In modern era, Foreno Toshida, our protagonist meet Smoly(second protagonist), in a match app. They got a date, everything went fine and both got hocked up. Foreno went to live with her in her apartment and started to random silly stuff together. Both have time and space manipulating powers that can alter the destiny of the world, maybe the universe. There's a secret agency cult from the future called LOD, that controls all this time changes. When there's a glitch /anomaly created by either protagonist, they send a Darkpip(a robot) to the past to fix things up.
Everything was fine, BUT, one day, everything went downhill. A DP(Falopio) from the future started to lurk both of them. These robots named "Darkpips" are almost indestructible, powerful and the best decision to make is to run away. Falopio, our antagonist, is a new model prototype that is just following orders from his headquarters(HQ). He accidentally reveals critical information about the cult when he drank beer, LOD made the mistake to make him so human.
Foreno had enough. He is tired of always running away and hiding. It's time for action, it's time for change. He will look for answers to deal with this threat. Assembling a BZ(Bruzela) team to beat
Falopio once it for all.
(The main concept of this story is too share my knowledge about life, philosophy, self improvement, wisdom, personal experiences, actual society critics/complains and overall creativity expulsion. All this mixed in my story to(try) make you a better person, sow something nice in your soul, leave you with a happy self awareness and gathering consciousness. This novel has tons of movies, video game, anime, internet and meme references that are popular and personal favorites. This story has tons of RPG video game elements, like level and power ups, combat strategies, team attacks, etc. I hope you enjoy it as me I personally recommend this novel, it's very good, take care.)