The Richman - Little Beep

In the end, Christabell received treatment at the hospital because her condition was so weak. And after receiving treatment at the hospital, Christabell's condition slowly improved. She started to look fresher and more energetic even though she hadn't moved out of the hospital bed at all. 

Richard looked at Christabell as his hand squeezed his wife's, "How are you feeling?" Richard asked.

"Much better, they give me an infusion and also relieve the nausea and dizziness in my head too." Christbell replied.

"We'll wait for the lab results to find out what really happened to you." Richard explained.

"I'm scared Rich," Christabell's eyes filled with tears at her husband.

Richard smiled reassuringly, he kissed his wife's forehead, "Everything will be fine." Richard whispered strengthening.

"I hope this isn't a symptom of my late mother's illness." Christabell whispered worriedly.