The Richman - Gabrielle's Night

After waiting for hours, and Richard didn't come. Gabrielle grew tired and discouraged.

"How dare you play me, Richard!" Shouted Gabrielle angrily. She dragged the tablecloth and made the food and all the cutlery on the table scatter on the floor, most of them breaking and making a loud noise.

"Arrrrgghhh !!" She shouted, then she walked into the bar table and opened a bottle of vodka then start drink. Maybe by getting herself drunk, Gabrielle could reduce her pissed off.

After downing a few glasses of vodka, and getting half-drunk, Gabrielle heard her apartment bell ring. With half of her consciously, Gabrielle dragged her steps toward the door and peeked through the peephole in the door. "Damn!" She cursed irritably when she saw Richard standing in the doorway. The man finally arrived, but there was nothing left as everything Gabrielle had prepared since the afternoon had now fallen apart because of her own anger.

Gabrielle panicked at once and tried to bring herself to her senses. She smoothed her hair and patted her face, to get her senses back before opening the door.

She opened the door and said hello to Richard, "Rich." Gabrielle tried to steady herself as she seemed unable to stand up straight.

Richard furrowed his brows. "Are you drunk?" Asked Richard.

"Oops ..." Gabriel laughed as he nearly slipped from where he stood.

Richard's jaw tightened, but he remained in full awareness and definite purpose. Richard would even curse himself if he failed to achieve his goal tonight. "Talk to me later." Richard burst in and immediately grabbed Gabriel by the nape and gave her a quick kiss. His eyes glanced around and saw all the chaos while he entered Gabrielle's apartment.

"Let's drink first," Rich said after gently dropping Gabriel onto the sofa, the woman really felt Richman, the man she once had back to her, into her arms.

Gabrielle stared at Richard's face, "I can't believe you came." Said Gabriell.

"Psst ..." Richard walked over to the bar table and took two glasses while avoiding the broken glass scattered on the floor.

Richard poured the vodka that was left in the bottle into a glass. "Drink this, ..." he said as he pushed his glass of Vodka to Gabrielle's lips gently.

Gabrielle shook her head softly, "I don't want to get drunk, Rich. I want you to fucked me now."

"We have all night to do that. I don't want to be rush." Rich said.

But Gabriel looked impatient, she crept up onto Richard's lap and immediately gave him a harsh kiss. From Richard's lips to his neck, while her hands skillfully unbuttoned the shirt Rich was wearing that night. Rich's jaw tightened briefly.

"After waiting so long, I don't want to have sex on the sofa." Said Richard, he immediately picked up Gabrielle and brought her to her feet. "Where is your room."

"Oh, luckily I haven't destroyed it either." Gabriel giggled.

Gab points somewhere and Rich carry her in his arms towards it. Meanwhile, Gab did not give Rich a kiss. The man threw Gab onto the bed as soon as they got to the room.

"Wait here." Said Richard. Richard left the room and came back with another bottle of vodka, an ice cube cup, he laid it on the little table beside Gab's bed.

"You want me to tied you?" Rich asked with a seductive smile.

"Yes Please," Gab said as he pulled one leg up so that he parted part of her dress and exposed her smooth legs.

Richard aksed for the tie, "Where's the tie?"

"I keep everything in a drawer," Gab said.

"Ok honey, I'll be right over." Rich whispered in Gab's ear, right after Rich had crawled on top of Gab's body. "Be patient." He said, before getting back up and walking toward the drawer. Rich opens the first box and finds nothing as if that's where Gab keeps all the documents.

"The second drawer." Gab said giving a hint.

"Ok." Richard opened the second drawer and saw that there was a revolver there, but trying to ignore it. Richard quickly grabbed two armbands and two leg binders, each tied to the corner of Gabrielle's bed. When everything was in place, Richard took off his shirt to reassure Gabrielle that he really meant to fuck her. With his skill, Richard attached the leg and handcuffs to Gabrielle's feet and hands, as the woman squirmed with passion.

"You want me to close your eyes too?" Rich asked.

"Not." Shake Gabrielle

Richard pursed his lips. "You've changed now," Rich said. "You've changed now," Rich said. Richard crawled over the bed and whispered in Gabrielle's ear, as the woman bit her lip, her passion climbing while Richard's face drew close to hers, "You used to enjoy having sex with me so much, while your eyes were tied with blindfolds. I can remember how wild you were when I was plunging mine while you couldn't see and touch me. You played with your wild fantasies about me in your mind, and I miss all of it. "Richard said so convincingly, though the memory meant nothing to him now.

"You forgot if you rejected me earlier?" Asked Gabriel to question Rich's behavior when they met in Richard's office this afternoon.

"I'm sorry. This afternoon I was rude to you. It happened because I was still very confused by your sudden arrival." Said Rich.

"Ok, I forgive you. Now close my eyes." Whispered spoiled Gabrielle.

Richard smiled triumphantly, he grabbed a handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers and tied them over Gabrielle's eyes.

"Let me make up for my foolishness this afternoon," said Rich while tied his handkerchief behind Gab's head covering her eyes. Then she crawled out of bed, while Gabrielle squirmed impatiently. Her feet opened and closed at the knees waiting for Richard to touch them. But that would never happen because Richard took another handkerchief from the pocket of his pants and then rubbed the liquid ammonia and smothered it on Gab's face, making the woman struggle for a while until she finally fell limp.

Never think about fucking her, Rich was even reluctant to touch the woman. His only purpose in coming to Gab's apartment was to seek clues after a tape showing a woman like Gabrielle was caught on CCTV at the place where Christabell was last seen a few weeks ago.

Richard immediately checked all the documents in Gabriel's first drawer, before the woman realized, Richard must have found all the evidence that he could use to trace the whereabouts of his wife.

Rich found various facts, Gabriel had several fake identities with various photos that made the woman look completely different.

He also took Gabrielle's cell phone, where all the data and facts were stored. After stuffing everything into a bag belonging to Gabrielle, including her illegal revolver, Richard takes her outside. Rich is sure that this crazy woman has ever used this object to threatening his wife.

Richard looked at Gab, his jaw clenched, anxious for him to point the revolver at this crazy woman's head and pull the trigger, but Rich was still quite sane. His main priority is to save his wife, he does not need the help of the police which he thinks is working quite slowly, Rich has his own way with his confidants.

Before leaving the room, Richard saw a large cupboard belonging to Gab, he stopped his steps and walked towards the cupboard. Rich opens the door to find that it is Gab's clothes. But in one of the doors, Rich finds several files that look messy, Rich opens them and finds a boat trip ticket for two women. Richard sees the names of the two women, one of which matches Gab's fake identity.

"Puerto Rico?" Richard hissed.

Gab's sea voyage was exactly two days after Cristabell's disappearance. Rich's jaw tightened, he rushed out of the woman's apartment while Gab lay helplessly blindfolded, feet and hands tied. Richard deliberately didn't tie Gab's mouth, because he didn't want her to die in vain, he had to make up for everything she'd done.

Before flying to Puerto Rico on his private jet, Rich took the time to submit all evidence of Gab's crimes to the police on charges of identity forgery.