Disasters and Catastrophes

Meanwhile ... During the battle, Catastrophe, flew in the middle of the battle and waged war against Disaster ... Both true monsters. With a roar so loud it caused a tremor, it hit Disaster with a direct blast. And both fought head-to-head with physical attacks, as both were immune to fire. Calamity sank ships on the horizon, Chaos was badly injured, but continued to fight against Giants, and Cataclysm supported some Catastrophic blows, and bombed enemies; each fulfilling its purpose that I created.

(I lost contact with everyone when I went to Anti-Void, along with Yxxel and That Man...)

[Registration ahead by Monowasure:]

"After I noticed that Lexxy and Yxxel just disappeared, I took over temporarily, tired, and slightly injured, I took on the responsibility of Leading the Allies.

Thanks to Loevity, many lives were saved in that battle ... Dracowing protected Loevity, while attacking the Enemies that were nearby. I focused on attacking the special troops, but that Grand Orc bothered me a lot, she was a Rune Caster ... A MANA manipulator of rune spaceships, and I was a Dark Caster, a Dark Matter manipulator. That Black Paladin went head-to-head with Arashi's Novice, which was impressive, but the strangest thing was the vital sign of Yugami ... He seemed to be on my side ... But he wasn't there, I think it's because that Spell that teleports individuals to a Pocket dimension or something ... Unbelievably, Catastrophe and Disaster struggling made me shiver. But in the end, Catastrofe won, but he was unable to fight, and the battle continued ... That scenario continued for 10 hours, with no rest or breaks from the attacks. All the allies were becoming exhausted, exhausted, and the enemies were not ending, but, thanks to the Founders, we survived ..."

[Registration ahead by Alpha:]

"Anger ... Fury ... Chaos ... Sadness ... Loss ... War brings many bad things, and often the reason why it started cannot be justified, and often Inevitable.

It all started when my brothers and I created worlds, and I created the respective creatures of each world. What we didn't think, we only created good things, so the bad things would come from someone else, and it would be out of our control. So, Lexxy, along with his Natural Enemy, Yxxel, declared war, yxxel wanted to corrupt everything, and destroy what resists, and Lexxy wanted to protect these things, but without changing the situation. Yxxel was plagued by Abnormalities, and wanted peace, so he would simply eliminate everything he didn't like. And Lexxy is afraid to be alone, and to be forgotten, his fear led him to create this Universe, Terraverse. My children and I did not participate in the battle, only my eldest son, Monowasure participated ... and then he returned with a wound that would take centuries to regenerate."

After 10 hours of battle, I returned ... Along with Yxxel, and we declared that the war was over. How did this happen? Simple ... It was because of That Man, my Father ... The Founder