Dark Moon Squad was summoned to Head Quarters a few days after that, we travelled about an hour East from the mansion, further into Garlantia, and I got my first glimpse of Garlantian cities. I watched through the small shard of windshield visible from where I sat, the tall metal buildings spiralling up into the sky, and the trams hanging over the city in a complex spaghetti fashion, layer after layer. Everywhere was made of metal, and if it wasn't, it was grey to blend in harmoniously. Despite revering this alien terrain, it had a cold and dark quality that made me uneasy. It made me feel so tiny and insignificant, like I could disappear and succumb to the quick rhythms of the city and no-one would ever notice.
After the vehicles ID was checked, we entered a tunnel under one of the buildings at the heart of the city; suddenly everything went dark and I could only listen to the hum of engine to remind myself that I was still there. The sound of clunking metal vibrated throughout the truck before a rising sensation blossomed in my stomach; we rose in darkness for half a minute before the doors slid open and revealed a car park of sorts. On one side there were garages stacked on top of each other, and I watched in awe as they spread apart like a puzzle to allow a truck in the middle to float to the bottom when a solider climbed in the truck and drove off. We, fortunately, veered off to the left where we parked on the main floor, while the others unloaded, I was instructed to stay where I was until they returned. So, I sat in the low light, watching through the gaps in the glass as the contraptions of the Garlatian city worked around me.
They were gone for a couple of hours, and when they returned, half of the squad was missing, Jay and Quin were the only ones accompanying Rickon, but he doesn't wait for the rest, instead he swung the doors shut after Quin clambered in, and began to brief us, ignoring my curious glances.
"We have another assignment, just us four, we won't need the rest of the squad for this." Rickon reported.
"What is it?"
"Assassination." He grinned.
"Who are we assassinating?" Quin asked.
"A guy called Jason Smart, some political nut."
"And security?"
"Moderate, but there's a public event at a hospital that he's hosting for the deaf and blind and that's when we'll kill him."
"When's the event?" Jay asked.
"In four days."
Quin scoffed, "that doesn't give us much time. It's a bit risky isn't it?"
"No matter the risk, it has to be now. The Clave wants it done before the elections in a month, but if we miss this opportunity he won't be out in the open until the next public event in six weeks."
"So do we have a plan?" jay asked.
"We'll go straight to the hospital, me and the boy will infiltrate the hospital as patient and father, and you two will scout the area and find an appropriate place to snipe from. Ideally, we'll use the untraceable poison to kill him but if that doesn't work we'll create enough of a commotion to enable him to snipe him from your position."
"Do we have travel papers?"
"Just for me and the boy. They've started doing more thorough checks, so the boy is going to have to do the talking or they'll notice our accents and that'll be the end of it."
"Won't they find it strange that a child is talking for his father?"
"No, my alias- Johnathan Terrace- is a deaf man, single father of one. Deaf men can't speak so as long as I keep up appearances it will be fine."
"Is it wise to have the boy so centre to our operation?" Quin asked doubtfully. For the first time since getting back they turned to look at me, and I squirmed under their watchful gaze.
"He can do it, and if he can't I'll kill him myself. most people let their guard down around children, it'll make our life easier." I believed his words, if I didn't do as he says he would have no problem killing me.
"So if we don't have travel passes, how are we going to get through with you?"
"That bit is a little more unorthodox…"