The Richman - Dissapointed

Richard was sitting at the dining table facing his coffee while reading the newspapers. Ben, who seemed very late, hurriedly ran towards the milk and sandwich that was prepared for him and drunk the milk so fast. He also ate the sandwich quickly.

"Slowly, dear." Christabell warned him.

Richard and Chrisatbell seemed to shake their head while watching the way Ben ate his breakfast. On the other side, Adrianna occasionally glanced up at her cellphone which was on the table, like she was waiting for a message from someone, while Richard watched his daughter silently.

"Your food will be cold if you just stir it like that," Richard said and Adrianna was taken aback by the father's rebuke. Adrianna immediately fed a spoonful of the scrambled eggs into her mouth. Christabell narrowed her eyes at her husband and shook her head, signaling Richard not to force Adrianna.