The Richman - Honeymoon

Adrianna and Aldric chose to take a honeymoon package with a dream cruise where they could enjoy a luxurious ocean trip full of intimacy with VVIP facilities offered, ranging from food, rooms specially provided for honeymoon couples to private pools for the two of them.

Starting from Civitavecchia, Rome, their journey begins today for the next ten days of course after they part with their parents and relatives who have returned to New York and other countries where they have lived so far.

They left at six o'clock in the evening. After entering the ship about an hour and the ship started sailing, they enjoyed a romantic dinner together. There were several other couples who might be enjoying the same honeymoon as them, and Adrianna was thrilled to be able to mingle with so many people on her first adventure with her husband, whom she had only married twelve hours ago.