Chapter 10: Delusions (part 2)

Lilith had dark circles under her eyes due to not sleeping enough last night. Thinking of what happened last night, she couldn't sleep. She made an excuse to Mr. Miller that she couldn't submit the assignment this week and couldn't go to school because she is not feeling well. It was a gloomy noon and Lilith was curling herself under her thick blanket. Life isn't always gentle to her, she stood up and looked at the mirror.

"Its always because of you, Felicia!" she pointed as if Felicia was in the mirror. "My best friend didn't believe in me and she thinks I'm crazy and—"

She silently grunts out of frustration and tugged her hair. Lilith was tired, lean back against the wall, and cried. She never felt so tired, all she can do is cry and let her tears expressed the words she couldn't describe. From the nightmare, suicide cases.. She thinks everything was cursed.

She wiped her tears off and went downstairs but there was no sign of her mother, probably went out for a grocery. She settles herself on a couch, watching a television show. Her mind wasn't completely on the show but on other things. She stood up and went to the kitchen. Nigerian Beef Stew was only the available, not her favorite but took it to distract herself by eating.

As she was watching and munching her food, she felt a round-shaped substance on her mouth. She bites it and gives off a bitter taste. She took it out of her mouth and looked at it, she stared at the substance and dropped it after realizing it was a part of a human body. It was an eyeball. She felt her stomach churn and a sudden urge to throw up. She quickly went to the bathroom and threw all the contents out of her mouth.

"fuck" she cursed and wipe her mouth. She remembered Felicia's mom and dad, eating a human body in front of her, with that thought in mind, she threw up again. She looked up in the mirror in front of the bathroom sink and slapped her both cheeks. She doesn't want to believe that what she just ate is a human eyeball. She went back to the couch and grabbed her bowl of Nigerian Beef Stew and throw it off the sink. She went to the cupboard and grabbed a bag of kernel and put it into the microwave to have popcorn for herself.

Whilst watching the television show, a sudden swift of a shadow running from the side of the room. Lilith glanced and went back to watching the television. Another noise was coming from her room, she took a deep breath and cover her ears. She isn't hallucinating, she said to herself.

She closed her eyes and everything went silent. She slowly opened her eyes and was froze in fear, she couldn't swallow. Felicia's face was in front of her few centimetres from Lilith. Lilith was trembling and Felicia was smiling. Felicia's black eyes and her wide creepy smile was on her face, she is staring at Lilith almost like she's could take her soul. Lilith couldn't let out the words, her fear was eating her up.

Smiling was the only thing Felicia can do, staring at Lilith. Lilith slowly grabbed the container of the popcorn and throw it on Felicia but the television screen was hit.

"Lilith!" A sudden call from Lilith's mother, she rushed to her mother's arm and hugged her. "Mom, I saw her again!"

Lilith's mother was confused, "Lilith, no one was there.." Her mother hugged her, "calm down, honey.."

Her mother brushed Lilith's hair, Lilith glanced at her mother but she's again frozen in fear. It was Lucia.

"What's that expression, honey?" Lucia asked, looking at Lilith. "Honey, you know how much I hate that expression.. right?" Her voice suddenly went from gentle to deep and dark.

"Leave me alone!" Lilith said as she ticked Lucia's hands off her and run.

"Oh! hide and seek is what you want to play, honey?" Lucia's dark voice trembles Lilith as she ran to her room and hides under the bed.

Lilith can hear Lucia's voice downstairs. Under the bed, she looked at the door when the door suddenly opened and a monster's feet can be seen. Lilith covered her mouth to keep herself from crying, thinking this might be the end of her life. Her eyes widen when the monster's feet was in front of her bed. Claws were seen, grabbing under the bed.

Lilith screams as she sits up from the couch.

"Another nightmare?" she said as she touched her forehead. She looked for the remote on the television when on the television screen, Felicia's face was seen but no sliced smile on her face.

"don't run away"

And the television screen suddenly went distorted. She looked for the remote to let the channel went back but this time, it was a television show. There is no Felicia. Lilith glanced down, thinking what exactly is Felicia and why do Felicia keep appearing. On her nightmares. The door suddenly opened that make Lilith jolt.

"What's wrong, honey?" Her mother asked as she saw her daughter attempting to throw the container of her popcorn. "Don't call me honey, you fucking son of a bitch!"

Her mother dropped all the grocery bags and walked towards her daughter, "How dare you call me that, Lilith Barkley. After carrying you for nine months.. " and slapped her.

Judging of the tone of her voice and being slapped, it is her mother and not Lucia. Lilith put the container down in the table, "Sorry, Mom. I just had a nightmare where you.." Lilith cut her sentence mid-way. She wouldn't tell her mother, knowing it was all the factor of being a fan of unsolved cases. She knows that her mother wouldn't believe her so it is pointless to explain.

"Never mind, Mom. Sorry, I'll go upstairs and rest. I don't feel well" and left her Mom, sitting on the couch.


Lilith is been on her room for 5 days. After what she saw in the living room, after those nightmares.. she doesn't have the courage to go downstairs. It was already 6 pm in the evening and a sudden knock was heard on her door, Lilith's Mom entered and sit on her bed where Lilith is laying down.

"Honey, Im wo-"

"Mom, could you please leave me alone?" Lilith said with no emotion. Her Mom sighed and rubbed her daughter's blanket. "Honey, tal-"

"I asked, could you please leave me alone?!"

"Honey, i just want you to talk to me on what's going on. You've been here for 5 days and never went out of your room." Lilith sits up and looked at her mom with no emotion in her eyes.

"Mom, I want to go home"

"But this is hom-"

"NO! IT IS NOT!" Lilith replied almost like yelling and tears flowed out. "Mom, since we got here, a lot of things happened.. I even think I was being cursed.. I.. I"

Lilith's mother move closer to her and hugged her daughter that was crying and trembling. "I'm sorry, honey. We already sold our house to move here.. This is our home, honey..."

Lilith shook her heard, "Mom, just please leave me alone."

Her mother sighed and stood up, kissed Lilith's cheeks. She looked at Lilith with a slight smile on her face and shut the door. Lilith went back laying herself on the bed and cried. She just want to go home where everything was fine.

It was 10 pm, the moonlight through the window and hit Lilith's face. Lilith is still awake. She is sitting and watching the neighborhood outside from her window bench. She sighed and fish something of her pajamas pocket. A red paper cutter knife, Lilith trace her fingers on the knife and put the paper cutter above her wrist.

"That's good choice of you, Lily! You are such a waste of space"

"You're such a bad friend, Lily. You should kill yourself. You don't deserve anyone"

"Cut it deeper okay?"

"No one believes you so go die already!"

The whispers from her thoughts is what Lily heard.

"You are a son of a bitch! No one will help you, no one will believes you so kill yourself"

All of those words were true, she is a bad friend. No one believes her. Her hands were trembling and was stuck of killing herself. She tossed the paper cutter away and hugged herself. She couldn't do it. She's coward enough to slice her wrist. Tears flowed out of Lilith's eyes, she never felt so weak.