The Richman - New House

Richard and Christabell have been very busy the past few weeks. They began to separate their personal belongings which they would bring to their new home. So did their two children. Adrianna looks excited to occupy a new apartment because it is closer to the city center and also closer to Adrianna's school. While Ben doesn't really like anything too modern it seems, he prefers to be able to run around in a large yard like the house they live in now. 

"Ben, why don't you pack your things?" Christabell asked as she looked into her son's room while Ben seemed to be busy playing a game.

"I don't want to move house." He said nonchalantly, "What's the matter with this house anyway?" he asked as he glanced at his mother.

"Nothing, honey. Your father just felt he needed to renovate the house." Christabel said. Apparently Richard did have plans to renovate the house.

"Then let Zoey pack my things. She knows what I need and what I don't." The answer is short.