The Richman - Liar

Pablo intends to take the key car from the reception desk because his job at the resort is as a driver who picks up guests. When he intended to take the key, a receptionist talk to him, "You know the guest in the suite room?" Asked the waiter, one of them was in charge of the housekeeping, so he was the one who took care of all the equipment and cleanliness of the room.

Pablo shook his head, "I haven't seen it in person, but some are already busy talking about him." He answered, seems like uninterested.

The Receptionist named Julia talked softer, "I heard he's a rich guy from New York who owns a lot of companies in New York and also hotels and clubs in LA." She started to gossip.

Pablo's brows furrowed deeply, his eyes wild as if he was suddenly nervous about hearing about Richard Anthony, Christabell's husband. "Is he that rich?" Asked Pablo curious.

"Yes, and what's even crazier he's really handsome." Said another receptionist who just joined. "But unfortunately, the purpose here is to find a wife and child."

Julia rolled her eyes and said, "Are you crazy? What stupid woman left such a perfect husband and ran to this place?"

Another woman rolled her eyes and another pursed her lips. Pablo who was standing near them heard that, his instincts immediately turned to Christabell, could this man from New York be Bell's husband?

Pablo cleared his throat, "You'd better not talk about the guests at this inn behind them." Pablo said.

Julia said, "Pablo, I think you should see him. Maybe you can help find the man's wife and get some money from him."

Pablo's jaw tightened. When it came to Christabell and Adriana, of course, it was no longer a question of money, but a question of feelings. Since Christabell lived in his house with this tiny baby named Adrianna, Pablo had encountered a strange feeling that he had never felt before. He felt in love in them.

For nights he dreamed of a lonely street where Christabell was standing in the distance holding her baby and getting ready to head for a luxury car at the end of the road. Pablo looked at her as if begging her to stay but Bell kept on walking. The nightmare recurs, almost every night with the same incident.

Perhaps it was a manifestation of Pablo's fear that one day he would lose Christabell and the baby. However, after going through various events that made them have a strong enough inner bond. It will be difficult for him to let Christabell and Adrianna out of his lives.

The arrival of this man named Richard Anthony, who's well known as a rich man from New York made him nervous. He must immediately determine the next step to avoid this guy. All she wanted to do was hide Christabell as far as possible so that her husband could not find her. So he has a chance to make Christabell falling in love with him. Even though it takes time, Pablo will do anything to get Christabell as his own beloved. As well as her baby, Adrianna. Pablo also so in love with the little baby and couldn't stay far from her.

Pablo rushed out of the reception desk because he had to drop off the guest that was scheduled for him this morning. Apart from renting out the fleet, this hotel also provides a driver to take the guests to enjoy their vacation.

Pablo stood by the side of the car waiting for guests to leave the hotel to be escorted to wherever they wanted to go.

"Good morning sir." Greeted Pablo when a man in a dark blue shirt and jeans stepped closer to him.

"Morning." Replied the man. Pablo opened the car door so that the man could enter and sit down, then the door was closed. Pablo turned the car to the steering seat and got ready to drive the vehicle he was riding with the hotel guest as soon as the engine started.

"Where would you go sir, today?" Pablo asked.

"Drive around, make sure we pass every corner of this city street." Replied the man.

Pablo smiled briefly. "Yes sir."

The atmosphere became silent as soon as the vehicle drove down the city streets. "If there is no purpose, I can recommend tourist places in this city." Pablo offers additional services.

"I have a clear goal, very clear even." He answered.

"Yes sir." Pablo returned to focus on the road in front of him, a moment later the passenger car's cell phone vibrated, the man sitting in the back seemed to receive a call.

"Yes." His voice sounded a little irritated. "Her name is Christabell Anthony." He said with great emphasis.

"I don't want to make anyone who is hiding my wife know that I am in this city and he is taking her farther away. Look for it by any means, other than your stupid ways!" Snapped the man before hanging up the phone.

"You are looking for your wife sir?" Pablo asked.

"Yes." Replied the man.

"My name is Pablo, I've lived in this city for a long time. Maybe I can help you if you want."

"Oh with pleasure." Richard softened. He even showed me a photo of Christabell from his cell phone screen. "Someone kidnapped her and brought her to this place, that's the only clue I have."

"You didn't involve the police in the search for your wife?" Pablo asked.

"I don't know who my enemy is, so I don't want to put my wife and future baby in danger," Richard said, the look in his eyes truly filled with worry.

Pablo's jaw tightened when he saw the man's face. His mind was churning between wanting to help this poor man but she also didn't want to lose Christabell, the angel who had been with her for a while. Previously, Pablo had felt that his life was empty, but after Christabell and Adrianna were there, his life became so full of meaning. He felt he even had to struggle to live in order to be with the two angels.

Pablo thought for a second and decided, "If I see her I'll call you sir." Lied Pablo. He planned to run Christabell and her baby finally.

"Yes, I will give you a reward, whatever you want, state the number, as long as my wife and her pregnancy come back safely, I will give it to you." Richard said.

"I know what it feels like to lose the sir family," Pablo answered.

"Yes, it hurts a lot." Rich seemed to agree. As the car continued down the street, Richard fixed his gaze to the right and left of the road to see everyone present, hoping that one of them was Christabell, love of his life.