The Richman - Escape Plan

Adrianna woke up and, Aldric seemed still curled up by her side. He slept too late tonight. For a while, Adrianna waited for Aldric to wake up. Staring at his handsome face sleeping so peacefully made Adrianna love him even more. But the happiness that really just started a few hours ago in their household, has now had to be replaced with new problems.

The man who looked so much like Javier Walton suddenly appeared and was almost there in some of their important moments. I don't know what the motivation is, but Adrianna feels that something bad might be being planned by the man.

Aldric began to squirm, he seemed to blink his eyes many times before finally smiling at his wife, "Morning wife." he said to his wife.

"Morning Husband," Adrianna answered with a smile, but she couldn't hide worry from her gaze. "You're so beautiful when you just waking up." Aldric praised the natural beauty of his wife.