The Richman - One Milion Dollars

I stepped my foot and stopped in front of a door nervously. It calls VVIP Room. We have never even been brought to this room, because according to our mentors, this room is sacred to all agency residents because it will be a kind of surprise for those who get the privilege of being able to enjoy the facilities in this room. But for me, I feel like I was being led to the brink of my own death. If I wasn't shot dead by a customer who was dissatisfied with my service I would probably die from the fear I created myself in my head.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled, gathering all my courage to step into the room. And once I felt calm and confident enough, I knocked on the door. The first courtesy I shouldn't forget. After knocking on the door, I pulled the doorknob and stepped inside.

The whole room was dark, and I remembered my mentor's message, that the light switches for the entire room were designed the same, on the left side of the wall, close to the door. I felt to the left side of the wall and found the switch, when I touched the switch the light was on but dim, I saw the shadow of a man sitting in the corner of the room on a sofa. For a moment I felt myself frozen where I stood. my heart even felt like it stopped beating at that time

But then I remember that we can't waste time. I stepped in and said the greetings that were taught.

"Bonjour." I say. Even though we are in new York, our greeting is always the same, "Bonjour" is a kind of code that only customers at the Ritz know.

"Bonjour senorita." he replied. And hearing the timbre of that voice made my whole body bristle. I stood still, while the shadow rose from the sofa and approached me. I still couldn't see his face clearly until the man was standing in front of me and he nearly fainted. I think my blood pressure had dropped to a very low level then returned to normal in a matter of seconds until I felt like I was floating for a split second.

I'm not even sure if the man standing in front of me is a human. I thought he was an angel with the jaw and all her facial bones perfectly sculpted complete with pale skin and red lips.

"You look like a vampire." Somehow the sentence just came out of my lips, even when I covered my mouth with my hands it felt like a waste because everything had left my mouth. I thought he was going to slap me or whatever might hurt me for not accepting being said like that, but he actually smiled. I saw him smiling at me.

"How can you say such ridiculous things?" He said in a deep voice.

"Sorry." I shivered regretfully, I shouldn't have said much. That's what was always taught before my first debut.

"Sorry to offend you sir." I said then. I didn't even dare to look into his eyes then. I felt the situation in the room became silent for a moment. Then he pulled my chin up so I could look into his deep eyes. I felt lost in those eyes and once again his voice broke the silence between us, "You look so innocent, how old are you?"

I swallowed hard, this is the first time a man touch me, my chest is growing flat withstand the turmoil within me.

"I ..." I swallowed hard again, trying to remember whether I could say how old I really was or not.

"Say it." He whispered, the timbre of his voice actually sounded like a spell that paralyzed all my brain cells in an instant.

I dared not look at him, I decided to look at the side of his face. "Twenty." I said

"Oh ... you're so young. " He groaned, he took his hand off my chin and walked away. "Is that your first time?" He ask me more.

"Yes." I nod weakly. It's really embarrassing, but I can't lie if this will be my first experience having sex with a man, with stranger more precisely.

"I can't do it, you're not ready for this." He said while staring out the wide wall at the side of the room. While the curtains are still open, presenting the glittering New York city life at night.

"No… no… no .... I'm ready." I insisted, I walked over to him and looked at his face with a half pleading look.

I really can't fail on my first debut, that's what I know. If I fail then for life I will be placed in second class. Some have told me that second class is really hell for people like us, because we might get shipped to Las Vegas or even cross country, kind of trafficking, human trafficking, and that's terrifying. I can't even imagine it.

Especially considering the commission I will receive from my sales tonight, one million dollars, and I will receive one percent of that commission. Such a great value that I can use to help the orphanage where I was raised.

"Please, I have been trained in such a way. I promise to give you what you want sir." I asked him for mercy, I really hope he can soften up. He took a deep breath, looking at me once again.

"I can't touch you tonight, but I can't just leave you in this place and let someone else do it." He muttered, the look in his eyes dimmed.

"What should I do to you?" Once again he raises my chin with his index finger. His lips pursed briefly, then followed by a hardened jaw. Was he really serious about what he said just now? He really cares for me? He looked at me closely.

"If I take you away from this place, will you run with me?" he asked softly and I nodded, really like bewitched by his charm.

"But why should I run from this place?" I asked innocently, I really don't understand why he wanted to take me away from this place. He shook his head exasperatedly.

"I can't imagine, another man pay to spend the night with you, and then their dirty hands touching you while you standing innocently in front of them. They may fuck you hardly, disgusting" I saw his jaw tighten briefly.

