Chapter 43: I'm the devil?

I shut my laptop and went downstairs, "Mom, gotta go to the party now"

"Okay, honey but be careful. Go home before 10:00" Mom said and kissed my cheek. "How about 10:30, mom? Pleaseeeee"

I hate acting cute towards my Mom because I looked like a kid but being cute towards Mom sometimes work. "Okay. Enjoy and don't drink too much!"

Since when Mom is being considerate? I smiled and walks out. "lright. Bye, mom"

The house was filled with noise. A lot of girls and boys filled the house dancing and giving me free booze as I entered.

"Yeahhh!" I tag along with the others, dancing with the beat of the music that is blaring from the noise. I looked around and saw Jackson, I smirked and went through the crowd.


"Hey!" I said and give him a fist bump.

"Glad you are here, Lilith!' a guy said with booze in his hands. It was from Eric.

"Can't miss out a party. " I laughed, "Just joking but hey, happy birthday!"