Chapter 15 : Unsolved Case: Cathlia

"And what are you doing, Miss Barkley?"

If only I've possessed the skill to stealth, maybe I can go inside the room without being noticed. "Sorry, I was late." Ivy looked at me and rolled her eyes, when did Ivy become a bitch?

"Sorry, I slept late last night."

"Was that my problem?" Mrs. Harper said and crossed her arms. My classmates were looking at me, all the attention was on me.

"Did I blame you?" asking Mrs. Harper with a mocking tone.

Okayy, great. Once you talked back to a teacher, where does a student automatically led to? Detention. But I end up in the library and was being punished for being late and mocking her. Tch! Teachers.

"A… A." I said as I circled the letter A on an old newspaper. While reading the passage of the old newspaper, something caught my attention. A faded colored picture was on the newspaper, I looked closely to the picture. The face of the victim isn't almost recognizable. I looked at the second picture, a closer view of the victim. The limbs and the body of the victim were broken. I read the contents, my eyes widened in fear.

February 8, 2005—Broken body and limbs of a 10-year-old girl found in a rocky cliff in Kirkview Hillside. The victim was identified as a 10-year-old girl living in the KirkView Hillside and was named as Cathlia. The victim's mother claims that the girl asked her permission to go outside around 4:30 in the afternoon but never returned. The victim's mother found this gruesome discovery around 8:00 am. Investigators said that the girl was thrown in a 105 feet cliff as a result of Cathlia's broken body and limbs due to the impact, however the investigators couldn't find much evidence of who is the suspect of throwing a ten-year old Cathlia in the cliff.

I looked at the librarian, she's busy. I took a glanced on the students, they're busy. I put the newspaper down under the table and rip the page slowly and shoved it on my leather jacket pocket. I quickly finished circling the letters and passed to the librarian, telling her I finished what Mrs. Harper wants me to do.

I walked out of the library and took my phone out.

"Hey, Louie" I messaged Louie as I took the page out.


"I have found an old newspaper and I've read about Cathlia"



"Are you sure its Cathlia?"

"Yes, 2005. I've read an article about a kid named Cathlia that died from the cliff on the internet and it was on the Unsolved mysteries section in an article. I'm sure this is her. There is no other Cathlia on that unsolved mysteries section. Can you come with me? We will have a trip! Just for a day though" I said, looking at the page that I ripped.

"When? Okay!"

"Tomorrow is Sunday, we will be having a trip to find the clues of Cathlia's death."

Louie replied me with a thumbs up. I looked at my calendar. The next week, I'll be seeing Mrs. Foyer again. I skipped my classes again and went home and contrive all the things I needed for the trip. I messaged Louie to prepare the stuff he needed and meet me at my house tomorrow.


"Mom, we're going. Bye!"

"Where are you going?" Mom said as she sipped her coffee.


"Who's with you.?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'll be going with my classmate and..." I glanced at my phone, "I'm late, so bye"

I said and went out to the door before she replied to me. I sighed and Louie was standing in the pathway, kicking small stones, he seems agitated. I walked towards him and told him that we should go.

"How did you find someth-" I cut Louie's sentence off as we hide on the other side of a car. I looked at the owner who just went inside of a local shop. "Now"

I grabbed Louie by the hand and told him to go inside before the owner could see us from the inside of the local store. I quickly put the auto jigglers in the keyhole and the car door opened. I hurriedly find the cables to disable steering wheel lock, and with the toggle switch to the ignition wiring, I switched it on.


I've seen the owner went out of the local store with the angry expression of his face. Probably he heard that his engine starts and saw someone suddenly went inside his car. "What the hell are you doing with my car?"

"Lily..." Louie said as he watched the owner rushing towards his car. I placed my foot on the pedal and drove off. Louie looked at the owner in the distance, smirk was on my face. I looked at the rear view mirror and the owner hopelessly throw his arms in the air.

Sorry, mister… I have something significant to do.