"How sure are you sir?" I asked again, I found a courage that came out of nowhere; I even dared to question his decision.

"I see the purity of your eyes. You are so innocent and easy to fool."

I bowed my head, everything he said was true. I'm easily fooled, I even convinced my orphanage mother that this job would suit me, I bragged to her to give my first income to the orphanage as thanks for being accepted and raised in that place. But now what? My first guest didn't even want to touch me.

"Can we just stop talking and waste time for nothing?"

I realized again, all I have to do is convince this man to touch me. Spontaneously I tiptoed to reach her lips with mine. And when I touched his soft warm lips my heart stopped beating, time seemed to stop too. I took the courage to open my eyes because when I kissed him I obviously closed my eyes. My mind rumbled, my stomach was churning, my blood rustled, but among all the commotion in my body I found my head empty.

He touched his lips with his forefinger, then touched mine with his thumb, as if wiping or groping. "How dare you." he hissed, his voice still sounding like a spell to me.

"Sorry ..." I whisper, my eyes looked down and didn't dare to look at him.

"I can't just let you go for your mischief just now." He said, it was like a man saying because his pride had been hurt.

"You want to repay me?" I asked hopefully. He smiled broadly.

"Not here, and not tonight." He said as he walked to the sofa, he leaned back on the sofa, half asleep.

"Come here." He asked, and I walked over with hesitation. He patted the spot on his side exactly and I lay down, my head resting on his shoulder. I found great comfort there. A warmth, comfort, and love, I don't know like a father's hug maybe? Unfortunately I never felt that, I don't even know who my biological father is.

"Why are you in a place like this? Where are your parents?" he asked deeply.

A question that immediately hit my ego. Should I say bitter honesty that would make him pity me even more or lie? However, apart from being innocent, honesty might be appropriate as my middle name.

"I have no parents, I grew up in an orphanage. And I'm old enough because I'm twenty years old now, so I can decide for myself what I want and don't want to do." I said confidently when I look up to his eyes. He smile at me then kissed the corner of my head, I felt like crying at once. I did not know and never knew that this simple treatment, this small could make me so emotional, my eyes glistened, my throat felt like it was choking, I swallowed hard to wet it, trying to neutralize my feelings.

"I've never been treated this sweet." I said softly. The man seemed to be smiling when I glanced up to stare at him.

"You have to get used to it then."

"Do you often go to this place?" I asked again, my curiosity so great for this man. Is he a human or an angel sent by God to protect and comfort me tonight? He pursed his lips.

"Only if I want to." He say.

"How often do you usually came here?"

"What does it matter to you?" he asked, looking at me. "What do you really want to know?" I took a deep breath.

"I just thought, how can a man leave his partner, wasting so much money for instant pleasure?" I said. He smiled once again.

"I never leave my partner for another pleasure. I enjoy my detachment from anyone, and my freedom to fulfill my desire as a man. Regarding the price to pay, it doesn't matter to me." He replied, instead of thinking badly about this man I fell in love with him even more. He seemed full of authority when he said all that. What he is doing now is something that he is fully aware of, is not affected by momentary emotions and he can justify all of that as his choice of life.

"What if the time is up and you get nothing from me?" I asked doubtfully. He looks at me.

"Are you afraid I'll sue my money back?"

"Maybe." I bit my lip. He was silent for a few moments.

"Can you promise to keep this our secret?"

"Secret?" My brows knit together in confusion.

"If someone asks about tonight, tell me that you served me." I looked at him.

"Why?" I ask innocently.

"Just follow my words." The command, in my ear sounded like an order that if I break it I'm the one who will suffer losses, so I nodded.

"Yes sir." I totally obeyed this strange man. He looked at me once again.

" You don't have to serve me even though I've paid to get you. When the alarm goes off, we'll part."

"Alarm?" I didn't even know if this kind of relationship was limited by alarm.

"Your agency is protecting you." He said explaining.

"Without a clear time limit, you will probably experience over exploitation." The pay off.

"Thanks." I can really breathe a sigh of relief, on my first night as a female commercial sex worker in the elite, I met a man this nice. Sure enough, there was an announcement about the deadline for the relationship ending in each room. We got up and I got ready to leave the room. Before leaving the room he took my hand and made me turn to look at him.

"I'll take you out of here." He said and I nodded.

"I'll wait sir." We parted just like that, I left the room while he seemed to catch up behind me. He headed for the exit while we headed to the third floor to change our clothes every time the show ended.