We went through stages of having one mission after the other, then periods of quiet where we were handed patrol duty. Patrol duty was boring; walking around in circles for hours on end, watching out for an enemy that never showed up. It was cold, and most of the time wet; while most of the squad had waterproof jackets, I only had the little rucksack of clothes Captain gave me, the rain quickly penetrated the thin fabric and chilled me to the bone. I would then spend the next four hours trying to work the cold from my body, shivering under the blanket at Rickon's feet, or when I had energy, running through the vacant halls.
I was both longing and dreading the resumption of our missions outside Garlantia. My wish was granted too soon, we were deployed to the border between Reagan and Paela. We didn't take the truck, we hiked through the woods surrounding Garlantia and exited through the Eastern gate. But it took half of the first day to even get that far. The gate was manned by four officers, two at the gate and the other two patrolling either side. The gate was also electrified so that any attempts to climb it would be foiled. On the other side of the gate, the thick trees continued until the sun had set and the low light made it difficult to see.
Thankfully, we didn't continue through the night, we settled down in a tight knitted circle where the trees weren't so close together, but we didn't light a fire. I heard Rickon tell Jay that there was a Paelan village not far from here, and we didn't want the smoke to be seen, even in the darkness.
Along with the others I ate my rations (I stole from the kitchen) and collapsed into the thin blanket I brought with me and rested my head on the rucksack.
In the morning we continued East, the path got more elevated and more difficult to climb. The air smelt like rain and the soil was loose under foot. By noon, we'd found what Rickon was looking for: a thin mountain passageway just big enough for truck with less than a foot either side. But between us and that was a forty-five-degree slope of bracken and trees. Regardless, it didn't deter Rickon from indifferently bracing the undergrowth like he was born in the forest. I clambered after them on all fours, using my hands to steady myself, and claw my way up the slope. Even then, I slipped on the loose soil and on occasion thought I'd slide right to the bottom, if not for the branches that snagged at my clothes or limbs.
When I finally met them at the top, my hands were raw on both sides, and my clothes probably looked like I'd been dragged through a bush backward- which of course I had. The other men were inspecting the area, while Rickon stood at the bend of the path, looking right at me.
"Follow me." he instructed, and without waiting to see if I followed, he preceded to climb the slope above the road. The slope was steeper, with fewer trees and more rocks, which made both easier to climb but more dangerous. After about thirty feet he stopped at the bottom of a pile of large rocks, in between them was a small dark opening.
I looked from the cave entrance to Rickon, wondering what he would have me do now. He handed me a box, about half the size of my rucksack, and grinned evilly as he said "don't drop it." It smelt like chemicals, and I didn't need to be told it was a bomb. How he knew there was a cave there I never found out. I shimmied through the cave entrance, my back scraping against the cool rock, then dragged the box in after me. The blinding light outside lingered at the cave entrance, while the pitch darkness inside was absolute. I felt around the uneven floor for a safe place to put the box, even inside the cave, the floor was sloped so I felt around blindly until I found a rock big enough to rest it on, then scrambled back towards the light.
To my surprise, Rickon was waiting outside, and my unease only grew when he indicated for me to descend before him. I shot short glances over my shoulder, watching him out of the corner of my eye, but I don't have time to react when I catch the swift sharp movement of his foot declining onto the flat of my back. I gasp in surprise as I'm pulled face forwards the rock slope, I desperately twist in mid air and brace my head with my arms, jabbing my shoulder onto a sharp rock where my face should have been. Over and over my body is ripped at by rock and sharp bits of foliage, bits of dirt and rock penetrating my defences that consisted of my arms crossed in front of my face, stinging my eyes and adding to the gashes on the other parts of my body. Finally, when the road came to meet me, I thudded onto the flat rock with my elbow bent underneath me and my feet caught on some rock above my head. I unfolded myself from the heap when Rickon landed easily next to my splayed body. I couldn't help myself; I glared at him with everything I had.
"Stay there." He instructed, and I watched with confusion as I laid splayed on the side of the road while the rest of the squad disappeared into the trees.
Drizzle drifted from the sky and soon my clothes were damp and I shivered from the cold. The cuts on my bare skin itched from the grit and the rain. It was uncomfortable, but I still sat there. I knew Rickon lurked in the shadows of the trees, unseen but watchful. And I waited, till I heard the low grumbling of an engine sliding around the corner of cliff.
I panicked- they wouldn't see me in time if I stayed there! I stumbled upright and I only had the chance to limp a few feet before a car with its head lights blazing, came gliding round the curve of the road. I remember freezing and staring at the car. My mind went blank, and the next second it was screeching to a halt where I was lying moments before.
Just before I let out a sigh of relief- BOOM! My heart leapt out of my chest as Rickon set off the detonator and tons of rock came hurdling towards us at ridiculous speeds. There were awful sounds as boulders hailed down at the car and crashing into the metal, leaving massive dents before bouncing into the forest below. Glass shattered and the car was quickly bent out of shape from the assault from above, the doors bowed in, trapping them inside. The yells of the people inside was drowned out by the sounds of rocks and pieces of branches hitting metal.
There was a brief second where nothing more happened, then the ground above us began to move. Dirt and debris avalanched and swept the car away into the forest where it smashed into trees before (along with the dirt) it swept them away.
It took several minutes to settle, and by the end of it, I was breathless, standing at the forefront of a hideous mess of stone, trees and dirt. Just under the surface, pieces of crushed car protruded out from underneath.
Slowly, members of the squad climbed out from the shadows, took a short glance at the mess they created and wordlessly began to descend the slope.