Chapter 8

It was mid-morning by the time Val awoke. The other bed in the room lay empty, already made. Val stretched and yawned and moved over the the water basin on the night stand. She splashed water on her face and sleepily looked out the window.

Even at this early hour in the morning, Cain's Point was already bustling. Shoppers and merchants could be seen moving along the street, entering and exiting the myriad of shops that made up the downtown area. Even as far away as the dockyard was, Val could make out a flurry of activity as sailors prepped and loaded their ships for another season of sailing.

Val scratched the back of her head and looked back to the bed, very tempted to slip back under the covers and snooze for a few more hours. The only thing that kept her from doing so would be yet another chewing out from her older sister. Val couldn't be bothered at this point.

As she dressed, the wonderful smell of a hot breakfast drifted into the room. The Right Rudder Inn was known for its delicious home cooking, and many of the locals would stop by to eat there from time to time. When open for the summer season, the Inn employed a full kitchen and cleaning staff, but it was Carl himself who cooked the bulk of the breakfast meals every single day. The large man took great pride in his cooking skill and his ability to "scramble eggs with the best of them."

Val, now dressed, padded down the hallway towards the kitchen. In the daylight it was easy for her to navigate the somewhat mazelike corridors of the Inn. Carl had also took it upon himself to install directional signs at each intersection, showing the way to the dining room and front desk.

She emerged into the empty front foyer. Light shone in through two large cathedral windows which flanked either side of the large wooden door. During the summer season, the foyer area would normally be a hive of activity, but right now it was deathly quiet.

From the direction of the dining room to the right, Val heard the clinking of utensils and the murmur of voices speaking softly. The smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs now dominated her senses.

As Val entered the dining room, she saw Mand occupying a small table near a window that looked out into the streets. The glass was a pre-war kind which allowed one to look out, but would appear as a mirror to those trying to look in. It was very valuable and rare, and Carl never did say where he got it from.

Val sauntered her way over to her sister, who was very preoccupied with a small notebook that lay in front of her. Carl must have returned to the kitchen.

"How's the schedule look?" asked Val taking a seat across from Mand.

Mand stared at the notebook for a few moments before looking up at her sister.

"3 Days, " said Mand simply. "That's the most we can stay and do our rounds without falling behind."

"I had hoped you could stay longer than that," said a soft voice.

"Claire!" exclaimed Val rising quickly from the table.

"Don't get up on my account, " said Claire, wheeling herself over to the table to join the two other girls. "I always tell you two that I prefer to keep things at eye level, " the young girl smiled "even friends."

"How's the chair working out for you," asked Mand "Has it gotten any easier?"

"It's still somewhat tiring," said Claire. "I sometimes have to ask father to give me a push. But it's much better than having to rely on him to cart me everywhere. "

"They say the strength of our gifts grow with each year," said Val. "So hopefully in a couple of more seasons it won't cause you any strain."

Claire nodded as Carl emerged from the swinging kitchen doors on the far side of the dining room. Moving with a surprising grace for a man of his size, he expertly carried three large bowls filled to the brim with bacon, eggs, toast and sausage. He set the steaming bowls down on the center of the table.

"Be right back!" he said turning back towards the kitchen. "I'll have a pot of hot coffee out to you in a moment!"

"Your dad seems to be doing well," said Mand.

"He is now," said Claire. "But he was a nervous wreck over the winter."

"I can imagine," said Val. "He told us about the attempted kidnapping, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Claire said. "I believe the kidnappers thought I was an easy target because I literally can't run away. Thankfully the sight of my dad being super ANGRY was enough to spook them."

Val did her best to imagine what an imposing sight that must have been. Carl had been nothing but polite and gentile ever since they had met him. Even in the aftermath of breaking into his business, he and been understanding, if not somewhat annoyed. The large man was imposing to most, but to see him fully enraged was almost unfathomable.

Carl returned with a piping hot pot of coffee and sat down with the trio. He heaped mounds of food onto Mand and Val's plates and poured them each a cup of coffee. Claire filled her own plate.

"So when do you expect to open?" asked Mand after they finished their meal. They were each enjoying a second cup of coffee and basking in the sunlight now streaming through the large windows.

"Another week at least," said Claire. "We're having a bit of trouble hiring staff this year. The spring melt came a little later so many of the seasonal workers haven't shown up yet."

"And how's business been for you two?" asked Carl. "Did you hold up through the winter OK?"

"Yes, we made enough to make it through comfortably," said Mand.

"My offer for you two to stay here over the winters is still open," said Carl. He looked at Claire, "Doubly so now."

Claire sighed. "Father I'm fine. You scared them off."

"For now," he said.

The tension in the room became palpable.

"We should get going," said Mand breaking the silence. "We received a few offers of work yesterday so we may as well get started."

Mand and Val helped Carl clear away the dished as Claire wheeled her way towards her office. "Make sure you let me know when you return for the day," she said. "I have something that I want to talk to you two about."

"Will do!" said Val. "Besides we have to catch up some more."

With that the two sisters exited the Inn, locking the door behind them.

As they moved down the street towards their first customer, a dark shadow followed.