The Richman - Finding Him

Christabell is very concerned about her mother's condition, both physically and psychologically. She even asked the chef to specially cook for her mother foods that are good for brain performance and low in cholesterol.  As what the doctor recommended for Layla to eat. In addition, multivitamins are never absent from Layla's daily menu.

In addition, Christabell is also very fussy about what Layla Stone, her mother, can and cannot do. Especially about physical activities that Christabell thinks will drain her mother's energy excessively, then Christabell will be very fussy and forbid her mother to do that.

Besides Christabell who has a dual role, Zoey also feels the same way. Both Christabell and Zoey take their roles between taking care of baby Adrianna and also Layla Stone, her grandmother.