Quiet before the storm

Dracowing returned to our camp, and brought in a recruit ... Arashi, a Lightning Elemental. Of course, I accepted her as the new protector ... I feel that the team is perfect now ... She can even summon a familiar Dragon! So ... we have managed to find the place where the battle will take place ... and we have already set up our defenses for this conflict.

Some elves, dwarves, halflings and a few giants have joined us ... We have a total of 10,000 soldiers, and 5000 land and air mounts ... The battle will take place on a plain in Darktra, near an inactive volcano ... the terrain is perfect for cavalry, and bombing, I think this is why Yxxel chose this place ... His army is more bigger than us, but I have my Companions and the Destroyers (which, by the way, is my secret weapon). A total of almost 50,000 enemy troops await in an alternate world ... which is dominated by Yxxel, and are waiting for the portal to open, and invade Darktra!

Some villages near of the plains, have evacuated away ... This battle will mark this world, in which it will never be the same ... I cannot rule out the possibility that I will lose now ... if I lose, Darktra will be the first to fall ... and then the other worlds ... If I win, the threat of domination will be erased, and I will be able to resolve things with Yxxel ...

Me, and Leo Dracowing, and Loevity, and SpookyWaves, and Silver, and Monowasure, and Yugami and Ashira, will protect the Terraverse, our home! We have the power create, and make friends! The power of Onis! The power to heal any wound! The power of the music! The power of the Giants! The power of Dark-Matter! The power of Time! The power of the Storm!

Many may not survive, but everyone wants to fight to protect what they love, that includes my dear companions ... and me ... I hope I can continue to create, and to walk with my friends ... If I lose, I have no regrets! I will protect my friends that I made, with all my strength!

This battle will decide, who will win ... Creation or Destruction ... Light or Darkness

Me, or my Brother

7 days to start War of Disaster ...