Chapter 6.2

When the tunnels came to an end, and Theo took them to the top floor of the base, there was no one to greet us, just a bare silent corridor that was there when we left. I reminded myself that it wasn't a densely populated area. I think some of the kids were a little disheartened by the lack of parade that met them, others suddenly looked nervous and started to huddle together.

"It's okay. This way." Theo encouraged them.

We marched them right through the centre of the compound, at first, we weren't noticed, everyone went about their daily tasks without a second glance, but it quickly spread. One person's gasp made other people look and once we'd reached the whitelisted, we were surrounded.

"You did it." Ian was at the front, a proud smile on his face. It was a statement, not a question. We did. We rescued them. Those that lost their family were trying to get a look at the kids, desperately calling out their names. Then a woman broke through hurdling herself at the brother and sister I rescued first and bringing them into a tight embrace.

"I've been worried sick… Mummy's so sorry… I love you both so much." The woman cried, her cheat heaving with sobs. Her two kids burst into tears, holding her tight and burying their faces into her.

The whitelisted searched for their missing kids, and the kids searched for their missing parents. But our luck had ran out; the two siblings were the only ones reunited. The hope that unwittingly rose so high for the whitelisted, plummeted into despair. While the high hopes of the rescued children turned to confusion.

"Where's my mummy? I thought my mummy was here." One of the girls tugged at Theo's sleeve.

Theo's complexion paled, "I'm sorry, not everyone's mummy is here." Theo admitted, and the little girl dropped her hand to her side, lonely, confused, and dejected.

"Best get them to the medical ward." Ian added in a low voice, pulling Theo along.

The siblings stayed with their mother, but we took the rest of them along to the medical ward. Anna and Dr Rusholme were there waiting, all the beds were made up and medical packs at the ready. Anna broke into a huge grin when she saw us, and I think she would have rushed over and pummelled us with questions, but she kept her composure next to her grandmother and immediately set to work.

"My name is Anna and I'm going to make sure that none of you are hurt or sick." The crowd of children stuck closely to our backs.

Tommy stepped forward and faced the kids "Anna's our friend, you can trust her." He declared.

"Why don't you all grab a bed, I'm sure you're tired." Anna added.

I stepped forward and placed the girl on the nearest bed. Her fox shadow gladly jumped up and curled up on her lap. It seemed like it was the only encouragement they needed, slowly they crept forward and took up beds, some of them immediately curling up and falling asleep while others were more cautious.

"Were any of the kids hurt?" Anna asked us.

"No, but one of the girls were having trouble walking." I reported.

"Okay, I'll look into that." She nodded, behind her, Dr Rusholme was already making her rounds with the children.

"I'm going to get some sleep too." Theo admitted, now that we were back, all the tension had left us and exhaustion was setting in. I could see her Zombification beginning and it wasn't going to go away until she'd had some sleep. Probably at least twelve hours of it.

I started to follow her when Anna called, "Ezra, let me have a look at that nose before you sleep."

I sighed, "okay." Although I really would have preferred going straight to sleep, I realised it had been throbbing for a while.

I flung my rucksack at the foot and sat on the edge of my bed. She cleared away the blood with saline solution "thankfully it's not broken. So, I'm guessing you didn't get out of there without a fight?"

"We got noticed when we had the last few kids."

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"I don't think so. Just bruises."


"Can I sleep now?"

"Sure." She said, and I immediately slipped off my shoes with my alternate foot, and flop against my pillow. Despite the noise and the number of people bustling in the room, as soon as my eyes close, I was asleep.