The Richman - Broken Heart [Bonus chapter]

After asking this, Adrianna decided to get up from her bath stand under the shower to rinse herself.  She even shave, tidy herself up.

Adrianna chose a pastel-colored dress with a length above her knees. A premium chiffon dress that when she wears it looks elegant, though not too much. She also put some makeup on her face and blows her hair to make the natural wave effect on her hair. Last but not less, she sprays on perfume which she rarely wears. A gift from her mother while traveling to Paris. Elegant fresh scent.

Looking at her own reflection in the mirror, Adrianna mumbled, "You're actually quite beautiful, why should you lower yourself down by chasing a guy who might not be interested in you." She muttered to herself half pitying herself. 

Adrianna stared at herself in the mirror in silence for a while until she finally said to herself again, "But if you never try, you won't know how Aldric really feels about you." She said again. "Ok I'll find out."