-Putting Them into their Place-

"I-I went to the hospital yesterday and I didn't want to tell you b-but....", Charlotte stated then began to wail. "I'm sorry, I didn't know! And-and I don't know how he's the father...", she sobbed.

"But I do. Darby must've drugged Charlotte. That explains her strange behavior the other day.", Clay barged in.

Oliver groaned, furiously, then rammed Darby into the wall. "You mother fucker I swear to god I'll kill you. You fucking dick wad excuse of a man, you make my life a living hell. I swear to god. I swear. One day when I'm at your funeral I will fucking nuke your grave, on god.", Oliver threatened then punched Darby in the stomach.

Darby held Oliver in a chokehold. Esma flew downstairs and came into the kitchen. She yanked Darby away from him then pushed Darby, forcefully, out of the kitchen.

"Esma! Fucking Christ! Stop getting into things! If you really want to know what happened, that asshole got my girlfriend pregnant!", Oliver yelled.

Charlotte bit her lip and looked down at the floor with her arms crossed. "Everyone stop!", she demanded. "Don't take it out on him! You should be taking it out on me.", she claimed. "I let him do it. I was barely even drugged. I don't know why I did at the time...I just wasn't in the moment...".

"You might not have been in the moment, but he was in you!", Oliver shouted. Charlotte's tears could fill up a pool, with the amount of crying that she has done. She put her back against the cabinets then fell to the floor, crying, with her head in her arms.

"I don't know who or what to trust anymore...", Oliver muttered, his voice cracking, eyes tearing up. Adira sat down next to Charlotte, giving her positive affirmations. Charlotte stood up then hugged Oliver.

"I love you...I don't know if you can accept me for being the whore I was or am, but please at least try to acknowledge that I still love you...I just feel like you hate me...I know, I'm a bad girlfriend...but I love you...", she muttered into his chest.

"No, I-I...I love you too. None of this was your fault.", Oliver responded, running his fingers through her hair. She began to cry even harder then kissed Oliver.

"How could you ever treat me bad, Oliver? You're so good to me...too good to me. I feel like you're slowly drifting away from me like an ice berg because you're so different and so nice. So persistent and always so....you're just so...ugh you're too good for me.", Charlotte once again muttered into his chest, sobbing.

"Charlotte...let's go get you cleaned up then we can tap a nap, okay?", Oliver whispered. She nodded and then they went upstairs.

Adira looked at the floor. "Well...".

Esma took Darby upstairs, to her room. She threw him on her bed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!", she shouted. He stood up then got close to Esma then grabbed her wrist. She softly whimpered. Darby paused. Esma sniffled.

He pulled Esma closer by her wrist. "Charlotte is a fucking liar.", he whispered in her ear then left the room.


Monday. A fresh new start from a shitty week. Adira came into Clay's room. He was already dressed, standing up at his window.

"I need to take responsibility. I'm going to put you fools in your place now and get you guys to work. Gather everyone into the living room in 5. Or else it's your ass.", Clay demanded.

Adira nodded slowly then went downstairs. Everyone gathered in the living room as Clay entered.

"You mongrels have been fooling around and creating drama in this mansion. I want you guys to work for once. Actually. Work. So if you have to say any drama, today is a Monday. Feel free to say anything that you want to spill out before it's too late.", Clay said.

Everyone stayed silent until Axel blurted out, "I had sex with Adira.". Adira kicked her foot.

They all stared at the two.

"I am close to finding out who my dad was.", Clay stated.

"I helped Darby poison Anastasia-",

"I fuckin' knew you goddamn hopeless romantic! You would do anything for that murderer!", Charlotte blutered out.

"I've slightly fallen in love with Darby...", Evie mumbled. "You, too?!", Charlotte sarcastically laughed.

"I finally put a lock on my journal so Darby can't fuck around in it!", Esma claimed.

The whole room flooded with silence once again.

"Well. That settles it! I-",

"Wait! I have something to say.", Darby silenced. Clay nodded.

"I'm just trying to protect you when I say this. I'm not throwing blame at anyone but...Charlotte and Oliver gave your horse methamphetamine so that she'll purposely throw you off when you two get on-",

"Woah! Who the fuck ever said-?! Ok, blame whatever you want on me but not my girlfriend, dick wad!", Oliver shouted.

"Speaking of my girlfriend, Charlotte. You aren't my girlfriend anymore. You're my fiancè.". Oliver got down on one knee and proposed.

She put her hands over her mouth then hugged Oliver. "Of fucking course, baby.", she whispered to him.

"Congratu-fucking-lations. But like I was saying after I got interrupted, everyone will now have an assignment to do each day. I shall write a letter in the morning and it will be on the dining room table, instead of me telling you what you should do. Don't argue with me about this. Good day to you all.". Clay went upstairs with his walking cane and knocked a vase down on his way out.

"Adira. Clean that up.", he demanded. She sighed.

"I'm guessing he's always this serious and angry at the world.", Evie said. Charlotte nodded.

Everybody started to leave the room but Axel stayed behind to help Adira clean up. Once he put his hand on hers, she flinched away.

"Don't touch me.". Adira got up and started to walk away. Axel grabbed her wrist before she could leave.

"What?!", she snapped. "I don't know what I did wrong-",

"You don't know what you did wrong?! Don't give me that! You're just like the rest of them.", Adira faintly insulted. "What did I do-",

"You announced we had sex to the whole fucking world! What is it-an accomplishment, now?! Well I guess you fucking won! Because you made it to first! First to sleep with me!", she shouted then stormed off upstairs.