts a sword at her, she does and areial and wraps her legs around his head, she throws her body down and they both flip. Him flying head first into the ground. She sprints forward, through the crowd of soldiers.
Adam slides behind her and swings, cutting the air. An electric wave shoots out and strikes against a line of soldiers. Another knight in a blue shirt from Prince Yuven's army runs up beside him. They together swing and clash with others, swinging at their guts and stabbing them or the air.
Lydia jumps off a box, turns in air, kicks off an enemy soldier's shoulders and face and turns again to grab the edge of a set of steps and pulls herself up and climbs the stairs. She swings, slicing one's throat and stabs another charging her and slightly piercing the soldier's stomach behind him.
She throws him off and pulls her blade up to meet his, he yells in anger and pain as he swings down. She grabs his hand and kicks him in the stomach hard and again breaking ribs. He grunts and rolls off the side.
She sheathed her sword, and pulls her bow and an arrow as she runs up. She at last turns, pulls and jumps up onto the top of the wall. In air she releases and falls to her side. The arrow sinks into one of the remaining centuries' shoulder and chest.
He gasps and whines. He stumbles back and looks around till he finds her. She pulls another arrow, the tip glows as soldiers run towards her from behind. She turns quickly and releases, turns, pulls another who's tip also glows yellow and releases.
Boom! Boom!
The centuries scream and soldiers go flying. Rola stomps the ground, a group of soldiers beside her go flying into the air.