Chapter 7

I went to check on the woman she had heart problems, the doctor told me that the case was critical and she had to get treatment fast.The only option was for her to undergo operation, A nurse said she wanted to see me. I reluctantly walked into the room, if I hadn't scared her with my car maybe she would be better now  "Hello mam, how are you feeling "

"I dunno.. Like shit she said laughing... Dont feel sad for me wile your tears... I didnt realise i was crying i clewned my face with the back of my palm.... is okay, it wasn't your fault I already had heart issues before scared me. Give me your hands" i came closer and she took my hands " i want to say thank you, thank you for bringing me here... the nurse said you already paid for the surgery. Am truly grateful I promise I will pay you back when all this is over" "  Don't worry no need, I hope you get better " she smiled at me  holding my hands tightly  "me too,Am Hilda  how about you"

"Am Marie"

"that's a pretty name, nice to meet you... She's Sol she said pointing towards the door I turned Sol was by the door looking at us shyly. "Come here, don't be scared " Sol got inside and climbed the bed and layed next to her mother. "She doesn't talk much because she's scared but she's a good kid... Please take care of her until I get back "

"I will " its the least I could do, I had to take care of her. "Sol you will go with Aunt Marie... respect her and love her like you love mummy okay" "okay... you.... You will be back right? "Her voice was small, frail and shaky... Hilda, she was trembling and then she let off a sigh "yes I will "

"pinky promise.  " she said bringing out her little fingers and then Hilda brought out hers I promise... "And sealed with a kiss " they bought kissed their hands. She talked about Sol a lot and    how she used to disturb her about pizza, she told me she owned a bakery too. She was funny and very fun to be with... I felt like ive know her for ages. She then asked me about my life.. Told her about my dad, my ex and everything that went on my life, she was very touched and also mad at Richard. "I wish I could beat some sense into him, you know... She said having a very scary look on her face which made me and Sol to jerk back we stared at eachother then she showed me a sign which said crazy.. "Pftt I held my hands on my mouth because of the shushing sign she showed me. "Hey not fair, am not crazy " she said then she started tickling Sol. She started giggling.... It made me remember how I used to play with my mum, oh how much I missed her. "Hey get in here, stop looking lost come and join us, we hugged each other... It felt strange and unusually warm. This was a weird way of meeting them, Hilda was open minded and strong willed.She told me that she had no close relatives, it was only her and Sol against the world. The doctor told us that we had to wait for her to be strong before she had the surgery. She was looking skinny though, according to mum, skin and bones. I went to buy some food for them and I asked Mrs Rosita to go back home that I will come later but before that I told her about my story.